Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The most ridiculous argument is the objection of Bush and the Conservatives to federally supported research using stem cells. The sanctity of life is the chant. The truth is that there are over 400,000 frozen stem cells that are the result of In Vitro Fertilization. The vast majority of these stem cells will be destroyed as medical waste. The issue is WHY not allow Federally Funded research using these Stem cells that will be destroyed eventually.

Congress needs to pass such a law that allows unneeded stem cells that result from In Vitro Fertilization with the consent of the donors to be used in research. In that way new Stem Cells that were created outside the In Vitro process could NOT be used for federally Funded Research and rather then just destroying existing embryos, without benefiting anyone, donors would have the option to allow their use to help relieve human suffering.

The other argument of Bush and the conservatives is that this research can be conducted with private funding. This is true but that limits the amount of research that will be done. The final argument to pass this legislation is that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans support this research. Thus in a Democracy it is time that the majority override the minority and Congress should pass the legislation allowing Federally Funded Stem Cell research using embryos from In Vitro Fertilization over a Bush veto if continues to oppose this policy.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 01, 2007

Veto! Thanks for playing our game.  Thanks for giving the Democrats a political issue they can't win, but will try to score points on.  Thanks for letting them try to pander to people they give somewhat false hope to (though they do that with all of the core constituency, but that's a different story).

Thanks for make a recommendation that can't be passed because there is far from THE VAST MAJORITY you mis-speak of ready to support it.

Sorry, but there are plenty of ethical and moral reasons to avoid going down the road of federal funding, not to mention the idea that perhaps, just perhaps, keeping the federal government out of it will keep a potential profit motive in it which might spur private funding, private research, and an eventual legitimate use for the technology that might be developed and pursued.

Back to your drawing board on this one loser.

on Jan 01, 2007

Please explain the moral issue that will allow the destruction of these embryos for NOTHING as opposed to destroying them with the possibility of helping millions of people? Legislation that would only allow embryos that were left over from In Vitro Fertilization, would not end a SINGLE new life.

About 70% have said they support this research. In a democracy that should be the end of this discussion.

As for a Bush Veto and any in Congress who would support such a veto and deny what the majority want, keep track of them for the 2008 election!!!!!!
on Jan 01, 2007

I would explain again, but we have already gone through this issue months ago. 

About 70% have said they support this research. In a democracy that should be the end of this discussion.

Where do you come up with these numbers?  A poll of 1000 Americans is not the deciding factor in a democracy.  A President should NOT run the coutnry based on biased and media-driven polls.  Do you undrestand that?

Answer this col.

If the media goes and takes a poll and finds that 70% of people want to live under Sharia law in the U.S., would you support it?

on Jan 01, 2007

There have been many polls as well as the majority of Congress that passed such legislation that Bush Vetoed. We are not talking about Sharia Law. We are talking about what the elected representatives of this country passed.

As I said, the next Congress needs to pass this again, allow Bush to veto it, attampt to override his Veto and keep track of those that supported a Bush Veto and deal with them at their reelection.

The point of this Blog still stands. Since the In Vitro cells will be destroyed as medical waste, the argument that they should not be destroyed in research makes NO SENSE. They will be destroyed anyway!
on Jan 01, 2007

There have been many polls as well as the majority of Congress that passed such legislation that Bush Vetoed. We are not talking about Sharia Law. We are talking about what the elected representatives of this country passed.

And we have shown how polls are not reliable and usually biased in favor of democrats.  You won't answer the question because you are wrong.  If you believe polls should be used to base laws off of, then answer the question.

We have gone through this same topic before and shown how the government does not need to fund this kind of research. 

on Jan 01, 2007
Island Dog

If you choose not to accept polls, how do you explain away that Congress passed this legislation by a substantial margin in Both Houses?

How do you explain that these Stem cells will be destroyed as Medical waste?
on Jan 01, 2007
You don't even have to get into the morality of stem cell research. Federal funding of anything usually ends up a big feeding frenzy for waste and mismanagement. I see little point of taking revenue from state and private research to be bled dry by federal vampires.
on Jan 01, 2007
The most ridiculous argument is the objection of Bush and the Conservatives to federally supported research using stem cells.

WHY? Why is it the business to federally fund the research? What good will it do? If this research had so much promise then why are privately funded institutions not picking up the fight? The money made by private organizations would be vast if they had promise of a single breakthrough. Private industry would jump on it in a heart beat if it was worth the trouble. The argument that this research will make people walk, save lives and a host of other miracles does not even look like it is anywhere near coming true. But we should waste federal dollars on it just in case? Be for real, be honest, every time people demand federal funding it is because the private sector does not see a profit. If the feds pay for the research and something is found then the people who got the funding can make millions on the discovery and the government by law can not partake in the profits. An example is something simple like WD-40 developed by NASA, but the government can’t hold a patent so it paid for all the research and people get rich and the only money the government gets back is in taxes from the sales. I think MRI’s are another example. All good things that the private sector wants to make money on but does not wish to fund the R&D. If there is profit to be made let someone earn it. You who scream how money is being wasted by Mr. Bush demand that money be wasted on research that does not hold any promise.

My argument is not the killing of an innocent life but the waste of my tax dollars on crap that if it had a chance in hell of working would be happily funded in the private sector.
on Jan 01, 2007

How is Federal Funding taking money from State and Private research? The issue is that the majority approved of this and the majority of Congress passed this legislation. It is time to have Congress pass it again and anyone that stands in the door vote OUT in 2008!

The discoveries resulting from research has produced many things that later become commercially manufactured items. In the late 1960's I worked for GE and when the federally funded research produced several products GE developed and sold commercially. They were required to repay the federal Money used to develop the products that were sold commercially. In the case of Stem Cell research we are talking about helping human suffering. The Moral issue is pure smoke and mirrors since the stem cells from In Vitro will be destroyed if they are not used in research.
on Jan 01, 2007
I also worked at U of P and ran the dept of Biology. The 35 Research grants were all federally funded and produced a wealth of information that helps our society. People that say this research is not a good investment do not understand how the things learned by basic research benefit all of us both in America and thought the world!
on Jan 01, 2007
"How is Federal Funding taking money from State and Private research?"

Where does the federal government get its money, thin air? Do people print their own money? If I have 10 dollars, and the federal government takes 2 dollars, I still have 10 dollars for the states to tax, or to contribute as private donation? Where did you study math?

All you do when you suck money out of the states to the federal government, and then send it BACK to the states is leach a double digit percent of it out in the transfer. Do you really, in your most deluded, insane moment, believe that when the federal government takes a dollar out of your pocket anything like a dollar gets back without pennies, nickels, and dimes being siphoned off at every step through the process?

You are a cheerleader for THIEVES, Col.
on Jan 01, 2007
The only time research of this type should be funded with tax dollars is if any medical treatments derived from said research is available free of charge to the tax payers who funded it. But we all know that isn't the case.

The treatments are available at huge profits for the companies who develop the treatments at tax payer expense. Either we have an open capitalist market or we don't. There is no reason at all for tax money to be spent for drug companies to make hundreds of billions of dollars in profits.
on Jan 01, 2007

If you are concerned about taking money from State government you must be wild about Bush cutting the Medicaid funding and pushing that on the states. You must be wild about the refusal of Bush to enforce our immigration laws and the result is millions of illegal’s that suck the tax dollars for schools, health and law enforcement.

on Jan 01, 2007
Nice dodge, but no, I think as much as possible should be handled by the states. I think the farther our tax dollars travel from our front door the less power we have to oversee its use. You, on the other hand, want to whisk it as far away as possible to be buried in mountainous federal budgets.

The problem with what you describe is that people like you advocate LEECHING money from the states, WHILE more responsibility is being handed to the states. Every time something is delegated to states, a proportional part of federal taxes should be reduced.

You won't have it that way, though. You want all our money in the hands of people who have no, zero, accountability. You play advocate for people who steal hundreds of thousands through earmarks, get caught, and then get the job paying the bills for the very federal agencies that investigate them.

You want to hand work this important to people whose freezers are stuffed with bribes. You're a cheerleader for thieves.
on Jan 01, 2007

Better reread my Blogs. I am the one that has pointed out how how Bush and the people he has appointed have FAILED to properly use our tax dollars. However many things must be National and will not work to be handled by state and local government. As a society we must decide what it is we want government to do and then be willing to pay the bill. The current administration is not meeting what the MAJORITY want and is not funding what they do choose to spend! That is the worst of all worlds.
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