Bush is looking at surging the number of troops in Iraq. At the same time ALL the land force military chiefs have told Bush and Congress that we CAN NOT sustain substantially larger deployments at the current military manpower levels. That includes the Army CoS, Marine Corps Commandant, Chief of the Army Reserve and Chief of the National Guard. The issue is both the available manpower and the condition of the equipment that has been severely impacted by over four years in Iraq which causes much higher wear rates due to the very harsh environment.
To surge troop levels in Iraq given the troop levels is not realistic. The Marine Corps Chief has said he can not send more Marines without endangering the Corps. The Army CoS said without the Reserve and Guard he has the same problem. The Chiefs of the Guard and Reserve say they can not sustain more troops on active duty and their equipment will not support larger deployments.
This is not a new issue. Bush said in the 2000 campaign that the Army and Marine Corps were too small. During the past 6 years Bush has substantially increased the demands on the military and has ignored the need for more troops. Now the problem is that even if there is some possibility that more troops could reduce the violence in Iraq, to send those troops will endanger the land components of our Military. To increase the levels of troops to enable a substantially larger force in Iraq would take TIME. The problem Bush is facing is he DOES NOT have the TIME! If he had acted during the past 6 years to address the manpower issue he would have that option today.
If Bush chooses to ignore the negative impact on our military and surges the troop levels in Iraq, we could see a temporary reduction in the levels of attacks and just as soon as the troop levels are reduced, the attacks could resume and we will have accomplished NOTHING. One option Bush does not have is to SUSTAIN much larger troop levels in Iraq for a long period of time. The harm Bush has done to our military is hard to evaluate in the short run. However, there is NO question that our military is in more danger today then since WWII and Bush is the reason for that situation! We have NEVER had All our most senior military commanders be so pessimistic about the condition of our military force. If GOD forbid some other crises were to develop, we CAN NOT EFFECTIVELY RESPOND! We can not even sustain what we are currently doing. Some troops are facing their FOURTH deployment in this war. That can not continue!