Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Social Security and Medicare trustees released their reports today. They show the following for 2005:

Social Security took in $172 Billion MORE then it paid out.
Medicare took in $21 Billion MORE then it paid out.

That means the two funds had a combined surplus in 2005 of $193 Billion. George Bush subtracts this amount from the Annual Federal deficit to make it look smaller.

Bush reported the deficit as $427 Billion AFTER he subtracted the $193 Billion in surplus from Social Security and Medicare.

In other words the REAL deficit in 2005 was $620 Billion (427 + 193) not the $427 Billion reported by Bush!

If Bush had to certify the financial statements like the Fed requires of company CEO's, he would be in violation of the truth in reporting act!

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 02, 2006
Every day more sources point to how Bush has mislead and misdirected this country in a mired of areas. Chris Mathews has two former CIA agents that clearly have stated that Bush and Cheney knew Saddam had no WMD in the fall of 2002 and went ahead and LIED IN ORDER TO GO TO WAR. Powell has joined about 8 of the most senior military in saying Bush screwed up the Iraq war. These issues are not being made up by me they are ALL over the news 24/7. The issue of the deficit will be one of the most destructive results of the Bush administration for decades to come.

The issue of Bush and the way he served the military has been settled by his own records. After 30 years in the military I know that when a member of the military disobeys regulations, does not report to duty as directed and disobeys the orders of his or her commanding officer they are PUNISHED. No member of the military, without protection at a very high level, could have done what Lt Bush did and not be punished. NO member of the military that disobeyed their CO and did not report for duty would be granted an Honorable discharge. ANY pilot that is grounded, as Bush was, for not taking a mandatory physical must receive a board of review which Bush escaped. YES Bush did not deserve nor should he have been granted an Honorable Discharge. Some very high military official disobeyed regulations in order to protect Bush. Only time will tell if the identity of that person will ever become public. The reason the issue of the Honorable discharge Bush received is so important is that without it HE COULD NEVER HAVE run for ANY public office!
on May 02, 2006
I seem to remember hearing that somewhere... hrm... where was that...
on May 02, 2006

Your denial of what is in your face every day just shows that there are a small % of the people that will NOT look at things as they ARE BUT as they want them TO BE.

I have spent about two years putting together a picture of the ten major issues that face our country. What we hear from both the Republicans and Democrats on an issue are SOME of the relevant facts but not all the facts. The phrase that is used in court comes to mind. Do you swear to tell the WHOLE truth and NOTHING BUT the truth.

Let me give you one example. When the issue of jobs is the subject, Bush and people who support him will tell us about the roughly 5 million jobs that have been created in the past 2 1/2 years. That is so far as I know true. The Democrats will tell us that we are 1.5 million jobs short. Now let’s get to the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH about jobs. To be in the same condition as when Bush became President just numbers wise, we needed 6.5 Million new jobs to provide work for those that lost their job and the new workers that have cone into the work force since Jan 2001. We have created 5 million jobs and are about 1.5 Million jobs short only considering NUMBERS. Now let’s look at the quality of 5 million jobs that have been created. The U. S Conference of Mayors had an exhaustive study completed that was released in December 2005 that showed the following:

18 states had not recovered the jobs loss - i.e. the 1.5 million missing jobs

The average wage of the jobs created in 2004 and 2005 pay, on the average, 21% LESS then the jobs that were lost from 2001-2003.

The benefits, mainly Health and retirement of the new jobs are far less then the jobs that were lost.

Therefore the WHOLE TRUTH about Jobs over the past 5 years the economy under Bush and his policies which he takes credit for have created 5 million new jobs that pay 1/5 less then the jobs that were lost, they have fewer benefits and we are still short about 1.5 million jobs.
on May 02, 2006
Don't think for a second that I don't think the budget of the US is out of control, and don't think I don't appreciate the seriousnes of the deficit. I just think it is blatantly false to sit and blame the Great and Powerful Oz while the people who really hold the purse strings, and who WILL be there after 2008 sit and waste all of our money. All you accomplish is distracting people from the real villains that you play puppet for, and worse, fight to give MORE money to.
on May 02, 2006
on May 02, 2006
A man walking the hallways of the White House finds a quarter on the rug... LOOK HE SHOUTS BUSH IS WASTING MONEY AND I HAVE PROOF!!!!!!!

GENE??????? YOU~!!!!!! ARE !!!! LOSING!~!!! WHAT!!!! LITTLE!!!!! MIND!!!! YOU!!!! HAVE!!!!!!!!!
on May 02, 2006
You stupid ASS. The trillions of dollars Bush has borrowed, the hundreds of Billions on Iraq the 193 Billion he hid last year is not a quarter. The $31 Billion of added interest you and I will pay this year because he wants to give his rich friends and oil companies’ tax cuts are not quarters.
on May 02, 2006
You stupid ASS.

Oh... well, that certainly convinces me. Were you in the debating club in high school?
on May 03, 2006
This is not a debate. The issue is serious and when people make believe this a joke I have very little patience with that sort of attitude. Every time I bring up an issue and document it and one of the Bushies can not refute what I have said, they attack me, make a joke or change the subject. That is the VERY same way Bush and his senior staff operate. I watch them on the various news shows. How often when asked a reasonable question does Bush or others in his administration shift to a statement or answer that HAS NOTHING to do with the question or watch Bush or his press secretary make a joke out of the question. Sorry for my response. It does not help the discussion.
on May 03, 2006
This is not a debate. The issue is serious and when people make believe this a joke I have very little patience with that sort of attitude. Every time I bring up an issue and document it and one of the Bushies can not refute what I have said, they attack me, make a joke or change the subject. That is the VERY same way Bush and his senior staff operate. I watch them on the various news shows. How often when asked a reasonable question does Bush or others in his administration shift to a statement or answer that HAS NOTHING to do with the question or watch Bush or his press secretary make a joke out of the question. Sorry for my response. It does not help the discussion

Just keep right on braying like the jack-a** you are.
on May 03, 2006
Another Bushie - Just like him. You claim an IQ of 135. What is that after it is multiplied by two? By your rational, you appear to be a blithering idiot!
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