Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 22, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

What to do in Iraq is the lump of coal in George’s Christmas stocking. To "Stay the Course" is politically unacceptable. To withdraw says Bush was wrong. To temporarily add more troops may do nothing but create more casualties and spend more money.

The generals have a very good point-They want to understand just what adding more troops will produce other then increasing the strain on the military.

The truth is that Bush has NO GOOD options in Iraq. Six months from now we will most likely see a situation as bad or worse no matter what choice Bush makes! Bush has painted himself into a corner and our military is paying the price.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 22, 2006

Bush can make several decisions that will help the situtation, but that doesn't matter because people like you will still complain no matter what he does.  You have made the decision in your mind that we have lost, and nothing Bush does will make you happy, so why do you bother to keep posting the same articles?


on Dec 22, 2006
To do nothing new is politically unacceptable.

To do nothing? That makes no sense, something has to be done, even if it's the same thing from before. Your point is pointless cause even repetition is something.

To withdraw says Bush was wrong.

Didn't Polosi say the same thing after being voted in, or what ever? And it's not was, it's is. It is wrong.

To temporarily add more troops may do nothing but create more casualties and spend more money.

Key word here, may, of course how could you know if you don't try? It's not like you can see into the future.

I would like to know how is it that you, Col, seem to believe that the only solution to this problem in Iraq will need to be free of errors, no dead people, no waste of money, no hatred, etc. How can we fix or eliminate the problem of Iraq without losing any more soldiers, not allowing any more innocent Iraqis to die, not spending another dollar and having world peace? If you can't answer this question, your who argument is pointless.
on Dec 22, 2006
Let's Put this aside for 6 months and take another look!
on Dec 22, 2006
To not see any of your useless points for 6 months would be the best Christmas gift Santa could ever give me. BTW, I noticed you've been working hard putting your President down on here lately, I take it your family will have a pretty sad Christmas since you seem to spend more time dreaming up ways to put down this country more and more. I'm glad I'm not related to you, God forbid I would have to deal with your hatred day in and day out.
on Dec 22, 2006
It is sad you think Iraq is useless. You problem is that all you can do is defend the idiot we have in the White House. You are part of the 25% that refuse to see the harm Bush has done to our country!!!!!
on Dec 23, 2006
All I hear from people like you is how the President harmed the country, is not fighting the war correctly, but when people try to pin you down to specifics all you do is repost what others wrote rather than speeking your mind. Far be it for me to suggest that you are mindless but your actions do give that impression. when asked what would be the best way to solve the problem the answer in never heard other than getting rid of the president. That won't happen because he still has about 2 years left. so you have no viable solutions to your complaints. Why do you bother to even post them?
on Dec 23, 2006
Pladin 77

What has Bush done that has and will cause harm to our country:

Iraq- 3,000 dead, 22,000 injured and 1/2 Trillion Dollars to create MORE enemies and make us LESS safe at home.

Deficit - $3 Trillion more on the National Debt with more to come.

Discord - At Home and thought the world there is more rancor and hate since Bush took over then in many decades.

Energy - We are more dependent on foreign oil, energy is more expensive for ALL of us and we do not have a policy in place to change this picture.

Social Security - Another six years have gone by and we move closer to the issue of HOW to pay for the Baby Boomer Retirement. The Bush plan would have made that worse.

Health - 2 million more Americans have no health care and we have NO plan to deal with this issue.

Trade - The trade deficit has more then DOUBLED under Bush. He expanded a policy that failed under Clinton and he will not act to stop China from abusing property rights and currency manipulation.

Military - His inaction to increase the size of our military for 6 years, even though he said it was TOO small in 2000, has caused serious harm to both Active ands Reserve forces.

Environment - He has dismantled regulations to protect the environment and ignores global warming which is taking place.

Performance of his appointees - He has appointed people with no experience that have failed to do their jobs which has harmed many Americans and wasted our tax dollars.

Spending - He is totally irresponsible. He got the largest NEW entitlement passed (Part D) WITH NO WAY TO PAY FOR THE ADDED COST! He and the GOP spend more then they tax and create a deficit EVERY year he was in office. He will leave office with a fiscal situation in shambles that will be left for the next President to face.

Education – Passed a new policy and then failed to provide the money to try and make it work.

Border and ports – Over 5 years after 9/11 we have not protected our borders or our ports. WHY? Bush did not request the manpower HE SAID WAS REQUIRED to enforce border security. WHY?

These are the major things I know Bush has done that will cause HARM to All of us in the future.
on Dec 29, 2006
Now Woodward has released interviews with President Ford where he said he did not agree with invading Iraq. I love it. As the Republicans are praising Ford, it is revealed that Ford thinks Bush was wrong but did not want it released until he died! GWB just can not win!
on Dec 29, 2006

Now Woodward has released interviews with President Ford where he said he did not agree with invading Iraq. I love it. As the Republicans are praising Ford, it is revealed that Ford thinks Bush was wrong but did not want it released until he died! GWB just can not win!

So?  Whats more pathetic is the media using Fords death to bash Bush, just as you are.  He was entitled to his opinion, no big deal and no breaking news there.

While I could go through your list of liberal talking points, and they are direct talking points from the DNC, you are shameful on some.

Discord - At Home and thought the world there is more rancor and hate since Bush took over then in many decades.

I can't stop laughing at this.  You are so concerned about people who are more worried about Saddam being hanged.  People have always hated the U.S., they just hate us more because we decided to fight terrorism instead of appease it.  Deal with it.

Health - 2 million more Americans have no health care and we have NO plan to deal with this issue.

Have no health care or no health insurance?  Most people have access to some kind of healthcare, its the issue of how it gets paid where people tend to blur the line.  Paying for healthcare is not the responsibility of the federal government.  If you want free healthcare go to some socialist country to get it.

Education – Passed a new policy and then failed to provide the money to try and make it work.

Bush has increased education spending tremendously.  However, your liberal talking points don't seem to mention that, they just focus on something against Bush.

Environment - He has dismantled regulations to protect the environment and ignores global warming which is taking place.

Global warming caused by humans is a myth, and there is nothing Bush can do about it. 

These are the major things I know Bush has done that will cause HARM to All of us in the future.

Why do people on the left have to be so dramatic and emotional?  Nothing you have mentioned is causing harm to me and most people.  The mayor of your town has a more dramatic effect on your life than Bush does.  Bush does not contorl you life col, it's time to move on.

on Dec 29, 2006
Island Dog

There is not a SINGLE issue I sighted that you have disproved.

Pres Ford is just another in a long line of people that believe Bush Screwed up in Iraq. This has NOTHING to do with the DNC.

What other nations think of us is VERY important given the need to have cooperation by other countries to deal with terrorism. A poll yesterday said Bush is the GREATEST evil in the world today. He is far ahead of Saddam or Ben Laden.

Bush has under funded what HE SAID WAS NEEDED in his No Child Left behind Act by over $24 Billion. What ever he and the GOP provided is still, by his own estimate, $24 Billion SHORT!

No one knows if what we are doing is making global warming worse. But if we are creating this problem the consequences will be catastrophic!

There were other issues I listed like the debt and trade. Everything I mentioned Bush has either made worse or FAILED to help solve over the past 6 years. Those issues harm most Americans. You keep making believe they do not cause harm. That will not alter the fact that the major issues I listed ALL have a VERY negative impact on our lives and the lives of our children!
on Dec 29, 2006

What other nations think of us is VERY important given the need to have cooperation by other countries to deal with terrorism. A poll yesterday said Bush is the GREATEST evil in the world today. He is far ahead of Saddam or Ben Laden.

What poll was that?  Because anybody who thinks that is just plain stupid, or ignorant beyond belief.  Saddam gassed his woman and children, put them in mass graves, but Bush is worse.  What a joke. 

Bush has under funded what HE SAID WAS NEEDED in his No Child Left behind Act by over $24 Billion. What ever he and the GOP provided is still, by his own estimate, $24 Billion SHORT!

You once again failed to acknowledge what I posted.  Bush has put more money into education than any other President in recent times. 

No one knows if what we are doing is making global warming worse. But if we are creating this problem the consequences will be catastrophic!

So if nobody knows what we are doing about global warming, how can you blame Bush for not doing anything about it? 

There were other issues I listed like the debt and trade. Everything I mentioned Bush has either made worse or FAILED to help solve over the past 6 years. Those issues harm most Americans. You keep making believe they do not cause harm. That will not alter the fact that the major issues I listed ALL have a VERY negative impact on our lives and the lives of our children!

Like I said before, you are over dramatic about it.  We here have debunked most of your claims, and shown you postive things that have happened, especially with the economy, but you constantly choose to ignore it. 

Gloom and doom is what you have predicted and none of it came true.  Where is the draft you said was going to happen?  You debate on emotion and scare tactics, and statements that Bush is causing negative effects on everyones lives is just plain rhetoric.

on Dec 29, 2006
Island Dog

You are the one that failed to read what I posted. I acknowledged he added funding. That does NOT alter the fact that even with the added funding; Bush is $24 Billion BELOW WHAT HE SAID WAS NEEDED!

Bush has dismantled environmental protection. When his first head of EPA did not end environmental safeguards fast enough, he fired her.

You have not DEBUNKED ANY of the issues I have made. The impact of Social Security, Medicare, the national Debt and the cost to replace the equipment for the Army, Marines, National Guard and Reserve will be massive. The doubling of the trade deficit to over $800 Billion PER YEAR. NOT ONE of those issues is anything but massive. Taken together spells disaster for our country in the future!
on Dec 29, 2006
But if we are creating this problem the consequences will be catastrophic!

The two biggest word in the English language.

You have not DEBUNKED ANY of the issues I have made. The impact of Social Security, Medicare, the national Debt and the cost to replace the equipment for the Army, Marines, National Guard and Reserve will be massive. The doubling of the trade deficit to over $800 Billion PER YEAR. NOT ONE of those issues is anything but massive. Taken together spells disaster for our country in the future!

Even if he had, you'd still deny it. So what's the point? And I hate to tell you this but...your theories have been ritually debunked in many of the threads on JU. And not just once or twice, but over and over again.
on Dec 29, 2006
You and others have said that without disproving ANYTHING I HAVE SAID. YOU ignore ALL the Facts and sources I sight if the show King George to be wrong!
on Dec 29, 2006

You and others have said that without disproving ANYTHING I HAVE SAID. YOU ignore ALL the Facts and sources I sight if the show King George to be wrong!

Col, are you saying you do not ignore things that are posted to you?  We have shown how you manipulate the "facts" to suite your far left agenda. 

But you know what col, I'm not bothering with you anymore.  You have an obsession with Bush, and nothing anybody presents to you will change that.

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