Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 21, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Yes another negative story about King George. The answer as to why so many negative Blogs is that hardly a day passes that does not either reveal another Bush error or show a new mistake that our President has made.

The China visit is a combination of both. It was Bush who expanded the failed trade policy of Clinton to include China. Now we have another $200 Billion trade problem to deal with in this country.

The issues with China are major and run deep. The most apparent is that trade deficit and the refusal of China to stop actions that make it impossible for the trade to come even close to be in balance. In addition to the vast difference in labor costs we have the currency manipulation that makes China's products cheep in this country and our products more expensive in China. We have the lack property rights that causes cheep knock offs made in China competing with our products.

If all that were not enough, we have the largest country in the world that does not allow freedom to their people. In fact China is using our technology and companies to enforce restrictions on individual freedom in China.

We will not deal with Cuba 90 miles from our shore but George W. Bush brings out all the pomp to welcome the leader of the world's largest dictatorship. We send our young people to die in Iraq to spread democracy and then Bush welcomes the President of China.

What is the net result for America from this visit - NOTHING. Way to go George!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 21, 2006
I still wish you would, for once, blog about something aside from Bush. Just once. Talk about your weekend, a birthday party, some stories from your time in the military. Something about your favorite flavor of ice cream. ANYTHING.

The reason is, with your complete and utter lack of variety, you lose pretty much all credibility. You've become the resident loon. The guy who sits on the street corner with the sandwich boards reading "THE END IS HERE!" and yell about God's wrath and nothing else. Sitting here and doing nothing but bash Bush, even if you ever happen to be right about something, you are discredited by your behavior. You claim to be a moderate republican, but absolutely nothing you say or do here backs that up. You appear to be completely biased, and have no sense of objectivity.

You're like the talking heads on the right who bash the left no matter what they do. Rush hated Clinton for everything. ALl he did was tear on the guy. Deserved or not, the fact that it was always an assault, always negative, always so defying reason or logic is why he holds pretty much zero sway with anyone outside of the far right. Ann Coulter, same way. You employ the same tactics as those you would probably vilify. You're just at the other extreme.

So, please, for your own sake at least, try and show some variety to what you write. Show us there's something to you aside from your blind hatred for Bush and the current administration. Try and appear a bit more human and you just might find people here a tad more receptive to what you're trying to say.
on Apr 21, 2006
Mmmm Zoomba I like ice cream

Zoomba is right. I would be intrigued to hear some stories from the military. Places you've been. Things you saw. That would be WAY cool.

on Apr 21, 2006
I will try just as soon as Bush does something positive. My Blog site is Bush Truth.
on Apr 21, 2006
And what is the 'Truth' Col?

It is the 'Truth' according to YOU! Period. Anyone who argues against that is plain stupid in your opinion. And you call Bush a dictator?

You WILL NEVER find anything positive if you are looking for dirt.

Do you think he is a good family man? Do you like his ranch?
on Apr 21, 2006
Reply By: COL GenePosted: Friday, April 21, 2006I will try just as soon as Bush does something positive. My Blog site is Bush Truth

no your blog is bushes truth as seen through the eyes of a bashbashing loon.

gong! gong!! gong!
on Apr 21, 2006

Then you're fighting a battle you'll never win. The reason being that you don't know the basic rules of online writing. You don't know how to build an audience (here it's more a crew of hecklers) in an online space, you don't know how to actually debate your points, you don't even acknowledge the potential validity of your opposition... and that is KEY to being an effective speaker/debater.

And I'm not asking you to praise Bush. If you don't like him, you don't like him. I'm just asking for something that will make you appear more human. Something that would imply that you spend any moment of your day doing something aside from seething with hatred for Bush.
on Apr 21, 2006
The irony of this article is that even though he mentions that China will not stop their actions and that China restricts freedom to it's people, it's still all Bush's fault. That's why no one believes Col.

Hey Col, you don't think Bush does anything positive? Hows about this?

Companies using illegal workers to be targeted
Immigration arrests 9 IFCO bosses along with 1,000 workers
From CNN.com Link

Here's a story about something being done about the immigration problem, something that you b_tched about over and over and eyt I have not see you report about it. This is the truth aswell, why did you ignore it or at least take a shot at it? You're a hypocrit Col. Nothing more, nothing less.
on Apr 21, 2006
#7 by Charles.C
Friday, April 21, 2006

Here's a story about something being done about the immigration problem, something that you b_tched about over and over and eyt I have not see you report about it.

charles, here is how it works with colgene, Bush solves every problem in the world, gene remains silent.

Gene did not get layed last night, "IT'S ALL BUSHES FAULT!!!
on Apr 21, 2006
Gene did not get layed last night, "IT'S ALL BUSHES FAULT!!!

You know, you might be on to something here. I can imagine him sleepinga dn all of a sudden waking up in the middle of the night screeming "I KNEW IT WAS BUSH'S FAULT". I wonder what his wife thinks of his article.
on Apr 21, 2006
I never said Bush is responsible for ANYTHING China is doing. What I said is that OUR reaction and policy toward China is what is wrong because it does not mitigate the actions of China that are harming the United States.
on Apr 21, 2006
What a waste of an article.
on Apr 21, 2006

#10 by COL Gene
Friday, April 21, 2006

Really? Well let's break it down since you never seem to realize what you write.

You said:

In fact China is using our technology and companies to enforce restrictions on individual freedom in China.

Then you said:

What is the net result for America from this visit - NOTHING. Way to go George!

To me this implies that China is using us to restrict their peoples freedom more and that Bush has done nothing to stop it. Care to try again stating that you don't blame Bush for what's happening in China? I too can look for negative in anything I read, this is what's called a taste of your own medicine. How does it taste Col?
on Apr 21, 2006
Charles standing at the 3 point line, he shoots, HE SCORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Apr 21, 2006
Hello All, I've been reading thru the Col.'s posts. He has an agenda and its honestly stated. Frankly, when President Clinton was in office, I saw some similar continuous diatribes against him. Anyone who listens to Rush's programe for tarnished journalism knows what a continuous assault on one party and one family is like. My sense is that conservatives just don't like their own methods tossed back at them. Just my opinion. Be well.
on Apr 21, 2006
#14 by Sodaiho
Friday, April 21, 2006

Hello All, I've been reading thru the Col.'s posts

hello back at ya!

Frankly, when President Clinton was in office, I saw some similar continuous diatribes against him.

I am sure OTHER subjects were talked about, it was not bash bill 24/7/365.

My sense is that conservatives just don't like their own methods tossed back at them. Just my opinion. Be well.

whew!!! good thing I am moderateman heh heh heh
Be well.

you too.
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