Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 20, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

When the tax cuts were first discussed in early 2001, the Bush Administration made it appear that his tax cuts would mainly benefit the Average American. In 2001 in fact 70% of the total Tax cuts did go to the middle income workers and 30% went to the Top 20%. As the additional cuts to the upper income groups took effect, the picture changed. The bottom line is that 70% of the tax cuts go to the top 20% and the middle income receive 29% with 1% going to the bottom 20%. By 2010 the top 1% will be getting 51% of the total tax cuts.

In 2001 the tax cuts were $56 Billion. In 2006 they totaled $259 Billion. By 2010 the estimated total of the tax cuts will be in the range of $360 Billion. We need to eliminate the tax cuts for the top 20% which will restore 70% of the lost revenue to the Federal Budget. By 2011 eliminating the tax cuts to the top 20% would save $250 Billion Dollars per year. To keep the tax cuts to the bottom 80% will only cost $60 Billion in 2011.

From 2001 to 2011, the Bush tax cuts will cost the Treasury in lost tax revenue $2.4 Trillion and will be entirely financed with borrowed money!

Source Citizens for Tax Justice which used IRS data.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 23, 2006

I am not in the top 20%. I am near the top of the middle income group.
on Dec 23, 2006
Thank you very much for the tax cuts President Bush. I suggest to all of the liberals here to just return your portion of the tax cut or stop whinning. Take a look at the economy stupid. (a Clintonista phrase)
on Dec 23, 2006
The economy is great for the wealthy. For the average working family, the poor and most retired it SUCKS. Average weekly wage AFTER inflation is what people have to spend. That is DOWN despite the record stock market.

Time to end the tax cuts for the top 10% and help pay our bills with that money!
on Dec 25, 2006

The economy is great for the wealthy. For the average working family, the poor and most retired it SUCKS. Average weekly wage AFTER inflation is what people have to spend. That is DOWN despite the record stock market.

Time to end the tax cuts for the top 10% and help pay our bills with that money!

Translation (Blah blah blah blah.) (Covers ears) (blah blah).  Facts, reason, thought. These things are foreign to you. You just ignore all the evidence and other points of view to keep spewing everything.

You make claims but fail to back them up. ("the economy sucks for the 'average' working family, poor, and retired).  No surveys. No polls. No evidence. Just a statement as if repeating something you make up makes it so.

Guess what happens to JU when/if tax goes up? It's gone. It becomes a private site. Why? Because it will most definitely eliminate at least one or two jobs.  So ironically, if you were to get your way, your blog would come to an end here.

Let me be very clear: Raising taxes on the top 10% will raise my costs enough to have to eliminate jobs. That's what tax increases do in the real world. They take capital from the people who make things to squander on government waste.  JoeUser.com's open nature ends when the tax cuts get rolled back (or at the very least, users will have to pay to keep their blogs).

on Dec 25, 2006

Facts from the Census Bureau show AFTER INFLATION of the Average Weekly Wags is LOWER then when Bush took over.

Fact Most of the wealth in the Stack market is owned by the top 20%. The average family that does own stock owns it in their retirement account which does not help them pays their ongoing bills.

Fact the low income workers have received No wage increases and NO benefits from the Bush Tax Cuts.

Fact the jobs created the past three years pay 20% LESS the jobs that were lost from 2001-2003

Fact Bush has added $3 Trillion dollars to the national Debt.
on Dec 25, 2006

The Comptroller General has documented that the new tax revenue generated by the wealthy investing in the economy from tax cuts only is 1/2 the amount lost from the tax cuts to the wealthy. We are getting $.50 on the $1.00 back from tax cuts to the wealthy. This is the same Voodoo Economics that failed when Reagan used it in the 1980's.
Reagan claimed his tax cuts would stimulate the economy to grow at a rate of 6%. What happened was growth that average about 3%. That added $3 Trillion to the debt during Reagan. Bush did the same thing and added another $3 trillion to the debt in just 6 years.
on Dec 25, 2006
This is the same Voodoo Economics that failed when Reagan used it in the 1980's. Reagan claimed his tax cuts would stimulate the economy to grow at a rate of 6%. What happened was growth that average about 3%.

Which was a lot better than what it was doing at the time. The economy was in the tank! Even though it was only rising at 3%....It was rising, wasn't it? So it "did" stimulate the economy!
on Dec 25, 2006

The problem is that the growth did not replace the lost revenue from the tax cuts and created $3 Trillion of added debt that we are still paying interest on every year. If you think that is a good thing you have lost your mind!

If you were in business and bought something for $6 and sold it for $3, you would think you were doing well on the way to bankruptcy!
on Jan 24, 2007
Fact Bush has added $3 Trillion dollars to the national Debt.

col political hack:

Are you forgetting we are at war? When a nation is at war that nation usually spends more money than it has in order to win the war. Only the USA has survived wars and paid off its debt.
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