Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 6, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Every politician that says we must CUT SPENDING to solve the fiscal problems of the U.S. should be required to list their top 10 spending cuts with the amounts they would propose to cut.

I am very tired of listening to the meaningless statement that we hear from most GOP candidates and some Democrats that we are spending TOO MUCH. Fine then tell us just WHAT and HOW MUCH you propose to CUT to solve our fiscal problems!!!

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on Mar 10, 2007

You can mechanically balance the budget by saying CUT anything. I could have said let's STOP paying the $500 billion in interest on the debt. We could disband our military and balance the budget. I have said you can not balance the budget with CUTS that are ACCEPTABLE to the majority of Americans. Your cuts will never achieve the objective because only some very wealthy people would support the cuts in programs that most people consider essential.

You have said you balanced the budget without touching SS and Medicare. At this time NO General Fund tax revenue is being spent on these two programs. In fact in 2006 SS and Medicare had a SURPLUS of $224 Billion. When the Boomers retire in large numbers, the first problem will be for the Treasury to redeem the over $3 trillion worth of IOU's that have issued SS and Medicare trust funds. Then when the Trust Funds have been exhausted the General Fund will need to make up the difference between the SS and Medicare taxes and the benefits to the Boomers.

Your suggestion is as much of a solution as saying let's have China give us the money to balance our budget. We can cut the pork and we can beef up collections, but to complete the job we MUST increase taxes. We must first end tax cuts that were justified to return a SURPLUS that never existed. The reason Bush made for the tax cuts DID NOT EXIST. Just like the WMD in Iraq. The $ 5.7 Trillion of Surplus that Bush used to justify his tax cuts was another LIE!
on Mar 10, 2007

" who gets to decide who "needs" help?" CONGRESS -- you idiot! They have decided by creating the various programs to help people. Now it is time to pay for those programs with tax revenue equal to our spending!

No one has given an answer as to we have tax cuts to return a Surplus that NEVER existed?I guess you Bush supporters just can not come up with some SPIN for this question!


You sound just like Bush!

"Congress" should "not" be the ones who make that decision. We already have agencies in place to make those decisions. Either take congress out of the loop or shut the agencies down and save some money! Well over half of these "programs", are not even needed. And just an FYI... if I'm an idiot, then you sir are a complete moron!

No one has given an answer as to we have tax cuts to return a Surplus that NEVER existed?I guess you Bush supporters just can not come up with some SPIN for this question!


You sound just like Bush!

Now you're talking out of your "other" hole! Because your mouth be knowing better!
on Mar 10, 2007

"Congress" should "not" be the ones who make that decision. We already have agencies in place to make those decisions."

Congress is the ONLY part of our government that is authorized to spend money and raise taxes. You better reread our constitution! The agencies you talk about may make decisions as to who should be helped but the amount we spend and the rules that ALL agencies must use to help people are set by Congress. We are talking about the spending of federal tax dollars in this Blog and that is 100% in the hands of Congress. They pass the budget and pass those actual appropriations that allow federal money to be spent! They also pass the tax laws at the Federal level!
on Mar 10, 2007

"Congress" should "not" be the ones who make that decision. We already have agencies in place to make those decisions."

Congress is the ONLY part of our government that is authorized to spend money and raise taxes. You better reread our constitution! The agencies you talk about may make decisions as to who should be helped but the amount we spend and the rules that ALL agencies must use to help people are set by Congress. We are talking about the spending of federal tax dollars in this Blog and that is 100% in the hands of Congress. They pass the budget and pass those actual appropriations that allow federal money to be spent! They also pass the tax laws at the Federal level!

Then by your "own" words you shoot yourself in the foot. So like I said "Congress" should not be making the decisions and they aren't.
on Mar 10, 2007
Yep, lets raise taxes on other people, just not on ourselves. Yep, that's what we need to do alright. Raise taxes. Raise taxes. Government has proven they are responsible with our tax dollars so lets give them more, just not from our pocket. It must come from someone else's pocket. Yep, that's the way to go. Forget cutting wasted spending, let's just raise taxes on other people.
on Mar 10, 2007
No matter what you mental migots say, we need to balance the Budget and that is the resposnibility of Congress. There is nothing wrong with returning the ntax rates on the wealthy to the levels before the BUSH
on Mar 10, 2007
No matter what you mental migots say, we need to balance the Budget and that is the resposnibility of Congress. There is nothing wrong with returning the ntax rates on the wealthy to the levels before the BUSH
on Mar 10, 2007
No matter what you mental migots say, we need to balance the Budget and that is the resposnibility of Congress. There is nothing wrong with returning the ntax rates on the wealthy to the levels before the BUSH
on Mar 10, 2007
No matter what you mental migots say, we need to balance the Budget and that is the resposnibility of Congress. There is nothing wrong with returning the ntax rates on the wealthy to the levels before the BUSH
on Mar 10, 2007
No matter what you mental migots say, we need to balance the Budget and that is the resposnibility of Congress. There is nothing wrong with returning the ntax rates on the wealthy to the levels before the BUSH
on Mar 10, 2007
No matter what you mental migots say, we need to balance the Budget and that is the resposnibility of Congress. There is nothing wrong with returning the ntax rates on the wealthy to the levels before the BUSH
on Mar 10, 2007
No matter what you mental migots say, we need to balance the Budget and that is the resposnibility of Congress. There is nothing wrong with returning the ntax rates on the wealthy to the levels before the BUSH
on Mar 10, 2007
No matter what you mental migots say, we need to balance the Budget and that is the resposnibility of Congress. There is nothing wrong with returning the ntax rates on the wealthy to the levels before the BUSH
on Mar 10, 2007
No matter what you Bushies say, it is the responsibility of Congress to balance the budget and that will require a slight increase in the tax rates. Since there is no Surplus as Bush claimed, there is every justification to end his tax cuts for the wealthy!
on Mar 10, 2007
I am tired of people who look at the bogus, broad bullet list of expenditure and then pretend that it is at all accurate. It's like me looking at Democrats who wanted to stop the Alaskan "bridge to nowhere" and say "HOW DARE YOU CUT OUT TRANSPORTATION BUDGET"!!!

I could look at the millions put into needless crap in the military, things like memorials, museums, kickbacks to the flunkies of Senate whores, etc., and when I proposed stopping it the Col would say "HOW DARE YOU CUT INTO DEFENSE!!!" It's facetious and sickening.

The Col wants us to look at a meaningless pie chart and pick what we whether we want to cut military spending, etc. In reality those charts don't mean a damned thing, because hundreds of billions of dollars are siphoned off in each of the categories for meaningless, pork barrel bullshit.

Could someone tell me, offhand, where the hundreds of millions of dollars we sent to Egypt every year are listed in the Col's rundown of expenditure? Let's just look at that one, particular thing. Where was all the money listed that we mailed off to Arafat under Clinton? Could someone tell me?
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