Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 18, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I hope the Democrats publish a list of every GOP member of Congress that voted against helping our children. They need to be removed from office in November 2008. I informed my congress members I would work against them if the voted to uphold this Bush Veto.

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on Oct 20, 2007
I suggest no such thing.

Yes, you do. You suggested that I'm going to Hell because I don't believe in stealing other people's money to "care for the poor".
on Oct 20, 2007

Reply By: Gideon MacLeish Posted: Saturday, October 20, 2007
I suggest no such thing.

Yes, you do. You suggested that I'm going to Hell because I don't believe in stealing other people's money to "care for the poor".

No one is talking about stealing anyone's money. That is just a pile of BS. I am not saying anything the parable was that of Christ and he spoke very clearly! The rich who ignore the poor will have their day now but the future for them will be very different. You are arguing with him not me!
on Oct 20, 2007
The rich who ignore the poor will have their day now but the future for them will be very different. You are arguing with him not me!

No, I'm not arguing with God, Col. I know the Bible quite well, thank you very much. And, I daresay, better than you.

If the rich "give" because we steal it out of their pockets, then they didn't really give. It was taken from them. I assure you, God is not going to accept "I paid my taxes" as an excuse when we stand before Him on judgment, Col.

You are as bad as the most hypocritical fundamentalist. You twist scripture to suit your needs, but you ignore literally thousands of verses in favor of the few you can choose to supposedly advance your agenda.

You are easily the WORST theologian I've ever met, Col. Give it up. It "ain't your thing". Of course, neither is politics.
on Oct 20, 2007
when asked about taxes.

Christ told them to give what was Caesar to Caesar. and what was god to god.

he didn't say give to Caesar so that Caesar could give to god.
on Oct 20, 2007
In this country the needy children that would swell the rolls of the health care system are up to age 25 and come from families that gross up to 80K...do I have that right? And anyone who defends that as a needed program has got to be looney-tunes.

As for the money going to Washington, DC. Before any more tax raises get passed, there needs to be a accounting of the money that has already been sent there. Right next to the list of Republicans who voted to uphold the veto there needs to be a list of every dollar spent by both parties on other "needed" programs...We need to see where the money goes. You a real Colonel? If so, you have seen first hand the shameful waste of tax dollars...not on war...on pens and paper and lug wrenches and airconditioned trailers.

If the rich "give" because we steal it out of their pockets, then they didn't really give. It was taken from them.

Christ himself addressed this principle when he taught his disciples about praying and fasting. (Matthew) He told them that when they fasted not to clothe themselves in sack cloth and ashes to be seen of others as pious but to fast in secret. He counseled them to pray in secret, too. His words were , ..."for you have your reward". In other words, doing the right thing for the wrong reason gets you no credit. Likewise, loving those it is easy to love gets you no reward...do not the publicans do the same?

Gene...run for office. Change things. kwitcherbelliachin.

on Oct 20, 2007
Gene...run for office. Change things. kwitcherbelliachin.

I second that. I'm preparing for my second run for office, Gene. What are YOU doing, as you condemn me?
on Oct 20, 2007
you know Gene....I gotta call you out.

You keep bringing up the Scriptures. But on what authority? Especially when you flat out refuse to do the commands of God.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
(Mat 22:37-40 KJV)

And, lets not forget this one:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
(1Ti 2:1-4 KJV)

Col, you wanna throw around Bible verses all over the place, and accuse ppl of not living up to the commands of the Bible. I have asked you in the past about praying for Bush (you know....because he is, um, in authority!!), and your answer was that you will not pray for him. That is in direct opposition to the Bible. We are to pray for our enemies. Something you so clearly refuse to do (and even in your own words elsewhere).

Get a clue, Col....stop dragging the Bible out to try to prove your own little point. And if being rich meant an automatic ticket to hell, then God would have first dibs on the seating arrangments, since he is the richest being in the universe. So, please get off your self-righteous kick, and get before God and get right with him before you go tell everyone else they are going to hell.

on Oct 21, 2007
What do you suggest we do for these kids? Establish a 'Health Insurance Gestapo' to go beating down doors, forcing the parents to avail themselves of the service?

That's the Hillary plan, allright!

And Col, you need to answer MythicalMino's and LW's challenges RE: religion. They make some excellent points!
on Oct 21, 2007
Gid, he has answered me before (in another thread, not sure which one). And he basically said that he will not pray for Bush, and that he will not forgive Bush until Bush asks for forgiveness.

I have told him before that that is not the Christian way of doing things, but, all I got in reply was a bunch of hate-filled spit in my face (both for Bush and for me).

But, when he continues to "quote" the Bible, declaring any and all who do not agree with him "politics" evil sinners going to hell....well, enough is enough. Especially when he refuses to do the most basic of Christian duties, prayer and forgiveness.

on Oct 22, 2007

Every member of Congress who voted to support the Bush Veto abandoned the children who can not help themselves.

So I guess the parents have no blame what so ever? Way to go Col, you just gave every parent a free pass to screw their children's lives while the Gov't takes the blame for it.

Allowing the poor to suffer and have nothing is just what Christ was talking about.

Nothing? Who in this country has nothing? Even the homeless have places to stay, places to eat, places that will clean them up and help them get jobs. You must be confusing the US with Africa, cause even the poor in this country get to eat turkey, mash potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving every year. That they chose not to is not our fault.

Col, I demand you stop portraying yourself as the champion of the poor because you know nothing about what being poor is about and what real poor people are. The US does not have poor people, the US has, lazy people, uneducated people, careless people, ignorant people, handicapped people, irresponsible people, bloodsucking people. Each one of these people, except maybe for the handicap, have opportunities to make something of themselves and move away from a poverty state. That they chose to is their problem not mine and I should not be forced to pay for their living just because.
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