Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Human Activity is causing Global Warming!
Published on August 22, 2007 By COL Gene In Pure Technology
Federal Court said Bush Violated Environmental Law

U.S. District Court Judge Sandra Armstrong ruled that the Bush Administration violated a 1990 law that REQUIRES an updated plan every three years on Climate Change. The last update was issued in 2003. She ordered Bush to submit the required plan by March 2008.

The results from research on ice cores that were drilled 2,000 feet down in the Antarctica with ice that was 800,000 years old show the rate of global warming is many times faster then at any time during the past 800,000 years. They also dated the start of this rapid global warming to the start of the Industrial Revolution. The research also was able to establish the types of pollution that was captured in the frozen ice cores. In the early part of the industrial revolution the pollutants were burning wood and coal. In the period from about 1910 the other major pollutant was the result of the internal combustion engine.

These results now document that the rate of Global warming is off the scale compared with any increase in the 800,000 years prior to about 1880. It also shows that the types of pollutants are being produced by human activity. The study said even if we reverse our dumping pollution into the atmosphere it will take a long time to see any reversal of the global warming that is taking place. The consequences of this global warming will be catastrophic on both the rise of the world’s oceans and in weather changes that this warming will cause!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 23, 2007
You can’t be serious. You use outdated information that was highly suspect to begin with and has been discredited in the last two years. Let me try to enlighten some of your readers because I view you col. as a lost cause.

Global warming as been confirmed and proven 40 years ago. Man has nothing to do with global warming because our impact is roughly 6/10th of one degree per century. While every thousand years the sun gets ten percent hotter. Since all the warmth on the planet comes from the sun makes man not even noticed by the environment. This is all explained a lot better on my post a few months ago.
on Aug 23, 2007

Reply By: Paladin77 Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2007
“You can’t be serious. You use outdated information that was highly suspect to begin with and has been discredited in the last two years. Let me try to enlighten some of your readers because I view you col. as a lost cause.

Global warming as been confirmed and proven 40 years ago. Man has nothing to do with global warming because our impact is roughly 6/10th of one degree per century. While every thousand years the sun gets ten percent hotter. Since all the warmth on the planet comes from the sun makes man not even noticed by the environment. This is all explained a lot better on my post a few months ago.”

The results of the research do not become outdated like the news. They have PROVEN that global warming is taking place at a rate far greater now then at any time in the past 800,000 years. They have documented that the ice since the 1880's contains pollution that we produce and that the start of the accelerated warming started in 1880.
on Aug 24, 2007
The results of the research do not become outdated like the news.

Um....yes they can.  This is the problem with the global warming cult and liberals like yourself.  You take one outdated study, and completely ignore everything else that says man-made global warming is nonsense.

on Aug 24, 2007
However, because of the difficulty in precisely dating the air and water (ice) samples, it is still unknown whether GTG concentration increases precede and cause temperature increases, or vice versa--or whether they increase synchronously. It's also unknown how much of the historical temperature changes have been due to GTGs, and how much has been due to orbital forcing, ie, increases in solar radiation, or perhaps long-term shifts in ocean circulation.

So basically....YOU DON"T KNOW!!! Sigh. You will demand that Bush be held accountable even when you can't PROVE anything. Why dont' you help reduce global warming by spewing a little less hot air?
on Aug 24, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Friday, August 24, 2007
The results of the research do not become outdated like the news.

Um....yes they can. This is the problem with the global warming cult and liberals like yourself. You take one outdated study, and completely ignore everything else that says man-made global warming is nonsense.

The study is not outdated
on Aug 24, 2007
The study is not outdated

The information in this web page was researched on Earth Day, 2000.
This page was last updated on May 30, 2000.
In June of 1999

Have you read the recent studies that debunk most of the global warmning scare tactics?

on Aug 25, 2007
This was the source of the CNN story I sighted. Note the date

Source: Florida State University
Date: April 26, 2007
More on: Global Warming, Climate, Environmental Issues, Geography, Earth Science, Geology

Extraordinary Antarctic Ice Core Will Help Scientists Study Global Warming
Science Daily — As the national repository for geological material from the Southern Ocean, the Antarctic Marine Geology Research Facility at Florida State University houses the premier collection of Antarctic sediment cores -- and a hot new acquisition will offer an international team of scientists meeting there May 1-4 its best look yet at the impact of global warming on oceans worldwide.

Researchers from FSU's Antarctic Marine Geology Research Facility endure survival training on Antarctica's Ross Sea Ice Shelf. (Credit: Courtesy of the Antarctic Marine Geology Research Facility at Florida State University)Ads by Google Advertise on this site


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The remarkable new core was extracted during the recent Antarctic summer from record-setting drilling depths 4,214 feet below the sea floor beneath Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf, the Earth's largest floating ice body. Laced with sediment dating from the present day to about 10 million years ago, the core provides a geologic record of the ice shelf's history in unprecedented detail.

Greenish rock layered throughout the "time capsule" indicates periods of open-water conditions, suggesting that the Ross ice shelf retreated and advanced perhaps as many as 50 times over the last 5 million years in response to climate changes, says FSU AMGRF Head Curator Matthew Olney. He notes that signs of fluctuations such as these are critical because the Ross Sea ice is a floating extension of the even bigger West Antarctic Ice Sheet -- an area of the southernmost continent so unstable that scientists foresee its collapse in a world overheated by global warming. A collapse there could raise sea levels worldwide by a catastrophic 20 feet.

Credit for the core's record-setting extraction goes to the inaugural expedition of ANDRILL (ANtarctic geological DRILLing) -- a $30 million multinational project for which FSU is playing the key curatorial role. The collaborative research initiative is the most ambitious seafloor drilling effort ever undertaken at the Antarctic margins. The National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs largely funds both ANDRILL and the AMGRF at FSU.

May 1-4, members of FSU's geology faculty and AMGRF staff will welcome to campus more than 100 ANDRILL researchers -- scientists, drillers, students and educators from Germany, Italy, New Zealand and the United States -- for the first post-drilling meeting.

"The upcoming ANDRILL workshop at FSU will focus on the review and completion of an initial report on the first ANDRILL expedition as well as giving the scientists an opportunity to re-examine the cores now safely stored at the AMGRF," Olney said.

FSU's ANDRILL role kicked off in December when university staff, undergraduates Charlie King and Kelly Jemison, graduate student Steve Petrushack, visiting research associate Davide Persico, AMGRF Head Curator Matthew Olney and Assistant Curator Matthew Curren began a three-month stint on the curatorial team. Only one member of the team had previously been to Antarctica.

Their curatorial duties included transporting sediment core sections seven miles from the drill site to the McMurdo Station laboratory; splitting them longitudinally into working and archive halves, then imaging each split face; taking samples from the working half for on-ice scientific description; and safely packing, logging and transporting them back to the FSU research facility.

Wise pointed out that the recent ANDRILL expedition to Antarctica was the second such project involving AMGRF scientists, curators, and students within a six-month period -- the first being the SHALDRIL ("Shallow Drilling") cruise in which FSU took a leadership role. "It's been a very busy year at our facility, with six FSU participants on both projects involved in the science to various degrees while providing curatorial support to both," he added.

FSU and its ANDRILL partners already are gearing up for the next excursion, scheduled for October 2007 during the Antarctic spring.
on Aug 25, 2007
The results of the research do not become outdated like the news.

Sure it does when the information is faulty or wrong. Or are you suggesting that just because we have new evidence that the earth is still flat, or is that research outdated?

They have PROVEN that global warming is taking place at a rate far greater now then at any time in the past 800,000 years.

This is not true and I can prove it. Ten thousand years ago Africa was green from coast to coast. Six thousand years ago the desert started growing, around the time of Moses the desert could be crossed in a week on foot. Now you can’t cross it in a week with a car. In the last five thousand years the sun has gotten 50% hotter. Global warming has been happening on Venus and Mars and the warming is the same rate as on Earth. Are there any SUV’s or man made pollution on those two planets? Yes, the world is getting hotter but not because of man. No matter how much you conserve, how much you don’t pollute the destruction of the Earth will happen as the Sun gets hotter and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Keep in mind that the people that support man made global warming don't believe the Sun has any impact on global warming. Once you put the sun in its proper place in the global warming debate you find that nothing that man does can hurt the Earth. We can kill off man but that is about it.
on Aug 26, 2007
Reply By: Paladin77 Posted: Saturday, August 25, 2007
“The results of the research do not become outdated like the news.

Sure it does when the information is faulty or wrong. Or are you suggesting that just because we have new evidence that the earth is still flat, or is that research outdated?

They have PROVEN that global warming is taking place at a rate far greater now then at any time in the past 800,000 years.

This is not true and I can prove it. Ten thousand years ago Africa was green from coast to coast. Six thousand years ago the desert started growing, around the time of Moses the desert could be crossed in a week on foot. Now you can’t cross it in a week with a car. In the last five thousand years the sun has gotten 50% hotter. Global warming has been happening on Venus and Mars and the warming is the same rate as on Earth. Are there any SUV’s or man made pollution on those two planets? Yes, the world is getting hotter but not because of man. No matter how much you conserve, how much you don’t pollute the destruction of the Earth will happen as the Sun gets hotter and there is nothing anyone can do about it.”

YOU HAVE PROVEN NOTHING. The scientific data is clear- YOU and the other people that ignore the reality are pathetic. Just look at what is going on around the world. The changes in weather, the extreme weather is undeniable. The consequences of you being wrong are so extreme that any reasonable person would agree we must do all we can do to reverse the warming before we will be unable to send Blogs like this one!
on Aug 26, 2007
YOU HAVE PROVEN NOTHING. The scientific data is clear- YOU and the other people that ignore the reality are pathetic. Just look at what is going on around the world. The changes in weather, the extreme weather is undeniable. The consequences of you being wrong are so extreme that any reasonable person would agree we must do all we can do to reverse the warming before we will be unable to send Blogs like this one!

Good GRIEF, Col. Gene! You really need to be COMMITTED! You have lost it, big time. WHen global warming rates are the same on Mars and Venus it's absolute lunacy to attribute it to man made causes.

Conservation is a good thing, Col, regardless. But conservation won't cool sunspots!
on Aug 27, 2007

Reply By: Gideon MacLeish
Posted: Sunday, August 26, 2007
YOU HAVE PROVEN NOTHING. The scientific data is clear- YOU and the other people that ignore the reality are pathetic. Just look at what is going on around the world. The changes in weather, the extreme weather is undeniable. The consequences of you being wrong are so extreme that any reasonable person would agree we must do all we can do to reverse the warming before we will be unable to send Blogs like this one!

"Good GRIEF, Col. Gene! You really need to be COMMITTED! You have lost it, big time. When global warming rates are the same on Mars and Venus its absolute lunacy to attribute it to man made causes."

The number of scientists that say there is a problem and that we are helping to create the problem can not be ignored by a rational person. In addition, the consequence of ignoring this issue if the Conservatives are WROMG are so dire, that again a rational person would act our an abundance of caution not burry their head in the sand.

on Aug 28, 2007
The number of scientists that say there is a problem and that we are helping to create the problem can not be ignored by a rational person.

Most of those scientist were part of the global cooling crowd that said we faced extinction if we did not melt the ice caps so as to protect us from the coming ice age. They also said we only had ten years to act before it would become irreversible. At that time NASA said that the planets Venus Earth and Mars were rising in temperature at the same rate. Those global cooling scientist said that NASA had faulty data and we were all going to freeze to death and we had to stop the problem NOW! What rational person would listen to people that make wild claims every 30 years that contradict their last wild claim? The NYT has for the last one hundred years published twice that there would be global warming. They also published twice in the last hundred years that there would be global cooling. They run in spurts of about 25 years then they reverse themselves. You just happen to notice the global warming crap but you seem to have ignored the ice age they predicted in 1964. Living in NY I remember that Sunday paper with the empire state building and the Chrysler building just above the snow line and the rest of NYC covered in a blanket of snow. I have feared snow ever since. So far the proof is very thin that supports your argument col. Gene.

In addition, the consequence of ignoring this issue if the Conservatives are WROMG are so dire, that again a rational person would act our an abundance of caution not burry their head in the sand.

If we acted when the scientist said we were all going to freeze to death and started to melt the polar ice caps 40 years ago would we have been better off today?

In 1978 NASA produced irrefutable evidence that the Earth is getting hotter. The global cooling crowd agreed and said we are all going to die from global warming and we only had ten years to fix the problem or we were all going to die from the heat. In 1987 a paleo-etymologist published his findings that the Earth will warm up to a certain point and then cool it’s self off with an ice age. He discovered the ocean conveyer system that keeps us warm in the north. This is where you get the movie the day after next or something.

What people fail to understand is that this has happened several times in Earths history. The last time was about a million years before man showed up. You see col. the Earth is coming out of an ice age that lasted three million years. So in the last 800,000 thousand years the Earth is getting hotter faster until it reaches its normal global temperature. Man has only been around for the last ten thousand years and keeping records for the last two hundred years and keeping accurate global records for the last ten years. The solar system travels around the galactic center once every two hundred and fifty million years. With that in mind man has not even been around for one cycle of the sun to know what is normal and what is not.
on Aug 28, 2007
MORE current data that we are causing Global Warming:

Hot Year Blamed on Greenhouse Gases
August 28, 2007 1:37 PM EDT
WASHINGTON - "We have met the enemy, and he is us," the comic-strip character Pogo said decades ago. A new analysis of last year's near-record temperatures in the United States suggests he was right.

Warming caused by human activity was the biggest factor in the high temperatures recorded in 2006, according to a report by researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The analysis, released Tuesday, is being published in the September issue of Geophysical Research Letters, published by the American Geophysical Union.

In January, NOAA's National Climatic Data Center reported that 2006 was the warmest year on record over the 48 contiguous states with an average temperature 2.1 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal and 0.07 degree warmer than 1998, the previous warmest year on record.

In May, however, NOAA revised the 2006 ranking to the second warmest year after updated statistics showed the year was actually .08 F cooler than 1998.

At the time the agency said it was not clear how much of the warming was a result of greenhouse-gas induced climate change and how much resulted from the El Nino warming of the tropical Pacific Ocean that was under way.

"We wanted to find out whether it was pure coincidence that the two warmest years on record both coincided with El Nino events," Martin Hoerling of NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colo., said in a statement.

His study looked at the effects of El Nino in the past as well as the effects of the release of gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by human industrial activities.

The analysis of past El Nino events in the 20th century found that the result was a slightly colder than normal annual average temperature over the 48 contiguous states.

To double check that, the researchers conducted two sets of 50-year computer simulations of U.S. climate, with and without the influence of El Nino. They again found a slight cooling across the nation when El Nino was present.

Then they looked at the effect of the increased greenhouse gases - which are given that name because they can help trap heat from the sun somewhat like a greenhouse traps heat.

They ran 42 different tests using complex computer models to simulate changes in the atmosphere under various conditions and concluded that the "2006 warmth was primarily due to human influences."

While Hoerling's study focused on the United States, NOAA also tracks world climate. Worldwide, 2005 was the warmest year on record, topping 1998, according to the agency.

The research was supported by NOAA's office of Global Programs.

on Aug 28, 2007
While Hoerling's study focused on the United States, NOAA also tracks world climate. Worldwide, 2005 was the warmest year on record, topping 1998, according to the agency.

The research was supported by NOAA's office of Global Programs.

Please let me know when you get to last month when NASA had to retract most of what was said because even though they tripple checked the data someone lied to support global warming and it seems that last century still holds most of the warmest temps on record. oops, when you cherry pick your data you have to present it to people that have not bothered to read stuff as it is released. Because of my business I have direct links to the hurricane center in Miami as well as other agencies. It cost money to have them but I get the information as much as three hours before it hits the news media and I get it without spin. With the sun getting hotter each and every minute sooner or later the Earth will not be able to cool itself as it once did, thats when we will be in trouble. The short of it is that you are being lied to by the religion of global climate change, or you are lying to us here. which is it?
on Aug 28, 2007
Have you been looking at the extreme weather conditions all over the world? Keep living in a dream world.
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