Some timer ago I wrote a Blog that warned of the danger in Pakistan. Today General Musharraf declared an emergency ahead of their Supreme Court decision as to weather the recent victory of Musharraf is constitutional since he refused to give up his position as head of the Military. Communications were cut by the Musharraf government and now all 8 members of the Supreme Court of Pakistan have declared the emergency declaration set aside and invalid.
Bush tells us that we must have democratic governments and used that as a reason for invading Iraq. He condemns Iran for their dictatorship. Here we have a so called ally in the war on terrorism that came to power via a Military Coupe and now is attempting to set aside the constitutional government in Pakistan. This is also the country that has both nuclear weapons and the missiles with which to deliver them. When we look at the relative dangers in Iraq and Iran and listen to IF THEY GET NUCLEAR WEAPONS while watching what is taking place in our so called ally, which is a military dictatorship, we must wonder if our priorities are even close to being in the right place.
I do not believe Bush or our senior foreign policy officials understand the real danger given what is taking place in Pakistan and Afghanistan. All we hear about is Iraq and Iran.