Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The most ridiculous argument is the objection of Bush and the Conservatives to federally supported research using stem cells. The sanctity of life is the chant. The truth is that there are over 400,000 frozen stem cells that are the result of In Vitro Fertilization. The vast majority of these stem cells will be destroyed as medical waste. The issue is WHY not allow Federally Funded research using these Stem cells that will be destroyed eventually.

Congress needs to pass such a law that allows unneeded stem cells that result from In Vitro Fertilization with the consent of the donors to be used in research. In that way new Stem Cells that were created outside the In Vitro process could NOT be used for federally Funded Research and rather then just destroying existing embryos, without benefiting anyone, donors would have the option to allow their use to help relieve human suffering.

The other argument of Bush and the conservatives is that this research can be conducted with private funding. This is true but that limits the amount of research that will be done. The final argument to pass this legislation is that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans support this research. Thus in a Democracy it is time that the majority override the minority and Congress should pass the legislation allowing Federally Funded Stem Cell research using embryos from In Vitro Fertilization over a Bush veto if continues to oppose this policy.

Comments (Page 10)
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on Jan 13, 2007
"The fact Saddam shot at our aircraft did not threaten the U.S. or justify the invasion."

...but "the expansion of communism" is... why do I bother?
on Jan 13, 2007
This is so ridiculous. 
on Jan 13, 2007

The expansion of Communism threatened the west and the U.S, in particular. Saddam did not have the power to threaten the United States and you and I both know it!
on Jan 13, 2007

"Excuse me? The last I knew, shooting at or downing a vessel/aircraft of the US was considered an act of war!"

First not when you are shooting at an aircraft in your air space. The Iraq threat reminded me a movie "The Mouse the Roared" That is the kind of threat Saddam was to the U.S. in 2002.
on Jan 13, 2007

You have lost this arguement col.  You seem to pick and choose which is a threat to this country and which is not. 

on Jan 13, 2007
We went AGINST the UN and were NEVER the enforcement agent for the UN.

Except in Korea, and the first Gulf war. Both of those wars never ended. We now have ended the Gulf war because Iraq failed to keep to its agreement. I just posted an article on how Saddam murdered a terrorist because he failed to train AQ in Iraq in 2002 before we went in to wipe him out. He was a threat and getting worse not better.

on Jan 13, 2007
The expansion of Communism threatened the west and the U.S, in particular. Saddam did not have the power to threaten the United States and you and I both know it!

You are telling lies! Nothing more or less just lies.
on Jan 13, 2007

No, you are in a state of denial. If you believe Saddam had the ability to attack the U.S. or was a threat, you belong in the Mental Ward of your local Hospital.

We did not have the approval of the UN to invade Iraq.
on Jan 13, 2007
We did not have the approval of the UN to invade Iraq.

Did not need the approval of the UN we already had the UN approval, not that you would notice petty things like the truth. The armistice which means a truce in a war to discuss terms for peace was signed and then the terms were delivered and accepted. This means that we will have peace as long as the losing side complies with the terms of the peace treaty. Pin head was kind enough to break the treaty. That means any nation in the UN has the right to continue the war. I know this goes against your rants which is why you quickly add in that there were no weapons of mass destruction and that we were lied to in order to go to war for oil. None of what you contend is true but why let that stop you. It sounds good and helps you muddy the waters.

Once more, the WMD were the ones that Saddam said he had and agreed to allow the UN to get rid of. It does not matter whether he had them or not. Taking the word of the leader of a nation is the rule not the exception. Until a leader lies to another leader the word of the leader is taken at face value. Once he breaks his word or is caught in a lie to another nation then you have the ability to invalidate what was agreed to. He lied to the UN but we did not find that out until the war was over and now that he is dead we don’t have to worry about him telling us lies again. Oh yeah, he also said he did not have any ties with Al Qaeda but seemed to be training them in his country and even killed a terrorist that refused to train those people.

If you believe Saddam had the ability to attack the U.S. or was a threat, you belong in the Mental Ward of your local Hospital.

Well the leader of a nation state says he will give or sell WMD to Al Qaeda and any other terrorist that will attack America makes him a threat to America. Failiong to see that as a threat makes you weak, silly, and deserving of our next attack because you don't see a threat when it is right in front of you.

on Jan 14, 2007

"Excuse me? The last I knew, shooting at or downing a vessel/aircraft of the US was considered an act of war!"

First not when you are shooting at an aircraft in your air space. The Iraq threat reminded me a movie "The Mouse the Roared" That is the kind of threat Saddam was to the U.S. in 2002.

Hey dummy. The A/C in question were NOT, I repeat WERE NOT in Iraqi airspace. And we WERE doing what was asked of us. That was "enforce the UN no-fly zone.
on Jan 14, 2007

No, you are in a state of denial. If you believe Saddam had the ability to attack the U.S. or was a threat, you belong in the Mental Ward of your local Hospital.

Did you believe 19 people had the abillity to kill Americans on a mass scale?  Denial is the word is here col, but it's not applying to us.

on Jan 15, 2007
Drmiler/IslandDog et al

It is interesting that you sight UN approved actions by us operating the No Fly Zone but when the UN did not approve our invasion it does not apply. You sight Saddam failure to abide by UN resolutions but when Bush or Israel does abide by UN resolutions that is OK.

We were told the reason we HAD TO INVADE Iraq was because they were such a danger we could not risk those mushroom clouds. Bush and Cheney had Intelligence at the time they made those outrageous claims that showed Saddam had NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS and that he did not even have a program to develop such weapons in 2002. Who cares what he claimed. We had Intelligence that said he had no such weapons. Bush and Cheney IGNORED ANY and ALL intelligence that did not support the invasion of Iraq. That is clear from the statements of no less then three Former CIA Section Chiefs as well as Generals Zinni and Trainer.
on Jan 15, 2007
It is interesting that you sight UN approved actions by us operating the No Fly Zone but when the UN did not approve our invasion it does not apply. You sight Saddam failure to abide by UN resolutions but when Bush or Israel does abide by UN resolutions that is OK.

Try again yo-yo.

Did not need the approval of the UN we already had the UN approval, not that you would notice petty things like the truth. The armistice which means a truce in a war to discuss terms for peace was signed and then the terms were delivered and accepted. This means that we will have peace as long as the losing side complies with the terms of the peace treaty. Pin head was kind enough to break the treaty. That means any nation in the UN has the right to continue the war. I know this goes against your rants which is why you quickly add in that there were no weapons of mass destruction and that we were lied to in order to go to war for oil. None of what you contend is true but why let that stop you. It sounds good and helps you muddy the waters.
on Jan 15, 2007

We had Intelligence that said he had no such weapons. Bush and Cheney IGNORED ANY and ALL intelligence that did not support the invasion of Iraq. That is clear from the statements of no less then three Former CIA Section Chiefs as well as Generals Zinni and Trainer.

Col, I have told you this many times.  Zinni and your three "chiefs" are book sellers, and friends of left wing groups.  They have not provided any proof of their accusations.  Anybody who blames Bush gets a pass with you no matter how ridiculous it is. 

The investigations have shown that Bush did NOT LIE, and there was NO MANIPULATION of intelligence.  Most intelligence agencies, and DEMOCRATS, thought Iraq had WMD and was a threat.  There is no way around this col, so your constant rhetoric about left wing book sellers is pointless.

You have failed to answer Bakers questions to you also.

on Jan 15, 2007

We had no UN approval to invade Iraq.


The facts show that Intelligence that said Saddam had NO military capability did exist- Bush ignored it. There was Intel that said Saddam had no Nuclear weapons or program. There was Intel that disputed the Bio WMD that Bush Ignored.

Most of the Intel Bush relied on came from Helmet Chalabi who was a convicted felon. Bush had no independent verification of the information he provided and it turned out to be 100% WRONG. Who goes to war on the unsubstantiated statements of a Convicted felon? Answer GWB. The facts on the ground show that all the Intel that said Saddam was no threat which Bush ignored was CORRECT and almost all the in Intel Bush used to justify his invasion has been shown to be WRONG!

The Former CIA Chiefs s and the two generals told the truth. It makes no difference they chose to relate this information in books. They were the people that had the FIRST HAND Intelligence and they have ALL said Bush Cherry Picked that which helped his case and ignored everything else.

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