Most of the negative incidents and difficulties in Iraq are not because we do not have a well trained and dedicated military. On the contrary, look at how they performed during the first three months of this war. Our military is trained to destroy opposing military force and in that mission have NO equal today on Earth.
I have read articles that claim the reason for much of the negative events and lack of progress is because the mission given our military by their Commander-in-Chief is a mission for which our military is not trained, equipped or organized. They were NEVER intended as Nation Builders or to be a Police Force. As I look at the numerous diplomas on my wall from Artillery Basic, Combat Intel, Nuclear Weapons, Command and General Staff College and the Army War College, I must admit that we were NOT trained to do the things our military is being tasked to do in Iraq.
The Army has some Civil Affairs Units (Restoration of civilian services) and Military police units. However these are a VERY small part of the force and for the most part our military was not intended to do what is being asked of them in Iraq.
I commend our military for doing their best but the real problem lies with Bush who has put them into a role for which they were not intended and for which they are not trained or equipped to perform. It is time to for us to get out of Iraq and place that responsibility on this new Iraq Government and the Iraqi People!