Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Bush Has Lost Support for the War On ALL sides!
Published on January 1, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

The latest poll of American Military shows that only 35% support Bush and the Iraq war. What is even more disturbing is that 61% believe the war is lost!

As 2006 ends, America lost the 3,000th death in Iraq with over 22,000 injuries. There is no end in sight and the vast majority does not support sending more troops to Iraq because they see no real chance that a small surge of 20-35,000 troops will make any difference in the final outcome. The latest polls shows only 17% favor sending more troops to Iraq.

The lesson Bush has not learned is the one we learned in Vietnam. You CAN NOT conduct a war that the majority of Americans DO NOT SUPPORT. It is time to bring the troops HOME!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 19, 2007
'There was NO Al-Qaeda operating in Iraq until AFTER Bush invaded Iraq.'

That's completely untrue. Zarqawi was in Iraq before we invaded, as was Ansar al-Islam.
on Jan 19, 2007

I'm glad we went into Iraq and took out Saddam.

I don't, however, understand why we kept our troops there for years and years. Put up a puppet government, put our troops in a base to eliminate any terrorist strongholds that might come up.

Our job was to remove the regime. Not make the land into kumbaya world.

on Jan 20, 2007

Please READ-- OPERATING not visiting. The operations of al Qaeda forces started AFTER Bush invaded Iraq!


We differ in that I do not believe the U.S. should have removed Saddam. That is NOT because he did not deserve to be removed. It is because our actions have just added to those in the Moslem World that would cause us harm.

I do agree that after Saddam was deposed, our troops should have been removed and allowed the Iraqi People to choose their fate! We are NATION BUILDING and that is a mistake!
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