Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The argument that President Bush falls back on to NOT begin removing U.S. Forces from Iraq is that our withdrawal would allow the foreign terrorist organizations to plan and conduct future attacks in our country. The notion we are better to fight them over there then here.

The truth is that even if we were able to eliminate ALL foreign terrorist operations in Iraq we would remain in the same danger from future attacks by al-Qaeda et al. All the previous attacks such as the first twin tower bombings, The Cole, and 9/11 were all planned and conducted from al-Qaeda NOT LOCATED IN IRAQ! Our NIE has concluded that al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and the border region of Pakistan are as viable as they were BEFORE 9/11. Thus even if we were able to destroy al-Qaeda in Iraq, we have the same level of danger of future attacks as before 9/11.

What has prevented another attach is NOT that the Bush War on Terrorism has succeeded in reducing the danger. It is that we have been more adept at defending ourselves from these attacks. Bush himself has admitted there have been attempts to attack the U.S. since 9/11.

Bush now says the NIE report that said al-Qaeda has reconstituted itself is not true. How would Bush know that? He has no first hand intelligence. The one thing that is documented is spades in the Tenet Book; At the Center of the storm is that Bush does not pay attention to anything that does not support what HE WANTS TO DO.

Between March and September 2002, before 9/11 there were many very cogent warnings that the U.S. was in danger of attack from bin Laden and al-Qaeda. The Bush administration ignored EVERY one of those warnings. There was not a single warning that we were in ANY danger from an attack by Saddam—ONLY al-Qaeda and bin Laden. What did Bush do as soon as 9/11 took place—Moved forwarded with his plan to invade Iraq and sent only a token force into Afghanistan were 9/11 was planned.

We are expending the vast majority of our resources chasing an illusion—that if we eliminate al-Qaeda from Iraq we will have reduced the risk of future attacks. Just the opposite is what the NIE concluded when our 16 Intelligence agencies said the Iraq War is the major cause of the increase in foreign terrorism.

When you look at Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel it is not possible to conclude that the Bush approach to fight the Islamic terrorism that grips all of these countries IS WORKING! The principle reason is that Bush does not use the available intelligence to formulate policy and continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our efforts. He decides on a plan and then looks for those elements of the intelligence that appear to support the preconceived policy he has chosen and either ignores or keeps secret any intelligence that suggests what he is doing is not in our best interest or is not working!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 17, 2007
Provide logistical and training support to the Iraqi Military so long as they do their part to fight the violence, solve the political issues and try and restore security.

And what do you think the US is doing? Sitting there and telling them "OK I gave you a country, now run it"?

The combat operation I would deploy is one to deal with any al-Qaeda/Hezbollah operation within Iraq. That force would consist of Predator Droned equipped with Hell Fire Missiles to provide real time observation and the ability to engage high value targets in Iraq. The force would have Air Cave and Special Forces when boots on the ground were needed. It would be provided a very substantial air asset in terms of Tac Air as well as precision bombing capability from both the Navy and Air Force.

Sounds like what is already happening in Iraq. You seem to be agree with everything you are complaining about.

I would engage any al-Qaeda concentration, training or command/supply facility identified but would not become involved on lone term ground occupation. I would not be patrolling the streets of Baghdad or occupying large areas in Iraq. That would be turned over to the 350,000 Iraqi military and police.

Try as you might this would be unavoidable. Because we are the occupying force it is our duty to protect the Iraqi people. Up until this moment, and still debatable, the Iraqi military and the police were not ready so who did you think had to do the job? It would have been a stupid strategy to allow the militants, insurgents and Al-qaeda operatives to take over the country 1 town at a time simply because we refused to maintain some kind of order in the country. Patrolling the streets was a must, and even though there is a new Iraqi military, they are still not ready (even according to you since you think they still need more training) so we are still responsible for the streets of Iraq.

This quick reaction force could be located in Iraq or in neighboring areas or BOTH. I would substantially increase the real time Intel of the areas where al-Qaeda is operating and take every opportunity to destroy their operations large and small. I would give them NO rest or refuge. That is also true in Afghanistan. If we see that al-Qaeda continued to seek shelter in the border regions of Pakistan and they do not act to deny them the ability of operating in Pakistan, then surgical quick reaction operations would be extended into the border regions of Pakistan. We must take a far more aggressive posture toward al-Qaeda in the region and remove the bulk of our ground forces from Iraq! No more U.S. combat operation in the sectarian fighting in Iraq.

I'm sorry Col, but you seem to be stating everything the US military is currently doing in Iraq and Pakistan, with the exception that you are dismissing the possibility of hurting innocent people in the process. You're plan is actually the current administrations plan. I see no difference in what you stated. You almost make it sound as if we are not doing anything except sit around and show how big our guns are but we can't use them while the insurgents and Al-qaeda operatives run amok.

Here, let me give you a real solution to this dilemma:

First things first, it’s time to revise our rules of engagement. In this day in age it’s all about winning at all cost. Enemies do not meet in a battle field face to face as they once did back in the days of kings and castles. This is not Braveheart, the enemy will not just stand there and be killed, and it’s not about who has the most men or who has the better and bigger guns. It’s about exploiting every weakness; it’s about taking every advantage possible. It’s about pretending to be a friend only to stab you in the back at any given chance. It’s about survival and today’s enemy is willing to go the extra mile to win regardless of how the world views them. It may be time for use to loosen our rules a bit. While I’m not suggesting flushing the entire rule book, I am suggesting that we make some of the rules less restrictive, less intrusive. We need to stop tying our own hands every time we face a new enemy; we need to stop making it easier for them to beat us. We need to accept that collateral damage is unavoidable and that throwing our people in the line of fire to avoid collateral damage is a fool’s strategy. Battles can not be won with diplomats as commanding officers. Sometimes the moral way isn’t always the best way when it comes to survival. If ever faced with the ultimate decision of leaving my child without his father or leaving the innocent child of an enemy without his father, that’s a no brainer, them before us.

Once we can get past our obsession with looking good in the eyes of the rest of the world we can focus on sending a message to the enemy that we will pound back 10 times stronger for every attack they throw at us. We will show what the US Armed Forces are really made of, we will show them the power of our latest and newest weapons, we will show them that killing our citizens only makes our cause, our mission that much more important to accomplish. We will push forward; we will show them that this is about survival when diplomacy fails. Any enemy installation, any building, any hole and any cave they hide in will be reduced to a pile of rubble. Cooperation is a must of find yourself amongst the collateral damage for aiding and abetting a criminal. The Iraqi people must be motivated into taking over their country. They must be willing to point out any illegal activities, any suspicious people, any information on people with weapons. They must prove they are not part of the group of people looking to make a disaster out of Iraq. If they truly do not want to die at the hands of these criminals they need to make an effort to weed them out, to help the US and the new Iraqi military forces find these criminals and remove them. They need to fight for their country or sit then and die a worthless death from a suicide bomber, an opposing branch sniper or armed conflicts between US and Iraqi forces against these militants.

If we can get past our need to be loved by the rest of the world and be willing to bend the rules a bit for the sake of ending this and saving more lives than are being lost at this moment; we stand a better chance at ending this or at least bring it down a few notches to the point where diplomacy may actually stand a “fighting”(?) chance. It’s time to show the enemy that they can not use our weaknesses against us without any repercussions.

That’s how I would do it. We may not be the perfect US that many would want us to be, but we would still maintain most of our values. I value all life (with the exception of some insects) but having no other choice, my survival and that of my family and/or my country comes first.
on Jul 17, 2007
I may come across as a war monger to some, but I would rather diplomacy to used first and unless all other non violent options fail, military force should always be a last resort. Judging by what I have seen and read, it seems military force is all these people will understand. Well I say we give it to them.
on Jul 17, 2007
"Pakistan is a sad excuse for an ally. "

They also are Moslem and have BOTH nuclear weapons and long range missiles!
on Jul 17, 2007

Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Provide logistical and training support to the Iraqi Military so long as they do their part to fight the violence, solve the political issues and try and restore security.

And what do you think the US is doing? Sitting there and telling them "OK I gave you a country, now run it"?

The VAST majority of our military Operations are in fighting in the areas where Sectarian Violence is the source of the conflict. We are training and providing support as well as fighting foreign elements. However the VAST majority of our effort is in the areas where the Civil War rages between the factions of Iraqi's.

We can not solve the “Political issues” Only the Iraq Government can do that and they are NOT acting to accomplish that goal. We were to surge our troops in order to give the Iraqi Parliament the time to enact the political changes essential to live with less violence. They have NOT done that and now plan to take a break in August while our troops continue to fight and DIE while they go on vacation. BS—Time to get out and let Iraq protect Iraq!
on Jul 17, 2007
The VAST majority of our military Operations are in fighting in the areas where Sectarian Violence is the source of the conflict. We are training and providing support as well as fighting foreign elements. However the VAST majority of our effort is in the areas where the Civil War rages between the factions of Iraqi's.

So where do you want us to do the fighting? In areas where there are no insurgents? Do you even listen to yourself? Where do you think Al-qaeda is hiding? Who do you think those in this "Civil War" are attacking? What, do you think Al-qaeda is the only one killing our soldiers in Iraq and that those in the Civil War would just ignore us if we ignore them? You really have lost your mind.

We can not solve the “Political issues” Only the Iraq Government can do that and they are NOT acting to accomplish that goal. We were to surge our troops in order to give the Iraqi Parliament the time to enact the political changes essential to live with less violence. They have NOT done that and now plan to take a break in August while our troops continue to fight and DIE while they go on vacation. BS—Time to get out and let Iraq protect Iraq!

Funny, we gave them till September and you are already crying about them not getting anything done. It is July Col, not September. The troop surge happened not so long ago, you expected a miracle in a few weeks? People like you really are ignorant, always expecting the US to solve problems over night, with magic I guess. It's because of people like you that we do not succeed since you already perceive the mission as a failure before it even began and called it a failure a few days after it started. I'm thankful you never had any real missions when you were active. I can't imagine the amount of soldiers lost due to your terrible follow thru skills. You would have seen defeat before you even began and would have given up and gone home before you even put on the uniform. You never had any faith in Bush or our country for that matter. You never had faith in our armed forces from day 1. You decided we were losers even before 9/11. I am ashamed to have you as a citizen in the same country as me.
on Jul 17, 2007
“So where do you want us to do the fighting? In areas where there are no insurgents?”

The insurgents in Iraq are not what threatens the U.S. They attack our military because we are occupying their country. We need to destroy groups like al-Qaeda. The NIE that was released clearly demonstrates that is the real and GROWING danger is to our homeland not the Sunni and Shea groups fighting to control Iraq. Most of our military actions are in the area where the sectarian conflict for control of Iraq. It is not against the Foreign Terrorist elements in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan!
on Jul 17, 2007

“Funny, we gave them till September and you are already crying about them not getting anything done.”

Just how will they get the political changes done when they are in Recess during most of the remaining time until the September report?
on Jul 17, 2007
The insurgents in Iraq are not what threatens the U.S. They attack our military because we are occupying their country. We need to destroy groups like al-Qaeda.

So what you want us to not fight them? You want us to let them attack us? Listen to yourself Col, you are not making any sense. We have a responsibility in Iraq, this responsibility puts us face to face with these insurgents. We can not ignore their attacks just to focus on Al-qaeda. Wake up, what is being done,must be done. What you need to do is stay out of it and let them do their jobs and stop expecting over night miracles.

Just how will they get the political changes done when they are in Recess during most of the remaining time until the September report?

LOL, have you ever noticed that our Gov't system only works 2 out of 5 or 7 days? If we can run a country in 2 days a week at a time, Iraq will be just fine. Besides a recess does not mean no one will be there to run the Gov't and the country. You really are idiotic aren't you?
on Jul 17, 2007

“So what you want us to not fight them? You want us to let them attack us?”

I want us to redeploy out of the areas where the sectarian fighting is taking place and allow the Iraqi military to deal with the fighting just like the Iraq PM said they could last week!
on Jul 17, 2007
, have you ever noticed that our Gov't system only works 2 out of 5 or 7 days? If we can run a country in 2 days a week at a time, Iraq will be just fine. Besides a recess does not mean no one will be there to run the Gov't and the country. You really are idiotic aren't you?

The Iraqi Government has done NOTHING toward solving the political issues for over a YEAR and now they are going on vacation while our military continue to die and we spend $12 Billion per month. YOU ARE THE IDIOT along with Bush!
on Jul 17, 2007

I want us to redeploy out of the areas where the sectarian fighting is taking place and allow the Iraqi military to deal with the fighting just like the Iraq PM said they could last week!

Col, you've been saying that since way before the Iraqi military was ready. What excuse can you give me for wanting us to leave back then? How's about you let our experts make the decisions. You are no longer military, you are not a politician so stop acting as if you have all the good ideas when they have done or are doing everything you claim should be done yet you complain it is not being done.

The Iraqi Government has done NOTHING toward solving the political issues for over a YEAR and now they are going on vacation while our military continue to die and we spend $12 Billion per month. YOU ARE THE IDIOT along with Bush!

Let's see, according to the report they have reached 8 goals and 2 inconclusive which means they could have or could have not. It seems that they are. The military is almost ready, the police is almost ready, how can you claim they have done nothing in a year when you wrote an article yesterday stating the PM claims the military and the police are ready? Who does the PM work for? Duh, the Iraqi Gov't, the one you claim has done nothing for a year. Make up your mind you fool. I'm an idiot? I'm not the one saying the Iraqi Gov't has done nothing in one reply while stating that their military is ready on another. Man you are so stupid you can't even follow your own line of thinking.
on Jul 17, 2007

"Col, you've been saying that since way before the Iraqi military was ready."

Well NOW the PM says the Iraqi Military is READY.. That means there is no excuse for us to remain fighting a battle they can not fight!
on Jul 17, 2007
“Let's see, according to the report they have reached 8 goals and 2 inconclusive which means they could have or could have not. It seems that they are. The military is almost ready, the police are almost ready, how can you claim they have done nothing in a year when you wrote an article yesterday stating the PM claims the military and the police are ready? Who does the PM work for? Duh, the Iraqi Gov't, the one you claim has done nothing for a year.”

NOW let me show you just how stupid you are. I said the Iraqi Government did not move forward on the POLITICAL ISSUES. I did not say the did not achieve some of the Military objectives. We have spent 4 years to train 350,000 of their military and about 50,000 police. That is what the PM said can defend Iraq.
on Jul 17, 2007
the Iraqi government went on a recess. did you ever think that they might be going home to get back in touch with the people.

when bush comes here to the ranch or goes to Maine on vacation. do you really think he is on vacation.
on Jul 17, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, July 17, 2007
"the Iraqi government went on a recess. did you ever think that they might be going home to get back in touch with the people."


Explain that to families of the Americans that will die and be injured while the Iraqis are on vacation! They have done nothing for over a year!
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