Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Even his Wealthy Base may not be happy!
Published on June 6, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

For some time I have pointed out that the economic growth that Bush has been claiming credit for is a mirage to the vast majority of Americans. Bush points to higher GDP, the stock market and healthy corporate profits. To the average American they see a DROP in Average weekly wage during the past two years and NO growth in the past five years. They now are faced with skyrocketing energy costs that are now showing up is sluggish sales at lower end stores. However the high end stores are doing a booming business because the wealthy are the only group that is not impacted by the higher energy prices.

Now the stock market is down over 600 points, and inflation is beginning to be a problem. There is an indication that the Fed will counter the inflation with even higher interest rates and the real estate market is cooling. Mortgage brokers have been lying off staff and the few bright lights that Bush has been pointing to are dimming. Projections for GDP growth for the balance of the year is much lower and consumer confidence has taken a nose dive.

All this with a Federal Budget Deficit in the $600 Billion per year range and the prospects for the future that is troubling at best. Airlines are in trouble, independent truckers are having real problems because of the higher fuel costs and the U S Auto makers continue to slide. The trade deficit is over $800 Billion with no prospect for a solution. Hanging over all the Bush policies is the disaster called Iraq.

Like so many issues with this administration, the consequences of the policies we have been following are coming to light. In time both the wealthy and not so wealthy Americans will understand what mistakes were made in the elections starting with 2000!

Comments (Page 9)
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on Jun 10, 2006
And this week's Economist reveals that Zarqawi was in Iraq TWO YEARS BEFORE America invaded:

One reason Mr Zarqawi was successful in Iraq was because he started early. He moved there two years before America invaded, to join a local Islamist group, al-Ansar al-Islam, in order to plot the overthrow of Jordan’s government next door.

That couldn't be true because it doesn't fit with what the Bush-bashing kooks have to vomit.
on Jun 11, 2006
This morning I took a look at the front page of the Business Section of the Philadelphia Inquirer There are two articles about the problems with the GREAT Bush Economy. The most obvious is the 800 point drop in the Stock Market but when you look at WHY the market dropped, which many believe is a leading indicator, you see JUST WHAT I said in this Blog. Inflation, higher interest rates, Real Estate Market and consumer confidence are all becoming major problems. What is worse the new Fed Chairman is unclear and sending mixed signals. If interest rates and inflation continue the way they have during the past several months, we are heading for economic trouble!
on Jun 11, 2006
I see you are getting nailed on Iraq again, so now you switch back to the economy. Why don't you provide sources for all your bs?

The most obvious is the 800 point drop in the Stock Market but when you look at WHY the market dropped, which many believe is a leading indicator, you see JUST WHAT I said in this Blog.

I remember when I posted about how the stock market was at record highs, you claimed the market isn't that important. What a fake political hack for the DNC you are.
on Jun 11, 2006

Not So. Better look at my last Post . Prove YOUR BS and answer the questions I posted.
on Jun 11, 2006
The reason I posted the stock market is because Bush is always pointing to his economic success by the stock market and growing GDP. I stand by my statements that does not help the average family pay the bills. However, now even the things Bush is sighting as proof of his successful economic policy are going DOWN, DOWN DOWN !
on Jun 11, 2006
Col, why have you always ignored the stock market when it was at record numbers? You don't know nothing about the average family. Look at your gloom and doom posts.

What do you think is going to happen? I bet you are one of those democrats who think the next depression is coming because of Bush. What a joke you are.

Prove YOUR BS and answer the questions I posted.

Col, go look back at my previous posts about the stock market at record highs and see your statements on how you downplayed the market. Do not tell anybody about answering questions when you still haven't answered most direct at you. You are a fraud, and everybody here knows it.
on Jun 11, 2006
It's like the global warming thing. If it gets hotter, it must be global warming. If the stock market drops, it must be doom at the hands of Bush. I agree that the Fed has been overly-interested in slowing the economy, but what do I know? That's what greenspan did in the 1990's, and it has sincere effects on the tech bubble, i.e. busted it.

Maybe it needed to be busted. It was an illusion for the most part anyway. Maybe much of the housing market is an illusion if investors are building them and they are sitting empty. I don't think that is true, but again, what do I know?

What I do know is that nothing you are pointing to is Bush's fault, and honestly YOU and your ilk are more responsible for consumer confidence. I can do google searches back two or three years and find people saying that the economy was in the crapper... which was a lie. If people begin to believe the lies, though, it will effect their spending and investing, and the prophesy fulfills itself.

So, if you are comfortable undermining people's consumer confidence and moral during a time of war continue with what you are doing. To me, it is a highly dubious thing to do. If you wanted to stick to the truth, fine, but you never fail to stretch the truth to the breaking point in order to make things seem bad. That to me is propaganda of the worst kind.
on Jun 11, 2006

I acknowledged the stock market and said that was a macro element like GDP that makes no difference to the working family and how they are doing in this economy. Even if many average Americans have Retirement accounts with equities, the day to day value has no impact on them having the money to be able to pay for higher Energy, food and health care costs. The issues that impact the average person have NOT improved under the Bush policies. For the most part only the wealthy or people at the very top of the middle income brackets are doing better today. There are some exceptions but the vast majority are not better off and that is why 70 % of the polls shows people do not think Bush is doing a good job with the economy!
on Jun 11, 2006

If you read what I said it is not just the stock market. I sight it because it is one of the issues Bush sights to prove how well he has done with the economy.

Interest rates, sales at low and middle level retail, personal debt levels, consume confidence; Real Estate, U S Car Sales, Trade deficit and inflation are ALL week and show problems on the horizon. That is especially troubling given the fact that the Fed is deficit financing to the tune of $600 Billion per year. All this tax cut money is NOT producing enough new revenue to even replace the lost tax revenue from the tax cuts.
on Jun 11, 2006
Here you go with your polls again. Polls are conducted with 1000 Americans, and they usually oversample democrats. Polls are about as reliable as your blog.

I love how you turn it around and downplay your past reactions to the market. It's typical col, you have been exposed as a fraud and an obsessive Bush hater.
on Jun 12, 2006

It is not ONE Poll. IT is ALL the polls. Get it in your head, they do show where the vast majority are about Bush! Even the FOX polls!
on Jun 12, 2006
It is not ONE Poll. IT is ALL the polls. Get it in your head, they do show where the vast majority are about Bush! Even the FOX polls!

And those SAME POLLS showed KERRY WAS GOING TO WIN.....which tells you they are not reliable.

Why do you point out Fox News polls? Are you telling me they are somehow different? Oh I forgot, Fox news, liberals conspiracies you guys buy into.
on Jun 12, 2006
If the polls were close there is a margin of error. That is NOT the case with how the public views Bush and his policies. He has support in the low 30% on almost every issue!
on Jun 12, 2006
If the polls were close there is a margin of error. That is NOT the case with how the public views Bush and his policies. He has support in the low 30% on almost every issue!

Polls are media driven col. The media reports on all the bad news and totally ignores everything else. What else do you expect their viewwers to "poll" on? I don't see you complaining on how your precious democrats are polling with low numbers also.
on Jun 13, 2006
Polls that ask how the people approve of the way Bush is handling the economy are not MEDIA Driven. Polls that ask if the war in Iraq was worth the cost are not MEDIA Driven. The media reports the results including Fox and they all show the very same thing--Bush is OUT of touch with the VAST MAJORITY of Americans!
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