Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The threatened veto of the supplemental to fund the Iraq War contains ALL the money Bush requested to support out troops through the end of the fiscal year. Now Bush is telling the American People that if Congress passes the supplemental with restrictions on the War, he will veto the bill and Congress will have failed to fund the troops. That is not correct Mr. President! If congress had not included the needed funding such a claim would be valid. However, if you veto the bill that contains the money needed for the support of our troops it will be the Commander-in-chief that prevented the funding from being available NOT Congress. In addition, the reason we even need a supplemental is because Bush did not include the funding for the war in his 2007 budget so it appeared the budget was $120 billion smaller. The excuse was that they could not estimate the amount needed. Then how did Bush estimate the amount to ask for in the supplemental? In addition, in the 2008 budget, Bush did include the funding for the Iraq war. HOW was he was able to estimate the amount he included in the 2008 budget?

Bush may not like the restrictions aimed at ending this war, however, that is the WILL of the Congress and the American people. Bush simply will not accept the fact that the majority of Americans want this war to end. Congress has acted in accordance with the wishes of the majority and it is time for GWB to accept that he is NOT a Dictator.

Yesterday, Bush got another shock when King Abdullah the ruler of Saudi Arabia condemned our invasion of Iraq. The King was speaking before the Arab Summit and said the invasion of Iraq was an, “illegitimate foreign occupation”. He lectured the U.S. on the invasion in a very strongly worded speech before the leaders of the Arab World. This from the leader of a country the U.S. needs to supply our oil and who has been a good friend to the Bush family. If GWB had any sense he would look around and see that he has no support for this war. It was a mistake as King Abdullah said it is time to end our occupation of Iraq.

If Bush vetoes the supplemental funding for the military, Congress needs to pass an identical bill and send it back to the White House. If the funding becomes a problem it will be because of the stubbornness of the President to acknowledge the time has come to turn the fight for Iraq over to the Iraqi people.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 31, 2007
PORK is not why Bush will veto this bill. I do not agree with the PORK but that is not a valid reason to not approve the money Bush claims is needed for our military. His veto places the blame for not having the funding on him!
on Mar 31, 2007
PORK is not why Bush will veto this bill. I do not agree with the PORK but that is not a valid reason to not approve the money Bush claims is needed for our military. His veto places the blame for not having the funding on him!

You disloyal, socialist loving, pompous, hemorrhoid chewing, lying sack of whale dung!
You screamed to high heaven about the earmarks of the republicans and how that would change now that the democrats are in power. You admit that the pork is still there so nothing has changed. You cried about the culture of corruption then we find out that your beloved Senator Feinstein has been an ethically challenged war profiteer since day one of the war feeding no bid contracts to her husbands company to the tune of over a billion dollars. I don’t hear you screaming for her head on a platter for it. You are a political hack and nothing more. The democrats had to put the pork into the bill to get the votes to pass it because just saying a date to pull out of the war on terror they came up short by about 20 votes. Why reward people who would vote against their constituents unless they can bring them a bone so they can get re-elected? If you have to be bribed to vote for the Democrat way of losing the war I would say the votes are not really there and that the Veto will stand because of it.
on Apr 09, 2007

You are about the biggest ASS I have ever encountered!
on Apr 09, 2007
You are about the biggest ASS I have ever encountered!

Thaat is the best you have? I expected better from one of your age and education.

Please don't think that calling me an ass would upset me. I had professionas try to kill me for over 10 years your weak words don't ever register on the threat meter in negative numbers.
on Apr 10, 2007

You are about the biggest ASS

He "may be" the biggest....but "you're" a complete one.
on Apr 10, 2007
He "may be" the biggest....but "you're" a complete one.


I think.
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