Anyone who claims to care about our military can not support what George W. Bush has done to them. I just read the new TIME article about what Bush has done to our Army. Training has been cut short so the added troops could be rushed to Iraq. Equipment is not available or is not working properly. Units are being sent back after ONLY 9 Months and National Guard Units are being sent for a second tour.
The Bush budget does not contain enough money to operate the Army and the Army Chief of Staff was told to sell the need for more money to Congress. The cost to provide retention bonuses went from $180 Million in 2003 to $600 Million in 2006. There is no prospect to add the 65,000 increased Army strength that was finally approved. Wavers to include felony convictions have more then doubled!
From EVERY aspect, the Commander-in-Chief is destroying the Active Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserve. He is doing the same thing to the U.S. Marines! If you support the troops you can not continue to support GWB.