Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Source is the AP
Published on March 20, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

We very often hear that the private sector is more efficient then government. That is one of the GOP axioms. In an earlier Blog I provided data that showed the cost to provide support in combat zones to our military is several times MORE expensive when provided by private companies then by military manpower.

Now the same thing exists in the Medicare program. Some years ago the claim was that it would be less expensive to have Medicare administered by private companies then the traditional Medicare system. About 8 of the 43 Million seniors receive their medical care from private companies like Humana. A House Subcommittee has been looking at the cost to provide health care to seniors by there private companies. What they found is that it is costing Medicare 19% MORE to provide the same medical care to seniors then the same care administered by traditional Medicare staff. That translates to an added cost of $65 Billion dollars over a five year period to have Medicare administered by private companies.

Democrats are pushing to lower the payments to private companies administering Medicare to the same cost as experienced by traditional Medicare staff. We need to reexamine this notion that the private sector can always provide service in a more cost effective manor then the government!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 22, 2007

If we eliminated Medicare entirely, it would be 100% efficient.

on Mar 22, 2007

If we taxed the rich more we could balance the budget, pay down the debt, and be able to help those that NEED HELP. We could keep the promises made to the Boomers for Social Security and Medicare. All but the very rich NEED Social Security and Medicare. The Rich do not NEED tax cuts. It is a choice between WHAT the majority of people NEED and WHAT the rich WANT! I Pick NEED over WANT!
on Mar 22, 2007
lets raise taxes then....but starting with your tax bracket, col....
on Mar 22, 2007
If we taxed the rich more we could balance the budget, pay down the debt, and be able to help those that NEED HELP.

So basically you are robbing the rich to pay the poor.  Class warfare, plain and simple.

It is a choice between WHAT the majority of people NEED and WHAT the rich WANT! I Pick NEED over WANT!

What do the majority of people NEED?  Government support?  What a joke.

on Mar 23, 2007
We are not Robbing the Rich. They were given a Tax Cut predicated on a SURPLUS that Bush said existed and that showed they were over taxed. Since there was NO SURPLUS, the Rich were not being OVER TAXED as Bush Claimed; The Rich got something that did not NEED OR DESERVE! TIME TO TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!!
on Mar 23, 2007
We are not Robbing the Rich. They were given a Tax Cut predicated on a SURPLUS that Bush said existed and that showed they were over taxed. Since there was NO SURPLUS, the Rich were not being OVER TAXED as Bush Claimed; The Rich got something that did not NEED OR DESERVE! TIME TO TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!!

Robbing the rich, that's exactly what it is.  Socialism at it's best col.

on Mar 23, 2007

Taking back something the rich did not deserve is NOT robbing them. There was NO overtaxing and there was NO justification for the huge tax cuts Bush and the GOP in Congress gave the Rich! Please tell me the Rich NEED the tax cuts and show me just how ridiculous you are!!!!!
on Mar 23, 2007
Taking back something the rich did not deserve is NOT robbing them. There was NO overtaxing and there was NO justification for the huge tax cuts Bush and the GOP in Congress gave the Rich! Please tell me the Rich NEED the tax cuts and show me just how ridiculous you are!!!!!

It's already been shown to you how the tax cuts helps stimulate the economy, and it's also been shown to you how successful Americans re-invest their tax cuts to employ more people.  Those simple facts that you cannot grasp because you hate the rich are the real problem here.

If you want tax increases so much, why don't you start with yourself?  Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?  I doubt it.

on Mar 23, 2007
i have said on different occassions to raise taxes, but start with the Col's tax bracket....according to him, since he has not answered, he doesn't disagree? He doesn't really think raising taxes is the right way to go?

on Mar 23, 2007

I will be glad to give the Bush tax cuts back if we do the same for the wealthy. My tax cuts were $300 per year.

I did not get any benefit from the reduction in capital gains and divided rates. I did not benefit from the elimination of the marriage penalty and I do not have dependent children under 18.
on Mar 23, 2007
I will be glad to give the Bush tax cuts back if we do the same for the wealthy. My tax cuts were $300 per year.

mine were much greater. and i'd gladly submit them if i was confident that every child in this nation would get decent health care. we can argue about taking care of adults as a seperate issue. but especially the "anti roe v wade" crowd should not endorse eliminating a woman's right to choose and then abandoning the baby that comes out to fend for themselves.

by the way, our family lives under the federal plan. my wife (for those who don't know already) works for the fed. and i believe every parent should have the opportunity we have to take care of our children in ways that we could never afford if it wasn't for insurance.
on Mar 23, 2007
I agree with the things you would like but I want the taxes returned to the pre Bush cuts so we do not hand our children a country in so much debt that it will jeopardize their future!
on Mar 24, 2007

If we taxed the rich more we could balance the budget, pay down the debt, and be able to help those that NEED HELP. We could keep the promises made to the Boomers for Social Security and Medicare. All but the very rich NEED Social Security and Medicare. The Rich do not NEED tax cuts. It is a choice between WHAT the majority of people NEED and WHAT the rich WANT! I Pick NEED over WANT!

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
-Karl Marx

You truly are a socialist.


on Mar 24, 2007

You truly are a socialist. That is a LIE. During the 1990's you are saying America was a communist state? You are full of BS. You just want to keep more of your surplus while the poor and disabled have nothing and our country piles up the debt so future generations are burdened by our refusal to PAY FOR WHAT WE SPEND!
It is very basic-- If Congress and the President agree to spend "X" they must tax "X"!
on Mar 24, 2007
you accuse Dragonal of being greedy via the free service his "greediness" supplies? classic. I am waiting for when Dragonal kicks you....or makes only you pay.

As for the tax cuts....you want to raise taxes, and at the same time, raise spending, so we have to raise more taxes, so we can raise spending, so we raise taxes....but meanwhile, only the rich pay for those who don't work, so those who don't work can recieve that which they do not deserve.

I PERSONALLY KNOW ppl who refuse to work. They recieve hundreds of dollars from the government, hundreds of dollars for food assistance. They do not work....they say that they have no plans of even looking for a job. Why should they? By their reasoning, if they do, they will lose what they are given. That is what you are promoting. You do not promote that ppl work, but rather, the government penalize those who do work, to reward those who do not.

The funny thing about all of this is? Those ppl that do not work rob the system and take the benefits from those who do work and truly do need it. And that is what you promote. You have already clearly said so much. You do not want to cut spending. You want to only raise taxes...and then, primarily on the rich. If the money truly was put there for those who worked, but still needed help occassionally, then fine....but that is not how the system works.

The Republicans want the rich to get richer, and the Democrats want the poor to get poorer. I would rather the rich stay rich, at least that is something I can attain to become, rich. I don't want to become poorer. Hence, I do not vote Democrat.
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