Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
He is not enforcing our laws
Published on March 31, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

There is talk as to why we need new immigration laws since the laws currently on the books are not being enforced. Laws that require employers to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. Laws that require Federal withholding taxes. Laws regarding legal entry into the United States. Why do we have laws on the books that are not being enforced? What makes anyone believe any new laws passed by Congress to control illegal immigration will be enforced? Who is responsible to enforce our federal laws? Answer The President. Below is the exact section and statement from our Constitution that REQUIRES the President to enforce the laws passed by Congress.
It is time for Bush to enforce our laws or for Congress to remove him from office for violating the Constitution of the United States!
The Constitution of the United States
Article II. - The Executive Branch

Section 3 - State of the Union, Convening Congress

He shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed

Comments (Page 8)
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on Apr 06, 2006

The exit polls are not the same because of how the were people were chosen to answer the questions. The same is true of the unscientific polls on Lou Dobbs. There is no control as to who answers. Those polls show 97 and 98 % in disagreement with Most of our policies and the reason is because more people that are predisposed to be against Bush view the show. If you took a poll on Fox you would get results that show more Bush support again because of the viewers.

The scientifically designed polls show such a one sided result there is no question they demonstrate the VAST MAJORITY of Americans do not support Bush or the GOP Agenda. I am no expert on the exact design mechanics of polls but I do know that if properly designed they are accurate within the margin of error designed into the poll. If you think they do not matter, tell me why since the polls showed the nonsupport for Bush and his policies he appears every ware? You can bet the White House Staff, Congressman and Bush are very worried about what the polls show!
on Apr 06, 2006
The guy has an answer for everything doesn't here? Col, you may suck at proving a point sometimes and even listening to others, but you could be one hell of a politician because of those faults. Ever considered running for a Gov't office?

#103 by COL Gene
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Col, do you realize what you said in the first line? Key word predict, the same word used in weather forecast and psychics shows. Both of which use a 50/50 chance of being right or wrong. It's suppose to give you an idea of what could happen or what people might think, not what will happen or what people really think.

You also claim that they show to be correct within the margin of error but that is not always true. There have been many polls where the truth was opposite of the prediction by a lot over the margin or error. Even the news stations use them as a basis to the story they speak of, not as a solid fact.

Funny thing is that this site alone should prove to you how wrong some polls can be. You claim most Americans do not aprove of Bush but it seems that most people on this site do. That kinda contradicts your poll. If I was to make a poll article on this site asking who agrees and who doesn't agree with Bush, chances are I would get a higher number of those who agree. It would still be a legit poll cause this is an open website and anyone can reply even without creating an account.

None of this matters though, cause like I said in my first sentence, you have an answer for everything . You are never wrong, you sound like my sister .
on Apr 06, 2006
BTW, we all know that people will do and say anything to get what they want. Those who make these polls are also people and they are just as able to be persuaded by money as anyone else in the world. You can never prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that any poll is 100% legit.
on Apr 06, 2006
Yes I have noticed that many JoeUsers are Bush Washed. They refuse to see what is taking place no matter how much proof is provided. They always have a reason why things are not as the fact show or how the results are NOT because of Bush and his policies.
on Apr 06, 2006
My objection to your use of polls in your arguments as if they were fact has nothing to do with George Bush, unlike everything you say or do, which has everything to do with George Bush.
on Apr 06, 2006
Yes I have noticed that many JoeUsers are Bush Washed. They refuse to see what is taking place no matter how much proof is provided. They always have a reason why things are not as the fact show or how the results are NOT because of Bush and his policies.

I hope you include yourself on that list of people who refuse to see what is taking place. Ever ask yourself how come your facts are OK but everyone elses is not? Do you seriously believe that only you are right on this entire website?
on Apr 06, 2006
I am not sure where you went to Business School but polls are designed to predict the attitude of the population for which it was designed within the error limits which for most polls is + or- 3%

Yes, Col, because they tell us polls are accurate, they must be. This despite the fact that in nearly 36 years of existence, I have never once been asked to represent my own viewpoint on these polls in which you place such an unnatural trust, AND despite the fact that 90% of the poll questions I have read do not even have a POSSIBLE ANSWER that represents my viewpoint, or even that of most of my friends.

You believe anything the DNC tells you, COL, without questioning. How sad is that?
on Apr 06, 2006
The results of the past five years in many areas are clearly established by the facts. I have looked at the changes and presented them as they are and not as I would like them. I have listed them and provided the sources. You tell me this is Bush bashing. The truth is that most of the changes in the major areas important to Americans have gone south since 2001. Many of these areas were problems BEFORE Bush and have become much worse which tells me Bush has not solved these issues. Job Loss, Trade, Energy, Health, Medicare are examples. Other things were not a problem in Jan 2001 and are now major problems. These areas were created by the policies we are following. The Annual Budget deficit and Iraq are prime examples. Some issues are about the same as when Bush became President. A good example is the Funding problems with Social Security.

Given the fact the Bush and his GOP supporters have given us the policies over the past 5 1/2 years, they are responsible for the results. Bush has said WE MUST JUDGE BY RESULTS. I agree 100%. That is what I do and what the Bush supporters do not want to acknowledge given the results.
on Apr 06, 2006
My data DOES NOT come from the DNC
on Apr 06, 2006
My data DOES NOT come from the DNC

I am sure Howard Dean will thank you for distancing yourself from the DNC, COL, but the fact is, you're nothing but a shill.

POLLS are not the basis for our government, COL, and regardless of how much faith you put in them, they are ALWAYS inaccurate---often highly so, for a number of reasons too complex to go into here (a few of which have been brought to your attention by myself and others).
on Apr 06, 2006
My data for the most part comes from U S Government agencies. I do not believe the DNC or Howard Dean controls them.
on Apr 06, 2006
Note the sources on my Blog:


By COL Gene
Posted Wednesday, March 08, 2006 on Bush Truth
Discussion: Politics

Here is some factual data comparing Dec 2000 with today:

National Debt Dec. 2000 $5.7 Trillion; Feb. 2006 $8.3 Trillion – U.S Treasury dept

Interest on Debt 2000 $230 Billion; 2006 $380 Billion - U.S Treasury

Unemployment rate Dec 2000 3.9%; February 2006 4.7% U S dept of Labor

Trade deficit $370 Billion 2000; $785 Billion 2005 U S Dept of Commerce

Illegal Aliens 8 Million in 2000; 20 million in 2005 Census Dept and Border Patrol

on Apr 06, 2006
The Dept of Labor released unemployment data on US citizen’s unemployment rates that show they are 5.2% not the 4.7 %. That lower rate includes non U S Citizens who have a lower unemployment rate the do U S Citizens.

on Apr 06, 2006
Yes I have noticed that many JoeUsers are Bush Washed. They refuse to see what is taking place no matter how much proof is provided. They always have a reason why things are not as the fact show or how the results are NOT because of Bush and his policies

We "may be" Bush washed as you call it...but at least we are not stupidly ignorant like someone we "could" mention!
on Apr 07, 2006
Methinks someone should read my blog about polls.
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