Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Let's Count the Ways they fail to meet their obligations
Published on March 10, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

We hear how only the Republicans can protect America from terrorism. It is true there have not been any other attacks in America since 9/11. It is also true that the Bush administration has rallied cooperation among other countries as well as strengthened our own homeland security. However, when you look at the willingness to provide all that is needed, a very different picture emerges. Let's look as some of the security measures that Bush and the GOP has refused to fund:

Provide Radiation detection at the ports. The Democrats supported a 1.5 Billion investment to provide automatic radiation detection on EVERY crane in our ports. The Bush compromise was to include $50 Million in the budget for a $1.5 Billion dollar project.

Provide staffing at the ports that allow for inspection of ONLY 5% of the containers that come into America. What about the other 95%?

Bush included funding for 200 of the 10,000 added Border guards that HE said were required to help secure the Mexican Border. What about the remaining 9,800 guards?

Bush has refused to provide the funding to equip commercial aircraft with anti missile protection similar to what Israel has provided for their commercial aircraft.

Bush has not requested the needed funding to properly staff the Coast Guard which is hopelessly under staffed to protect our shores.

Bush has not increased the size of the active military despite his campaign statements in 2000 that our military was too small to meet its obligations which were far less in 2000 then they are today.

How anyone can assert that Bush and the GOP is the party that can protect us from terrorism in light of the above facts is amazing. We have the money for Iraq. We can grant tax cuts to Big Oil. We can give the wealthiest 5% of Americans tax cuts THEY DO NOT NEED. WE can not find the money to fully protect America!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 12, 2006
Good lord, do you really, really think with tons and tons of drugs just being brought into America with ease every year that you have to risk being searched in a port to get it in? Why do you keep banging this drum? The only people who do are doing it for political effect. It is definitely not my first, or even third point of worry about nuclear terrorism.

You couldn't protect our ports for 1.5 billion. No way shape, form, or fashion. Once you spend the 20 or 30 billion it would take, people would suddenly realize that MEXICANS JUST WALK INTO AMERICA... That drug boats just slide in when they want... That private planes land at private airstrips all the time...

So when you do your patsy little thing about it only costing 1.5 billion to prevent a WMD from getting into the US, you are a liar. We spend tons of money on drugs and illegal aliens and we don't stop them. There's no difference between a ton of cocaine and a ton of anthrax. You're just a fear monger for political effect.
on Mar 13, 2006
If the government wouldspend our tax doillars wisely we wouldnt object to taxes. but you tax the rich folks keep wasting money and then whenrevenue drops you cry foul. and taxtherich (many of whom are small business owners who have to fileindividual tax returns) QUIT WASTINGMONREY AND WE CAN FUND OUT PORTS AND SECURETHEBORDERS! TAX CUTS ARENT THEPROBLEM YOUR WASTE IS
on Mar 13, 2006
Wow, broken record Col is at it again. I am curious however, if security is as bad as Col claims, then why didn't the terrorist attack with a WMD instead of what happened on 9/11? I mean keeping in mind that security is tighter now than it was before 9/11, if they didn't attack with a WMD before, why would they try now?

Well there's a simple answer to that question, because they know they will not get it thru. But, that is the point, they keep us on the edge with the idea that a nuke will eventually make it thru when in fact they are planning other types of attacks like they did on 9/11. No one in the US ever figured that they would go as far as stealing 4 planes and crashing them into very important landmarks, that's why they did it.

Get a clue "I have the answers to everything" Col, they will not try to pass a nuke cause they know it's not gonna be easy and it will be a waste. If they attack they will do it some other way. And there is no amount of money in the world, no security that will stop them except complete lockdown of the US, the exportation of every muslim or muslim related person in the US and completely isolating ourselves from the world. Or maybe dropping some nukes in the Middle East to teach them not to mess with us but that would probably only make things worse.

You ignorance is blinding with all the bashing you do when it comes to the deficit but it doesn't hurt you to claim not enough is being spent. You a hypocrit Col and you don't deserve a blog on this site. You should be thanful that it's not up to me to give you the boot. To constantly contradict yourself, like getting your cake and eat it too, is beyond stupidity and will eventually get people like me kicked out because of the fustration you can create. Sure I could ignore you but human nature is too strong and most people are not capable of stopping themselves from reading and then responding. Dang I can't seem to understand how you are still here while others have been shown the door. Let me shut up before I too get to see the outside of the door more often than I want.
on Mar 13, 2006
SBA makes loans for Business to the best of my knowledge not for private residences.

>>BUZZ<< Wrong answer, COL. A friend from church who is a recent retiree of the SBA (within three months) used to head up the loan branch. He says the SBA is into the business loans, but his department headed up loans to private individuals for reconstruction purposes after disasters. The department he personally supervised wrote about 25,000 non-business-related loans after Hurricane Andrew.

Sure I could ignore you but human nature is too strong and most people are not capable of stopping themselves from reading and then responding.

Which is why I keep coming back. I must enjoy hitting my head against the brick wall.
on Mar 15, 2006
I was not aware of residential SBA loans. However, compared with the need, 25,000 loans is a drop in the bucket. Loans are ONLY an answer for people that have the ability to repay them. For many that is not possible. The issue remains, we are NOT dealing with the rebuilding of the 500,000 homes that were destroyed in the Gulf.

As to WMD coming into this country- If 3million illegal can cross into America last year and given the tunnel that was discovered, anyone that believes terrorists could not bring a Nuclear bomb into this country has been spending too much time in fantasy land. In addition a resent study by Homeland defense showed that many shipping containers are not properly inspected and indicated that the seals have been removed and later replaced which means that anything could be in those containers regardless of what the shipping documents indicate. The Democrats have AGAIN introduced a bill in the House to provide the needed equipment to inspect containers. The cost is about a billion dollars. They have attempted to fund this equipment in the past and the GOP has refused to include the needed funding in the budget. It is more important to give tax cuts to the wealthy and the oil companies that support Bush then buy the equipment to inspect the containers.
on Mar 16, 2006

Throwing money at this will not cure the problem of logistics. Money does not cure all: I reiterate: How about being realistic. more than 6 million shipping containers enter the US every year .(this does not include all the other things like cars and other items that could contain WMD's). If we inspected each one and it only took 20 seconds to inspect each one (even though thats not realistic, realistically about 20 minutes))that means it would take a total of 33,333 hours to inspect them all. Thats 1,388 days. How do we solve that simple problem? If you give it the more relistic 20 minutes per container, its 83,333 days to inspect them all. I am sure the Government would love to hear your solution for all this.

As for "fixing" the homes in the Gulf. What ever happened to individuals being responsible for their own? I am a home owner in Florida. Have lived through 8 or 10 hurricanes to include Andrew (which wiped out my Mom and Dads place in Key Biscyane). And we did not need nor want 1 dollor from the federal government. I didn't wait for any FEMA person to come around and cut my fallen trees up and cart them away or repair my home. I did it my slef and I still kept going. People like you who think the Government should take care of everyone is one of the reasons money goes out the door like water through a river. Stop the handouts and get people to help themselves. I love the people in the Gulf who took my money (yes I pay taxes too) and spent it on all those nice drugs, alcohol and tattoos and such. Yep that makes me want to help them out. Is that everyone? No but without throwing money at everyone it would not have happened. If a person can not make plans for themselves (INSURANCE) or savings or working for money (called work) them they need have the reality of not having Uncle Sam provide for everything for them. Are there exceptions? Of course. But as a whle, way to much money is being thrown at the problem and much of the money is going where it does not need to go, those who are not willing to work for it. I would make a deal with them, 4 hours a day work cleaning up the storm trash, and you get some federal aid. No work, no aid.

Who was dumb enogh to build a entire city below sea level anyway? On the coast known for hurricanes? Oh thats right, the French. LOL If you live in a city that is built that way, guess what, EXPECT to be FLOODED when a storm comes. Oh and when the Government says leave, guess what LEAVE! LOL people will continue to be stupid. WHen my folks home was destroyed by Andrew they were satying at my brothers house, we all went back and worked together and guess what!? They moved back in just afew months after the storm. Amazing what work can do. All without FEMA aid. AMazing aint it.
on Mar 16, 2006
1. Anyone willing to die for a cause can not be stopped. Strap sticks of dynamite to your chest and no amount of security, no amount of guards and check points is going to stop you from blowing yourself and everyone around you sky-high.

2. We have too many entry points to reasonably protect. You can walk into this country easily from the north or south, or via a little motor boat to some unpopulated strip of coastline. Can you, as a single person, be immediately aware of anyone crossing onto your property? How much does it cost to monitor just that small bit of land? Multiply that by millions and you have the beginnings of an idea of what it would cost to monitor our borders.

3. Our greatest danger is not from foreign terrorism... it's from the crazies in the mountains who think the black helicopters are out to get them. Standard farm, or even household materials can be made into powerful bombs. Should we start restricting the sale of bleach? How about propane tanks? Gasoline is combustable, how about that too? Why aren't we rounding up all the domestic dissenters?

4. How do we staff this? With ShadowWar's estimate of 83,333 hrs to inspect every shipping container at 20min each, that's 228 man years. But you have to be very quick about turning those around otherwise you choke trade. You need to be able to turn those around same-day... which means you need a LOT of workers just doing inspections. At 6m per year, that's 16,438 containers per day, which needs 228 guys working 24hrs to inspect them all the day they come in... but people can't work those hours, so you need 3 8hr shifts. At a minimum, assuming for no slow-downs, no errors, that's 685 people... but we have more ports than that in the US, so really you're looking at a number of workers in the thousands doing nothing but inspecting shipping containers 8hrs a day at 20min per container (which still isn't a reasonable number in many cases)

Lets say there are 500 ports in the US. Each port would get around 12,000 containers a day. At 20min a container, each port has 167 man days of work to do every day. So each port requires 3 shifts of 167 people, or about 500 people per port. That's 250,000 employees total.

Now, of course we have to pay them all good wages, since the government should compensate for any bad spending habits one may have by paying more. Lets say that with salary, and benefits, a single inspector costs the govt $50,000 a year (probably a low number in the long-run). Ready for the total, just in low-end wages?

Really ready?

$12.5 BILLION... and that doesn't include equipment, safety measures etc... and it assumes no delays, no container taking more than 20min to inspect and clear (or quarantine). Take all the other associated costs, and expand the time estimate out just a tad to a full hour per container and you're jumping several orders of magnitude.

Just doubling the inspection time jumps the cost to 25,000,000,000... or 25 billion.

If they passed that appropriations bill you'd be having a fit over the defecit instead.
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