Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial
Published on May 30, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Below is the Editorial today from the Philadelphia Inquirer titled, Tax Cuts and the Deficits which is 100 % in sink with the analysis I have included in my new book. In a nut shell, the Presidents former economic advisor, N. Gregory Mankiw admits that the NEW revenue generated from the Bush tax cuts have only provided 1/2 the revenue lost from the tax cuts and the other half have become part of the deficits. For those that claim the deficit is because of the added spending on hurricanes, terrorism and the War in Iraq. The Comptroller general, David Walker said only 1/3 of the growing deficit has been caused by that added spending.

In other words, the Bush Tax Cuts are driving America into debt that our children will pay for in the years to come! The sources of this analysis are the CBO and OMB. So please do not tell me it is some liberal conspiracy. What we have is just what Bush 41 said, Voodoo Economics. Another good reason to retire Senator Rick Santorum who supported the Bush Tax cuts including the $70 Billion raid on the treasury in early May.

Posted on Tue, May. 30, 2006

Tax Cuts and Deficits

Editorial | Bad math, slick politics: We'll pay, eventually

For the past five years, Congress and President Bush have been cutting taxes in the face of huge deficits, all the while peddling a math myth to the public.
Tax cuts won't make the deficits worse, they say. Tax cuts will stimulate so much economic growth that federal tax revenue will actually increase. Tax cuts, they are fond of saying, pay for themselves.
Actually, no. Economists of all stripes agree that federal tax cuts by themselves do not boost federal revenue back to the level before the cuts were enacted.
Tax cuts do boost economic activity. This growth does replace a portion of the revenue once generated by the eliminated taxes. But far from all. Very far. Researchers' estimates of this replacement effect vary from around 15 percent to 50 percent, depending on the type of tax cut and the prior rate.
Any responsible politician should know this, but polls persist in peddling the cozy myth. Sen. Rick Santorum (R., Pa.) played along earlier this month when Congress extended tax cuts on capital gains and dividend income for two years, at a cost to the federal treasury of $70 billion.
"We've put these tax provisions in place," Santorum said, "and they've raised money."
Even President Bush's former economic adviser, N. Gregory Mankiw, concedes that activity spurred by the capital gains tax cuts made up only about half of the lost revenue.
What do you call the other half? Under this administration, you call it "deficit."
Data from the president's own Office of Management and Budget refute the argument that tax cuts "pay for themselves." Over the past three years, with tax cuts in effect, federal revenue was $316 billion lower than OMB had predicted, in 2003, that it would have been without tax cuts.
The federal deficit this fiscal year is projected at more than $330 billion.
From 2001 to 2005, federal revenue fell at an average rate of 0.6 percent when adjusted for inflation and population growth, according to the left-leaning think tank Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington.
Some Republican lawmakers point out that tax receipts through April were up about $137 billion, or 11 percent, compared with the same period last year. Credit tax cuts for some of that, if you want, but be aware that national economies are complex creatures that grow or shrink based on dozens of factors, of which tax rates are only one. Inflation, too, could partly explain it.
But that increase still is not nearly enough to offset recent losses to the federal coffers. Nor do the White House's own projections expect deficits to end anytime soon.
Again, the key point: No matter what you've been repeatedly told, an improved economy does not generate all the tax revenue that was lost due to cutting federal taxes in the first place. The evidence proving this basic point has been piling up since Ronald Reagan's tenure, but many tax-cut fans still won't admit it. Why? Because the pay-for-themselves theory was never based on fiscal evidence. It was a theology, a faith-based system defended all the more strenuously because of that.
(A side point: Tax cuts can come much closer to paying for themselves on a local stage, in a city such as Philadelphia, where comparatively high taxes really do discourage investment, and those seeking to escape those taxes do not have to leave the nation but merely take a step across City Avenue.)
The federal tax-cut mythology wouldn't have such dire consequences, if Congress and the president reduced federal spending in line with the lower revenues.
Since Reagan, that draconian balancing act has been the goal of some conservatives bent on cutting the social programs that always have irritated them.
Trouble is, that plan hasn't worked. In five-plus years of almost total domination of Washington by the self-described "conservatives" of the White House and Capitol Hill, federal spending has increased about 29 percent, even as tax cuts drained the Treasury.
And, no, not all that spending is due to hurricanes, terrorism and wars. (Let's not even get into the point that the wildly costly Iraq War was a choice, not a necessity.) David Walker, comptroller-general of the United States, says only about a third of the stated deficit can be traced to those causes.
Remember those golden days of the 2000 presidential campaign when the big issue was how to spend the roughly $5.6 trillion in federal surpluses projected for this decade?
Instead, surpluses turned to deficits, with a vengeance, once the Bush tax cuts went into effect. During the Bush years, the national debt has soared from $5.8 trillion to more than $8.3 trillion.
Why haven't the Republican powers inside the Beltway cut government more? Well, some of them were too busy throwing government money at the corporate friends who keep them in power and get them onto all the nice golf courses.
But the bigger reason is that every time budget-cutters hover their ax over any of the middle-class benefits where the big money flows, voters scream bloody murder.
Turns out people really like most of what big government provides.
They like the help with J.J.'s college tuition, and with Grandma's nursing home bills and prescription drugs. They like having a teaching hospital full of brilliant doctors and expensive equipment nearby. They demand a strong national defense and better homeland security. And they are really, really fond of the tax deduction for their home mortgage interest.
Taxpayers are human. They like a good deal. If politicians tell them they can get all the government benefits they secretly love at a discounted price, they'll cheer.
And, as some genuine fiscal conservatives are ruefully coming to realize, people who are getting government at what feels like a discounted price (i.e. lower taxes) aren't going to clamor for less government. They're going to clamor for more, for benefits like a prescription drug benefit that Medicare has no idea how to pay for.
But, in fact, these government benefits aren't really being bought at a discount. They're being bought with reckless borrowing. They'll get paid for, all right, but the payment will come down the road in higher taxes, higher interest rates and economic anxiety.
Tax cuts pay for themselves? That's just an irresponsible alibi for making our children and grandchildren pay for our self-indulgent little party.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 01, 2006

Why don't you put your efforts into getting the poor to work? That would be something that would actually help.

The ignorant do "not" create jobs....they only destroy them!
on Jun 01, 2006
Demand creates jobs. Tax cuts to the wealthy DOES NOT CREATE DEMAND! Increasing the amount we must spend on interest because we refuse to balance the budget does not help the economy or create JOBS.

There is not one of you that could run a business the way you support the way Bush and the GOP is running this country.
on Jun 01, 2006
" Demand creates jobs. Tax cuts to the wealthy DOES NOT CREATE DEMAND!"

Without innovation and attractive products there is no demand. Without investment there is no innovation or attractive products. Without the wealthy there is no investment. You'd be hard pressed to find a major innovation in the last 150 years that didn't require venture capital to perfect, and capital the inventor themselves never, ever seems to have.

"Increasing the amount we must spend on interest because we refuse to balance the budget does not help the economy or create JOBS."

I think it is funny how you keep banging on the old strawman pretending we want to borrow money when you are the person claiming that it is necessary. Stop dragging me into your debt. I don't want higher taxes, and I don't want the government borrowing money. I want them to rip as many holes as necessary in what they do to make it an efficient operation.

Granted, you have the stereotypical 'housewife with a credit card' mentality, but for the life of me I can't figure out why you'd want to reiterate it over and over. Most people would be ashamed to say in public that the answer for being in the red throwing money onto the fire. Tap the credit cards hard, honey, and then complain that the hubby needs a higher paying job.

I think it is cute that you claim no one with these opinions could run a business when the guy who pays the bills for the site you post your drek on... for free... does so with the proceeds that he makes from a very successful business. Guess what! He thinks your 'tax us to end the debt' stuff is garbage, too.

Feel free to tell Mistah Wardell that he couldn't run a business. Some of us are slackers, sure, but you'll find a LOT of fiscal conservatives in our culture actually do pretty well in business. You certainly won't find a lot of people doing well who believe the answer to spending more than you make is sticking up your neighbors.
on Jun 01, 2006
Tax cuts to the wealthy DOES NOT CREATE DEMAND! Increasing the amount we must spend on interest because we refuse to balance the budget does not help the economy or create JOBS.

Col and his DNC talking points.
on Jun 02, 2006

Innovation and capital spending is an element that impacts Growth. The term is Supply Side Economics. The much more powerful factor is to increase DEMAND. If a new business or the expansion of an exiting business is due to new investment, the success is the ability of the consumer to BUY that product. Without that ability to purchase the new goods or service the venture will fail. If the buyer substitutes the purchase of the NEW item at the expense of some other items, then it is a replacement and the economic impact does not result.

That is what the Bush tax cuts are doing. Because about half of the total dollars flow to 5% that do not SPEND the added disposable funds they receive from the tax cuts, it does not stimulate the economy enough to replace the loss in revenue from the tax cuts. This editorial and the data from OMB and CBO has documented the fact that we have LOST a dollar of tax revenue from the Tax Cuts and the NEW economic activity has only produced new tax revenue from the growth to replace $.50 of the $1.00. In other words the Bush tax cuts have STIMULATED some economic growth but NOT at a rate that will even replace the lost revenue from the tax cuts!
That means we go further into debt BECAUSE the tax cuts are not PUL:LING THEIR WEIGHT!
on Jun 02, 2006
"That is what the Bush tax cuts are doing. Because about half of the total dollars flow to 5% that do not SPEND the added disposable funds they receive from the tax cuts, it does not stimulate the economy enough to replace the loss in revenue from the tax cuts"

And there is the farce of the Leftist anti-rich dogma. Do you think the wealthy keep their money in their mattress? Where is it, do you think?

It is at work in the economy even when they aren't spending it. It is in the bank, being loaned to you and me to fund businesses or buy high-dollar items we couldn't afford to pay cash for. It is in investments in companies that create new items that people will have demand for.

Whereever it is, it isn't locked up in the government bureaucracy or being sent to other countries in a handout. It isn't being sent to welfare leeches to be spent on low-dollar items made in China that don't do a thing to stimulate growth here.

Your first paragraph shows how shortsighted and sad Leftist dogma in the US is. Innovation doesn't create demand, says you, it creates growth. What does growth create? What happens to a society that continually grows, but its economy doesn't?

Without new products there won't be any new demand. It is convenient for you to demand that a change in policy create demand TODAY, with people buying the same old products in the same old businesses. That isn't what these tax cuts are about, and you aren't capable of understanding that.

Someone of your ilk would have looked at Microsoft in the early years and demanded that they be taxed into oblivion, never realizing the immense wing of the economy they would spur in the next 20 years. You can't see that a corporation like Microsoft, making a simple operating system, enables other companies to make add-on hardware, games, software, entertainment appliances, and on and on and on. You just see what you consider to be too much profit.

So, your argument is silly, frankly. You are just one of those Dickens-esque people who pretend that the rich wear monocles and have canes and sleep on a big pile of money used to light cigars. In reality you just bite the hand that feeds you. The wealthy are the tank that stores the fuel our economy runs on, and the government is that SUV that gets 5 miles per gallon.

You can pretend you are taking from the rick and giving to all of us, but what you are really doing is stealing innovation, productivity, and enterpeneurship from your culture and feeding corruption, malfeasance and waste.
on Jun 02, 2006
Col, do you want income redistribution? I notice you always ignore this, and don't start with your "the rich can afford it" bs, just answer the question.
on Jun 02, 2006
What bothers me about this whole line of reasoning is that it really just boils down to: "I want to spend more money than I have, so I'm totally justified in finding people with more money and making them give it to me".

That's all Gene is really saying. He wants the government to spend more money. He knows that rich people have more money. He thinks that it's proper for the government to fund its spending habits by taking more money from rich people.

I disagree with this.
on Jun 02, 2006
That's it exactly. Like I said, I don't believe for one second that col cares about everything he complains about in this thread. He just wants to find an excuse to tax successful people and redistribute income.
on Jun 02, 2006

If it were working the new tax revenue from the growth created by the tax cuts would equal the lost as revenue and there would not be a problem. The President's Economic Advisor and the Comptroller General (Head of GAO) are telling us that the tax cuts are ADDING to the deficit and there data comes from OMB and CBO. You do not want to listen to the MOST knowledgeable members of the administration on the economic impact of the Bush Tax Cuts. Tell me you know more then these two men and the data from these two agencies the OMB is part of the Executive Branch and CBO the legislative branch.

This is also what I have been saying and explain in my book. You are amazing—No matter what evidence or expert opinion is presented, you support Bush no matter what! Bush supports the tax cuts for political reasons not because they make economic sense. Bush either ignores what he was taught in Business School and did not learn very much. After communicating with his economics professor at Harvard, it may be a bit of both!
on Jun 02, 2006

I want the BALANCE the Budget and that will take a combination of Cutting Spending, More Rigorous Enforcement of the Tax Laws and Increased Tax Revenue from those that can afford to pay a little more--The Rich!
on Jun 02, 2006
Col: You are the one that is amazing. The situation is so simple, and you refuse to see it. You are saying that since we are spending more than we bring in, we should ask more of our neighbors. Any rational human being would cut spending and not do further harm to economy.

Doctors used to use leeches to help the sick. You are applying more leeches to an economy that is already being bled dry by taxation. The leeches demand more and more, and you would rather feed the leeches and see the patient die. We are not food for the leeches, Col, they serve us.

You've completely lost track of what democracy means, and the purpose of government. To you, we are here to serve government, our labor is just revenue for the government. We are not here to be run-over by a corrupt congress who demands more money every time they squander what we've given them.

You are a tool for corrupt people, demanding more money for them. Your constant lying and bending the truth is nothing compared to the damage you do diverting people from the real villains, on both sides of the aisle, who steal our money and rob us of freedom. In so doing you are an enemy of that freedom, imho.
on Jun 02, 2006
I want the BALANCE the Budget and that will take a combination of Cutting Spending, More Rigorous Enforcement of the Tax Laws and Increased Tax Revenue from those that can afford to pay a little more--The Rich!

I see you still can't answer the questions that are addressed to you. You are in no position to tell anyone how much they can afford.

This is also what I have been saying and explain in my book. You are amazing—No matter what evidence or expert opinion is presented, you support Bush no matter what!

Nobody cares about your book col. Do you understand that?

Col, how many times have we presented "evidence" and "proof" that your theories are bs, and you just conveniently end the thread, or start a new one. What a hypocrit.
on Jun 02, 2006

What I am asking is that when our representatives in Congress and the White House pass a budget to spend a certain amount of money that they pass taxes that PAY for that same amount of spending.
on Jun 02, 2006

You are saying the President’s Economic Advisor and the Comptroller General of the United States as well as the CBO and OMB do not what they are talking about? You are a piece of work!

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