Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Per Scooter Libby's Testimony
Published on April 6, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

On Page 20 of the testimony given the court by Scooter Libby claims it was President Bush that authorized the release of classified information to the press. Thus, Mr. Libby is claiming he was only doing what the President had authorized.

Mr. Libby further stated that these instructions were given to him by the Vice President. If these claims are validated, we have another Watergate- Both the President and Vice President would have violated the laws of the United States and put our secret agents in jeopardy if what Mr. Libby said is true. This from a President that has condemned the release of classified information.

If true, this would require the removal of both Bush and Cheney from office! What will we learn tomorrow about this corrupt administration?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 07, 2006
You have asked two very different questions. To the question did either Libby or Rove violate the very complex law that was indented to protect the ideates of our agents NO.

To the question did Rove and Libby provide the identify of Mrs. Wilson to the press YES.

In effect, Bush and Cheney as Libby testified authorized the released sensitive information to discredit Wilson because he reveled the fact that the Bush/Cheney assertions about Saddam having nuclear weapons were untrue. We know now that Wilson contention WAS CORRECT. The CIA, State Dept, Energy dept and the subsequent search for WMD PROVE that what Bush was telling us was not correct. In the case of the nuclear Intel, the Intel WAS correct Bush just covered up that Intel until AFTER he got Congress to allow the invasion.
on Apr 07, 2006
The investigation DID NOT conclude that as you put it no secret cover was blown. What the investigation did show is that Libby and Rove cleverly did not violate ALL the provisions needed to be charged under that law. The investigation did show the Rove was the FIRST to identify Mrs. Wilson as an agent and Libby then confirmed that fact. All this and the release of sections of the Presidential Daily Brief to discredit Wilson. We have a President and VP that used sensitive classified information in a attempt to silence an official because they did not like what he was saying even though he was TELL THE TRUTH WHILE BUSH AND CHENEY WERE HIDING THE FACTS THAT DID NOT SUPPORT WHAT THY WANTED TO DO. Libby in his testimony admitted that is what Bush and Cheney were doing. At the same time Bush is standing in front of us saying he wants to get to the bottom of the source of release of the classified information it was Bush and Cheney that were the source! Bush now has a new title- Leaker in Chief
on Apr 07, 2006
I have a feeling you'll be lost at the end of January, 2009. I don't think you'll be able to function without being able to criticize Bush.
on Apr 07, 2006
You show you ignorance. Your Iraqi General was part of the Saddam regime. Zinni was the former CENCOM Commander and a person that had all the Intel at his view. What he said is that the total Intel DID not show Saddam was a threat. Only those elements of the Intel that supported Bush were released PRIOR to our invasion. I will believe OUR General Zinni long before your Iraqi General.

MY IGNORANCE? To be quite honest I wouldn't trust info that came from "either" source. They "both" have books they're trying to sell. But if I was to believe either one it "sure as sh*t" wouldn't be Zinni, fool! Zinni is relying on what? Information given to him by someone else. While Sada is relying on information that he wittnessed. And while I'm thinking about it just why do you think Sada is lying? He "was" Saddam's #2 in their airfarce. He's never been under the gun so he doesn't need to lie to save his butt!
on Apr 07, 2006
The information Gen Zinni has revealed had also been confirmed by Gen Trainer and Paul Piller the former Chief CIA Agent for Iraq. It has also been confirmed by years of looking for WMD in Iraq. You keep defending that liar we have in the White House The Leaker in Chief- AWOL George and Draft Dodger Dick!
on Apr 07, 2006
Then why are we beating this dead horse yet again?

Because the press can. If they can't find a way to get him kicked out of office, they'll settle for doing anything they can to tar & feather him.

Our local paper had it above-the-fold page 1, of course, playing it as if it were proven fact, with the little disclaimer "Libby claimed in grand jury testimony" only showing up at the end of paragraph 3. If you got no further than paragraph 2, you'd swear that Fitzgerald had confirmed that Bush had authorized the "leak". The press are a bunch of vindictive asshats itching to get even; they thought they had their boy elected in 2004, not to mention 2000.
on Apr 07, 2006
This has nothing to do with the press, this is BUSH. Just like Iraq is not because of the paper. The two mosques bombed in the past two days is because of the press. Like HELL! It is the consequences of the policies we are following NOT THE PRESS. Blame someone else for what YOU HAVE DONE. Bush has screwed up just about EVERYTHING he touched!
on Apr 07, 2006
200,000 thousand new jobs, last month unemployment 4.7. yeh yeh yeh I know but but but bush bush bush evil evil...
on Apr 07, 2006
I think you have ADD or something, Gene - you can't stay on topic to save your soul.
on Apr 07, 2006
What do jobs have to do with this topic?

Since you brought JOBS up, we are over 1,000,000 short to be even with 2001. The Study completed by the US conference of Mayors at the end of 2005 shows the new jobs Bush is crowing about pay 21% less on the average. They also have far less benefits especially health and retirement. How would you like to take a 21% pay cut and lose you health and retirement? I bet you would not thing that was GOOD.
on Apr 07, 2006
Gene, I'm sympathetic to your general cause, but dude, nobody plays the one-note song as well as you. You don't have a shred of credibility. As much as my own credibility is full of holes around here, you somehow still manage to beat me. I don't know whether to be sad or impressed.

I've urged you before, and I'll do it again: write about diverse subjects.
on Apr 08, 2006
The subject of this Blog Site is BUSH TRUTH. That is why most of my Blogs are about Bush and his impact on our country. When I choose to comment on a subject I sight the source and my sources are the most credible available. Thus to claim I have no credibility is to say my sources like the Departments of Treasury, Labor, Commerce, State and departments like GAO, OMB and CIA have no credibility. If you believe the sources I use do not report accurate information, then you have no confidence in the most basic elements of this country.
on Apr 08, 2006
See this Blog as an example:


By COL Gene
Posted Wednesday, March 08, 2006 on Bush Truth
Discussion: Politics

Here is some factual data comparing Dec 2000 with today:

National Debt Dec. 2000 $5.7 Trillion; Feb. 2006 $8.3 Trillion – U.S Treasury dept

Interest on Debt 2000 $230 Billion; 2006 $380 Billion - U.S Treasury

Unemployment rate Dec 2000 3.9%; February 2006 4.7% U S dept of Labor

Trade deficit $370 Billion 2000; $785 Billion 2005 U S Dept of Commerce

Illegal Aliens 8 Million in 2000; 20 million in 2005 Census Dept and Border Patrol

on Apr 08, 2006
The information Gen Zinni has revealed had also been confirmed by Gen Trainer and Paul Piller the former Chief CIA Agent for Iraq. It has also been confirmed by years of looking for WMD in Iraq. You keep defending that liar we have in the White House The Leaker in Chief- AWOL George and Draft Dodger Dick!

I'm sorry but I give up! You are just so FRIGGING IGNORANT AND STUPID that it's no longer funny! You can't even admit that Sada just "might" know what he's talking about, can you? The "reason" you might not be able to find the WMD's is they "might" be in Syria just like Gen Sada said they were.
on Apr 08, 2006
Yes, the blog site with the clever oxymoron for a name. The unbiased, objective analysis of all things Bush.
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