Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on May 4, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I decided to tape the Republican Presidential debate so I would be able to watch it at my leisure. It was clear each of the candidates did their best to show how they supported what they believe were the conservative principals of Reagan. They moved from issue to issue and expressed a position that generally is the foundation of the conservative Republican agenda.

If these10 men were attempting to become the head of the Republican National Committee I believe they would represent some very creditable candidates for RNC Chairmen. The problem is they are attempting to secure the nomination to run for President of the United States. To select any one of these men as the next president would be to select a person that has ideas and policy objectives that IGNORE about 70% of the American People.

I appreciate the unity of policy expressed by these men on most of the important issues facing our country. However, the policies expressed by these men DO NOT fit with what the majority of Americans express as what they want from their leader. The positions taken by these 10 men are at odds with most moderates, independents and liberals. To select ANY of these men as the 44th President will insure a continuation of the political polarization we have seen for the past 6 years and defy the direction that the majority want this nation to move toward.

We need candidates that are not just solid conservatives or liberals. We need candidates for the leader of our country that can lead with policies that reflect a composite of the thinking not just follow the desires of the conservatives or the liberals who each represent 25-30% of Americans. To make my point, today we have more Americans registered as independents then either republican or democrat. We need candidates from BOTH parties to come forward who are willing to govern from the center not the right or the left!

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 06, 2007

the united states was in the black at the end of world war 2 and now we are trillions in debt.

Better take another look. From WWI to 1980 we had a national debt of 900 Billion. When Reagan took office he convinced the Congress, which was controlled by democrats, to pass his tax cuts with the promise that by 1985 the budget would be balanced. This was to be accomplished despite the added spending Reagan supported to deal with the Cold war. He told the country his tax cuts would stimulate growth by 6% per year and replace the lost revenue from the tax cuts and provide the money for his increased spending. GUESS WHAT? His plan DID NOT WORK. We got only 3% annual growth from the Reagan tax cuts and by 1985 we were in a spiral of annual debt that resulted in 3 Trillion of NEW DEBT during the Reagan years. It took until 2000 and drastic cuts in military spending by Bush 41 and Clinton to balance the Budget in 2000. Bush then did the VERY SAME thins as Reagan. Cut taxes and increased spending. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? The same thing as when Reagan tried this approach What Bush 41 called Voodoo economics. Bush 43 will add $4 Trillion to the debt with the very same policy as Reagan used to add $3 Trillion to the debt! By the time Bush leaves office we will have almost $10 Trillion in debt and $500 Billion EVERY year in interest on that $10 Trillion dollars!
on May 06, 2007
NO what I am proposing is democracy. What you want is to have 25- 30% set the policies for 100%.

this is exactly what america is today

as an example we just had one man remove the words under god

ok guess i was wrong about the debt but guess what when it tripled during world war 2

guess what other federal financing took place

that's right it was the start of the income tax
on May 06, 2007

In the past when we went to war we enacted a tax to pay the added cost of the war. What Bush has done is CUT taxes while spending on the Iraq war and other things creating a huge deficit! That is just WRONG!!! Look at my Blog today about Reagan to see the impact!
on May 06, 2007

“Moreover, the foundation of your belief is based on ignorance. The vast majority of people who are poor and receive welfare aren't retarded or disabled. They are simply people who made incredibly stupid choices and continue to do so.”

No- many people that have service jobs that we all need do not pay a living wage. If we were able to grant every worker a B.S. degree we would have waiters, grass cutters, garbage people with a college degree. These jobs exist because we need the services and society does not value them enough to pay a living wage. Low income families are a combination of people that have service jobs, limited ability workers and disabled. In any event, so long as they do what they can I believe those that have abundance should help them with the resources needed to live!

How does what you say contradict a word I said?  The vast majority of poor people are poor because they don't work. That is a fact. That there are "many" people who are poor because they're working minimum wage jobs doesn't change that fact.

Moreover, you really need to get out more. Waiters, garbage men, and even grass cutters can make pretty good money.  Do you even look up any of this stuff at all???

on May 06, 2007

Every wealthy person should have to work a few years doing service jobs for minimum wage. I see a lot of low income workers breaking their back and have very little to show for their work. All workers can not own their own business and pay themselves $200,000 per year!

I did.

And you can live on minimum wage provided you live responsibly.

on May 06, 2007

“What you propose is socialism, Col, plain and simple.”

NO what I am proposing is democracy.

Ack. It's like dealing with a child.

Socialism is an economic system. Democracy is a political system. It's not one or the other. You can have a socialist system and still live in a democracy.

If everyone votes that we all have to make the same amount of money, it's still a democracy and it's still socialist.

The parasites of this world will always demand the fruits of other people's labor.  We must endeavor to be vigilant that we don't become a society of parasites.

on May 06, 2007
In the past when we went to war we enacted a tax to pay the added cost of the war. What Bush has done is CUT taxes while spending on the Iraq war and other things creating a huge deficit! That is just WRONG!!! Look at my Blog today about Reagan to see the impact!

then i guess in the past when said war was over said tax was over

on May 06, 2007

not counting tips waiters and waiteress get less than minimum

Again we need leaders that understand the LONG TERM needs of ALL Americans not just the privileged FEW! I say again NONE of the ten GOP candidates have that outlook!

when you give up all of your money we will listen to you
oh and if you do decide to i could use 300,000 so i can put it in the bank and live off the interest

WHY don't you try and live on $10,000 per year. That is what $5.15 per hour at 40 hrs per week amount to! Hell try $15,000 which is what a person would receive at the proposed increase in the minimum wage!

COL Gene

on May 06, 2007
Moreover, you really need to get out more. Waiters, garbage men, and even grass cutters can make pretty good money. Do you even look up any of this stuff at all???

You do not know what you are talking about. Just this week I read a survey in Southwest FL as to incomes of various occupations. Service workers like waters were averaging $14,000. Teachers $36,000. Police $36,000. CEO's of some regional companies between 1-2 Million per year. To purchase the average home requires about $70,000 annual income. Look at the tens of thousands in the Gulf after Katrina. That storm showed just how poor these people are and how little they have. NO savings and NO credit. Now many of them have no jobs.

The conservatives live in a state of denial and just want to be able to accumulate more and more wealth in the hands of a few. It is more important to add the next million to their net worth then pay a little more in taxes so we can help balance the budget or not cut funding for the WIC plan that helps insure children have proper food. Bush is proposing to cut this funding in the face of increasing need while supporting making tax cuts for multi millionaires permanent. What a sad outlook PURE GREED!
on May 06, 2007
Bush is proposing to cut this funding in the face of increasing need while supporting making tax cuts for multi millionaires permanent. What a sad outlook PURE GREED!

and again you lie

Bush signs bill to reauthorize child nutrition, WIC programs.(Women, Infants and Children)

COPYRIGHT 2004 Business Publishers, Inc.

Legislation designed to increase food assistance for low-income families has been signed into law, culminating a two-year process to reauthorize child nutrition and the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) programs.

The measure makes a bold step toward lowering the threshold for eligibility for school meals programs. In a move heavily favored by anti-hunger groups, the new law authorizes a five-state pilot program--contingent upon sufficient appropriations--to eliminate the reduced-price category and make all children from families up to 185 percent of the poverty level eligible for free meals.

"Struggling to pay the reduced price for school lunch is an issue that is real for too many families in North Carolina and across America," said Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-N.C.), who led the fight to eliminate the reduced-price category.

Dole was joined in the fight by the American School Food Service Association (ASFSA) and more than 500 state and local school boards that passed resolutions urging Congress to...

and where is my 300,000 you want to redistribute wealth lets start with yours
on May 06, 2007
Service workers like waters were averaging $14,000.

I will tell you this one, Col. The "average" wage for waiters is understated. Why? Because many waiters are the biggest tax cheats on the planet, understating their tips so that they don't have to lost their paycheck entirely to withholding. How do I know this? Because my knowledge comes from working in the field, not from a statistic or a textbook.
on May 06, 2007
Because many waiters are the biggest tax cheats on the planet, understating their tips so that they don't have to lost their paycheck entirely to withholding.

even then they have to claim 25% increase in their income based off their paycheck

whether or not they make that much

yes i know most do and some make more but then again there are some that don't
on May 06, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, May 06, 2007
Bush is proposing to cut this funding in the face of increasing need while supporting making tax cuts for multi millionaires permanent. What a sad outlook PURE GREED!

and again you lie NO I DID NOT LIE!!!

The Bush 2008 Budget CUT funding for WIC. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!
on May 06, 2007

How do you explain away the Police, Teachers who make 1/2 the minimum needed to purchase the average home! 20% of Americans are POOR. WHY don’t you try to live on 20-30K?
on May 06, 2007
and again you lie NO I DID NOT LIE!!!

The Bush 2008 Budget CUT funding for WIC. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!

you got any webpages that aren't anti bush

becouse i remember the democrats

calling a 5% increase a cut

oh and col where is my 300,000

i will keep this up until you answer
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