Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Bill to give 3.5 Million children health insurance that today do not have coverage passed Congress in a bipartisan way. Bush has said he will veto this bill while he prepares to request another $190 Billion for WAR!

Bush is a lost cause and the voters must turn their attention to Congress. ANY member of Congress that is up for reelection in 2008 that does not vote to override a Bush veto of this bill should be removed from office in November 2008 for turning their backs on these 3.5 Million children! They should also highlight some of the children that the Bush veto will prevent from receiving the health care they need!

In 2004 when Bush was running for reelection he supported the very expansion to the SCHIP program that he threatens to VETO today. He VOTED FOR IT BEFORE HE VOTED AGINST IT! What a SORRY man we have in the White House!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 30, 2007
If Pres. Bush has indeed broken the law, then yes. Justice should be done. But again, we should be praying for him. And not praying that fire be brought down from heaven and roast him on the spot. But true intercession. That is what I am saying....pray for the man's soul, and that he get right with God, and live a good life.

To do that, though, we need to put aside our politics (which Gene seems unable to do). Put aside our feelings and thoughts towards the man, and pray for him according to God's will.
on Sep 30, 2007
It was Quote by Lt. Gen. Bruce Wright, commander of the roughly 50,000 U.S. forces in Japan. Argue with him if you like!

Are you really that dense, Gene? What you published was not a quote from the general at all, you quoted the first line of a news article about the general's interview. Do you really not understand the concept of "quote"? Give me the link to the actual transcript - there's not a chance in hell that those 9 words were uttered by the general.
on Sep 30, 2007
but I do think he should be brought to justice for the things he has done.

what laws has he broken
on Sep 30, 2007

“It would be a shame to spend a lifetime of hate, and then in the end, be without God's forgiveness just because of another man, and our refusal to forgive him and pray for him.”

IF and WHEN GWB admits he was wrong and seeks forgiveness I be happy to forgive him!
on Sep 30, 2007
Reply By: Daiwa Posted: Sunday, September 30, 2007
It was Quote by Lt. Gen. Bruce Wright, commander of the roughly 50,000 U.S. forces in Japan. Argue with him if you like!

Are you really that dense, Gene? What you published was not a quote from the general at all, you quoted the first line of a news article about the general's interview. Do you really not understand the concept of "quote"? Give me the link to the actual transcript - there's not a chance in hell that those 9 words were uttered by the general.

SHOW us where that is NOT what the general said in the interview!

Here is a Quote from the General's interview with CBS, "Are we in trouble? It depends on the scenario," Wright said Thursday. "But you have to be concerned about the small number of our forces and the age of our forces."
on Sep 30, 2007

Here is a Quote from the General's interview with CBS, "Are we in trouble? It depends on the scenario," Wright said Thursday. "But you have to be concerned about the small number of our forces and the age of our forces."

this would be true if we were not in iraq.
on Sep 30, 2007
but I do think he should be brought to justice for the things he has done.

what laws has he broken

Well that's the great debate see. One argument is that he's broken the constitution with his use of signing statements that change the entire nature of a bill rather than choose to go head to head with the senate and congress with a veto. Yes, signing statements were around long before Bush was in office and have been used by other presidents in the past- but not to nullify or change key parts of a bill... the executive is not supposed to be able to do that. By the time a bill gets to the president's desk it should be either sign the bill or veto it. "Since taking office in 2001, President Bush has issued signing statements on more than 750 new laws, declaring that he has the power to set aside the laws when they conflict with his legal interpretation of the Constitution."- Boston Globe. See, in doing that, the president has become what's called a 'unitary executive'- this essentially nullifies many of the checks and balances in your system, and changes the U.S from a nation of laws to a nation of men. The scary thing is, no one stopped him from doing this, and much as I dislike the democrats I was hoping that they would open impeachment proceedings against Bush when they took congress. Instead they continued to play politics and sit on their hands.

There's many other examples that I believe Bush is guilty for, and should be held accountable- the signing of the military commissions act of 2006, for example. This bill effectively repeals the rights of habeas corpus. What this bill says is that if the U.S government determines you are an 'unlawful enemy combatant' that they can detain you indefinitely, you have no real legal rights, they do not have to inform your family, they do not have to tell you why you are being held or the evidence against you, in the interests of preserving national security of course. Backup you say- "what the heck is an unlawful enemy combatant?!?"- well according to this bill, if the government says you are a terrorist, you are a terrorist. They don't have to take you before a member of the judicial branch and explain the charges against you. Furthermore, the bill makes it so that you will not be tried by the U.S legal system, but by a military tribunal. Who are the members of the tribunal? Military officers appointed by the government. This law is one of the most damaging pieces of legislation passed by the U.S government, and Bush, the members of congress and the senate that voted for it should be prosecuted (in my humble opinion)
on Sep 30, 2007
he's broken the constitution with his use of signing statements

if he has done this then the democrats who are looking for a reason to impeach for payback of clintons impeachment. would impeach him.

since their not then he hasn't.
on Sep 30, 2007
What this bill says is that if the U.S government determines you are an 'unlawful enemy combatant' that they can detain you indefinitely,

i believe this was taken before the supreme court and was upheld to a degree.

if we called them pow's we would be able to hold them indefinitely or until the war was over. no courts no rights except geneva.
on Sep 30, 2007
the members of congress and the senate that voted for it should be prosecuted (in my humble opinion)

what wait i thought you said that he did this all on his own.
on Sep 30, 2007

I do not know if Bush broke our laws but I do know that what he has done to this country by invading Iraq, with his trade policies and the way he has put our country into debt will create great harm for decades into the future. His refusal to enforce our immigration laws has increased the number of illegal’s in the country and his prescription Drug plan without funding this new entitlement will harm Medicare in the future. So even if Bush did not technically violate the law he and his policies have placed a POX on our country and his legacy will be the most negative since Nixon!
on Sep 30, 2007
Even those of us who still support Prs. Bush don't claim to support everything about him. I support him in the war in Iraq, but I also admit he has botched parts of it.

Yep. Like the beginning, middle and.... oh wait there is no end.   
on Sep 30, 2007
Now, that was a quote. And you'll notice, those 9 words are nowhere to be found. It's the prejudicial lead-ins that the media & you like to use that are intellectually dishonest and evidence of preconceived bias. You are not an honest broker of information, Gene, you are a propagandist, pure & simple.
on Sep 30, 2007
Yep. Like the beginning, middle and.... oh wait there is no end.

And yet he's already declared victory at least once?
on Sep 30, 2007
No wonder no one believes him when he says things are improving.

They believed him when he said there was a threat. There wasn't. They believed when he said we'd won. We hadn't and we haven't. Is it really that the left are just Bush haters or that their just not blinded like the Bush lovers.
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