Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on September 21, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday George Bush forcefully defended his fiscal policies at his news conference. It was clear that Bush believes what he is saying despite that the results of the past 6 years show a total opposite reality. Bush again stated his disagreement with the criticism of Alan Greenspan who has said the Bush tax cuts and spending policies were irresponsible and have caused harm to our country. Bush also talked about the inability of Social Security and Medicare to pay the benefits that have been promised to the Baby Boomers that are getting ready to retire.

Bush totally ignored the fact that when he took office we had a balanced budget for the first time in over 20 years. The very first year he was in office he returned to annual budget deficits because of his tax cuts and increased spending. That policy has added $4 Trillion dollars to the debt of this country. Bush was warned in 2001 by Greenspan, O’Neil and Walker NOT to return to annual deficits and to tie any tax cuts to the so called surplus that Bush claimed was the justification for his tax cuts. Bush ignored the advice of the most knowledgeable experts in this country as to how he should manage our tax and spending policies. That refusal created the unprecedented debt that Greenspan criticized in his new book. For Bush to say he disagrees with Greenspan given both Greenspan’s track record and the fact the Bush fiscal policy has increased the debt MORE then ANY other President in our history, proves that Bush is delusional.

Then Bush turned to Social Security and its inability to pay the promised benefits. He said the reason that we have not resolved the Social Security funding problem is because Congress refused to pass the Bush suggestion to allow the creation of private accounts with part of individual Social Security taxes. The Bush suggestion would actually make Social Security even MORE unable to keep its promises. Thus what Bush said is totally opposite from reality. His plan not only would not solve the Social Security fiscal problem it would make the problem WORSE. What Bush suggested is like a person who intended to purchase a gallon of Milk for $3.00 who only has $2.00 in his pocket. He then offers to give the person in front of him $. 50 Cents to help them out. That would make him a $1.50 short of what he needed to purchase the milk.

Finally Bush turned to the inability of Medicate to keep its promises to the Baby Boomers. When Bush took office Medicare had a projected shortfall to meet future benefit payments. Bush and the GOP controlled Congress added to Medicare the Prescription Drug Plan without funding that new entitlement. Thus the action of Bush and the GOP took a serious problem and made it WORSE. Now Bush warns us about Medicare which he and the GOP made substantially worse.

If anyone else said the same things as Bush said yesterday they would be ignored as simply out of touch. The problem is that the person that is out of touch happens to be the leader of this country. To have a leader who is totally wrong and who refuses to look at reality is dangerous for the future our country!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 24, 2007
what ever who cares
on Sep 24, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, September 24, 2007
what ever who cares

This is your stock answer when ever you are PROVEN WRONG. Here is what I said:

This is page 76 & 77 from my book:

More insight into George W.
Contact with the economics professor of George W. at Harvard

By COL Gene
Posted Thursday, September 30, 2004 on Bush Truth
Discussion: Politics
Yesterday I received a note and letters from Professor Yoshi Tsurumi, the economics professor of George W. at Harvard. Professor Tsurumi provided me two pieces of information that helped flush out the character of George W.

He provided copies of letters he wrote (published in The Scarsdale Inquirer) and one written by Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times. Mr. Kristof vetted the claims of Professor Tsurumi, who has been the victim of vicious attacks by the White House operatives.

The professor recalls a conversation with George W. one fall day in 1973. George was wearing a Guard jacket and the professor asked him how he got into the Guard. As we all know George W. answered with the "help of daddy and his good friends". The new information for me was a second statement by George W. when Professor Tsurumi asked George W. how he finished his National Guard commitment so quickly. The answer was “I got an early honorable discharge". The professor asked how he was able to do that and George W. answered," oh daddy had a good friend".

The second issue gets even more to what George W. is about. Professor Tsurumi vividly remembers George W. because of his outrageous statements such as,

"people were poor because they were lazy"

He opposed labor unions, Social Security, Environmental Protection, Medicare and Public Schools. To him the Federal Trade Commission and SEC were unnecessary hindrances to "free market completion".

The policies of FDR were socialism.

He showed his lack of compassion for the ordinary working Americans.

Does this sound like a "Compassionate Conservative" to ANYONE? Does this sound like the teachings of the Christian faith George W. professes?

The professor does provide some very interesting insight into the man who would be reelected President.
on Sep 24, 2007
no this is my stock answer to anything you have to say

what ever who cares
on Sep 24, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, September 24, 2007
no this is my stock answer to anything you have to say

what ever who cares

YOU ARE AN IDIOT - That is my stock answer to you!!!!
on Sep 24, 2007
YOU ARE AN IDIOT - That is my stock answer to you!!!!

no that is your stock answer to anyone who doesn't agree with you

what ever who cares.
on Sep 24, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, September 24, 2007
YOU ARE AN IDIOT - That is my stock answer to you!!!!

no that is your stock answer to anyone who doesn't agree with you

what ever who cares.

YOUR attitude has enabled Bush and the GOP in Congress to get us into war, all but bankrupt our country, fail to protect our borders and ports, and ignore the needs of the majority of our citizens. You are a SORRY American and I hope enough of our people CARE to insure our country remains free and strong. That will not be any thanks to you, Bush and those who support the policies we have been following since January 2001.
on Sep 24, 2007
what ever who cares.
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