Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

I have spent a lot of my time documenting the consequences of the Fiscal policy we have been following. The reason is that in the world today without financial resources NOTHING can be accomplished. It takes resources to increase the military by 100,000. It takes money to hire the 10,000 border guards needed to help secure our border. It will take money to pay the Social Security and Medicare to the Baby Boomers as promised.

Our fiscal policy is pledging FUTURE tax revenues to pay the increasing interest on the skyrocketing National Debt. That means money we will need to pay our troops, border guards and to keep our promises to the retired will be paid to those that have purchased our debt. 40% of the interest on the publicly held debt is paid to foreign debt holders and that money leaves our economy. Interest on the debt will be an element of the budget that can not be cut and if the total debt continues to increase, the interest will go higher.

If a CEO were to manage the fiscal affairs of the company he headed the same as Bush is managing the fiscal affairs of the United States, they would be FIRED! Year after year we plan to spend more then we plan to tax. In addition, all other debt has a plan for repayment. There is no such plan to pay down the National Debt. When treasury obligations come due, we immediately sell new debt to repay the old debt. In addition, the continued annual budget deficit adds more every day to the amount we owe and the interest we MUST pay.

You can go to the Web and see how the national debt increases every second of every day. Go to: www.brillig.com/debt_clock/

Comments (Page 7)
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on Mar 04, 2007

I formed and successfully operated two small companies. I successfully ran the operations of a 2 Billion dollar bank. I ran a $120 Million dollar per year public school system. I was responsible for a division at a major teaching Hospital. I was successful in EVERY one of those positions for over 30 YEARS. What I have presented as the results of the Reagan and Bush fiscal policies is 100 % correct and I have posted the Treasury Web Sites that you and anyone can go to and verify the numbers I have presented. You just do not want to admit the failure of the Bush policies no matter how clear that failure has been over the past 6 years!
on Mar 04, 2007

Sure they do. You don’t think that there are no special forces in country? No Special Operators anywhere, you seriously think that only conventional forces are in both countries. When I was in the service we had two and three man teams scattered in almost every country in Europe. The first time I saw China was from the North Korean border. I would be willing to bet that the operators are already in Iran sending back live feed. I won’t go into who turns up missing over there.

What I have presented as the results of the Reagan and Bush fiscal policies is 100 % correct and I have posted the Treasury Web Sites that you and anyone can go to and verify the numbers I have presented.

As I told you months ago your facts are facts but your conclusions from looking at the facts are flawed. Remember the frog I wrote about.

You just do not want to admit the failure of the Bush policies no matter how clear that failure has been over the past 6 years!

When mistakes have been made I have had no problems criticizing the president or members of his administration. Some things that look like mistakes or bone headed screw-ups are sometimes planned to look that way to gain an advantage. It is not blind faith that causes me to support the president it is support of my president as I did with the last president. If Mr. Bush was a true screw up I would not have voted for him a second time. You col political hack screamed that Mr. Rumsfield should have been fired for botching up the military. Yet he and Mr. Bush were the only ones asking for more troops before 9/11 and it is on record that the 9/11 breakfast meeting with the congressional leadership asking for more money because of AQ and others. The man revamped the military in a short time that saved lives. He was such a screw up how come he is the only Sec-Def that served twice?
on Mar 04, 2007

There are Special Forces in Iraq but that is not the bulk of the forces our objective. We were engaged in a traditional military campaign that brought Saddam and his military to defeat. What we then did is allowed the sectarian violence to turn in to a civil war for the control of Iraq. The decision to not send more troops at the outset was Bush not Rummy. The error to Invade in the first place was Bush. This war has not made us safer and was not justified from day one. In addition, Bush ignored all the warnings of how our invasion would be accepted by the people of Iraq and the greater Moslem World. His lack of experience and refusal to heed the council of those with the experience has brought our military into a NO WIN situation and that has needlessly cost us over 3,100 lives and many more injuries. Bush and Cheney should be IMPEACHED for taking us to a war that was unneeded and unjustified. EVERY person who was sent to Iraq was LIED to about why they were being asked to risk their life. It was not to make us safer. It was not because we were in danger from Saddam. It was to satisfy the decision of GWB who had decided to invade Iraq BEFORE 9/11 for reasons only he knows.
on Mar 04, 2007
An issue that you Bushies never address is the Pentagon Assessment in 2002 that Saddam had very limited military capability. That report said Saddam was ONLY capable of conducting military operations in the central section of Iraq. That assessment and that fact that Bush knew Saddam had no nuclear weapons take away ANY pretext that Saddam was a threat that warranted our invasion!
on Mar 04, 2007
EVERY person who was sent to Iraq was LIED to about why they were being asked to risk their life.

Only if they listened to you. You tell this lie evey chance you get even though it has een refuted ecery time you tell it.

Bush and Cheney should be IMPEACHED for taking us to a war that was unneeded and unjustified.

In one article you scream that AQ has a training camp in Iraq so the President should be impeached. But when it is pointed out to you that before the invasion of Iraq there were three AQ bases in Iraq you say that the President lied to get us in a war. but the threat of AQ expanding and finding a new country to harbor them was a valid reason to invade. So according to you we should have impeached the President because Iraq was not a threat and according to you AQ was not in Iraq before we invaded. But with three bases in Iraq AQ was there and now that they have been reduced to only one camp left in Iraq you want the President impeached because the military destroyed two of the three bases and shut down their growth. Good job you want to get rid of people that do the right thing.

We were engaged in a traditional military campaign that brought Saddam and his military to defeat.

Yes, by using the German Blitz Krieg to start the invasion, followed by an occupation and repatriation, then start an entirely new political system that has never been tried in that part of the world. You and all your friends said it would be a failure and that those people could not handle freedom. At each stage of development people on the left cheered for failure. As if losing is good for the nation. Let me say that I don’t believe that the left, no matter how stupid they may sound at times, want to see America lose a war, any war, but the hard left are so set on making the President look like a loser in order to gain politically. It seems their desire is winning at all cost they forget that winning for them is losing for America.
on Mar 05, 2007

The failure in Iraq has nothing to do with the left. Bush got his way in this WAR from getting Congress to give him a blank check to the way he chose to fight this war. The results are TOTALLY on the Bush Plate.

The lie Bush told OUR brave military was that they were being sent to Iraq because their country was in such danger from Iraq that we had no choice but to send them into combat. That simply was a lie. Bush knew Saddam had no nuclear weapons. Bush knew Saddam did not have the military capacity in 2002 to conduct military operations beyond the Central Section of Iraq. Please explain HOW Saddam and the Iraq military was so great a danger that we were justified in risking the lives of our military? Show me how Saddam was ANY risk to the world's most powerful nation? YES Bush and Cheney LIED to every member of OUR military. Bush lied to Congress. Bush Lied to the American People. Bush got Powell to use his LIES at the UN which Powell now admits was “The biggest mistake of his career". Just like Bush lies today about the deficit, he lied about the danger Saddam posed to the U.S. in 2002-2003.

The invasion of Iraq was in the planning stage LONG before 9/11. Before the so called “War on terrorism” It was talked about at the very first cabinet meeting in 2001. In 2001 al Qaeda was operating in Afghanistan not Iraq. Bush took his desire to remove Saddam and sifted through the Intelligence that provided some support for that course of action. He rejected ALL the Intelligence and military estimate of Saddam's military capability because that did not support what he wanted to do. Bush IGNORED the advice of people that warned him that invading Iraq would not fly in the Moslem world and would cause instability in Iraq. ANYTHING that did not support his preconceived choice to invade Iraq was rejected. He Cherry picked the facts and analysis that he wanted and ignored all the other information. As it turned out, all the facts, Intelligence and advice NOT to invade Iraq were correct. All the Intelligence and advice to invader Iraq has been proven WRONG! Despite this Bush and Cheney still content that invading Iraq war the right thing to do! How can anyone look at the fact that EVERYTHING Bush and Cheney relied upon to make their case to Invade Iraq was WRONG and all the Intelligence and Advice why NOT to invade Iraq has been proven CORRECT? That clearly shows that Bush and Cheney are not swayed by the facts even facts that develop AFTER they followed a policy that many said was a mistake from the outset! They NEVER admit when they were WRONG even when the results clearly prove their error!
on Mar 05, 2007
The invasion of Iraq was in the planning stage LONG before 9/11. Before the so called “War on terrorism” It was talked about at the very first cabinet meeting in 2001. In 2001 al Qaeda was operating in Afghanistan not Iraq. Bush took his desire to remove Saddam and sifted through the Intelligence that provided some support for that course of action. He rejected ALL the Intelligence and military estimate of Saddam's military capability because that did not support what he wanted to do. Bush IGNORED the advice of people that warned him that invading Iraq would not fly in the Moslem world and would cause instability in Iraq. ANYTHING that did not support his preconceived choice to invade Iraq was rejected. He Cherry picked the facts and analysis that he wanted and ignored all the other information. As it turned out, all the facts, Intelligence and advice NOT to invade Iraq were correct. All the Intelligence and advice to invader Iraq has been proven WRONG! Despite this Bush and Cheney still content that invading Iraq war the right thing to do! How can anyone look at the fact that EVERYTHING Bush and Cheney relied upon to make their case to Invade Iraq was WRONG and all the Intelligence and Advice why NOT to invade Iraq has been proven CORRECT? That clearly shows that Bush and Cheney are not swayed by the facts even facts that develop AFTER they followed a policy that many said was a mistake from the outset! They NEVER admit when they were WRONG even when the results clearly prove their error!

We have "proven" you wrong on this so many times I've lost count. Do you honestly think that you are going to make any difference at all with this? Bush WILL NOT be impeached! No matter how much you wish for it to happen. He's here until 2008! Even though "you" say we'll be feeling this long after he's gone, he won't be gone before his time. So all your whining and crying means NOTHING!!!
on Mar 05, 2007

O'Neil said the invasion of Iraq was discussed at the FIRST cabinet meeting. PROVE HIS STATEMENT WRONG!
on Mar 05, 2007

O'Neil said the invasion of Iraq was discussed at the FIRST cabinet meeting. PROVE HIS STATEMENT WRONG!

I'm not going to do it again. We HAVE proven it wrong many many times and not just by me but others also. It's YOU who will not accept the proof.
on Mar 05, 2007

YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING OF THE SORT! O'Neil has said that Iraq was discussed in the First Bush Cabinet meeting and nothing you have said changes his statement. O'Neil is an old line Republican and has no reason to fabricate such a statement.
on Mar 05, 2007

BS, you ignorant, arrogant, self-deluded, old fart!
on Mar 05, 2007

Just like Bush. When you can not refit what is presented you attack the person. O'Neil did say the invasion of Iraq was a topic at the first cabinet meeting and none of your BS changes that!!
on Mar 06, 2007


Just like Bush. When you can not refit what is presented you attack the person. O'Neil did say the invasion of Iraq was a topic at the first cabinet meeting and none of your BS changes that!!

EXACTLY like you huh? We have shown you tije and time again where you are wrong, and what do you do? Attack the messenger. Don't like it when it's done to you?
on Mar 09, 2007
EXACTLY like you huh? We have shown you tije and time again where you are wrong, and what do you do? Attack the messenger. Don't like it when it's done to you?

And like usual when faced with something you can't refute....you abandon the thread and start another using the same tired old BS.
on Mar 09, 2007

You have no message!
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