Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on November 8, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I have just read Curveball by Bob Drogin. For anyone who still believes we were in danger from Saddam and were justified to invade Iraq, please read this book.

This book tells how the environment created by George W. Bush allowed one low level Iraqi engineer to weave a fairy tale that as David Kay told Bush, “The United States has gone to war to chase a mirage”.

This was the person that was the ONLY source of the most important justification Powell used to invade Iraq in his February 5, 2003 speech before the U.N. It was all a lie and even though the CIA was presented with the evidence that the story of the Mobile Bio Labs was not true, the attitude of two top leaders of the CIA concluded the decision to invade Iraq was made and no intelligence would take us from that course.

When you read how David Kay, who was one of the strongest proponents of the WMD in Iraq before the invasion, uncovers one of the most fantastic snow jobs in History you will be astounded. Top people at the CIA pushed this lie because of the fact that Bush and Cheney sought to show the world that Saddam had WMD in 2002. The facts that David Kay uncovered were presented to Bush, Cheney, Rice and Card in April 2004 at the White House. The truth was that after 1991, Saddam did not attempt to produce any Chemical, Biological or Nuclear weapons. The entire WMD was a fraud!

These revelations caused the resignation of George Tenet and John McLaughlin the two top people at the CIA. It ended the career of Tyler Drumhiller, a top CIA operative, who tried to get the truth about this unbelievable fraud to be acknowledged by Tenet and McLaughlin before Bush invaded Iraq. When General Powell was informed of the fact that the so called PROOF he used at the UN was an elaborate series of lies, he was furious. This revelation prompted him to later say his UN Presentation was the low point in his career. However the top CIA chiefs believed Bush had made up his mind and no facts or intelligence would alter his march into Baghdad. They did not acknowledge the lies until April 2004 after David Kay and his team uncovered the series of lies that caused America to follow a MIRAGE to war.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 12, 2007
Well Gene, if you think our country is destroyed, why don't you just fly to Cuba and enjoy the kind of nation you want the US to become. You would look good in one of Castros tires.
on Nov 12, 2007
America Went To War Chasing A Mirage

no america went to war in iraq to remove a dictator.
on Nov 12, 2007
which other idiot would you have preferred.

I would have preferred the one the people voted for not the one appointed by the Supreme Cronies. And, i would have blamed him (or thanked him) for what he did, good or bad. not make excuses for him. That is why the people voted for him, to take charge and RESPONSIBILITY. Do you guys understand that? But you are right, though. The people didn't vote for this idiot and accordingly they have no right to blame him. He has to answer only to the Supreme Cronies. and to whom these are accountable? no one ....

now you know why we, the american people, are STUPID?

after 7 years of utter failures EVERYWHERE, still there are people who make excuses for him. What is it with you guys? does he have something on you?

The economy of "ownership" that he and you touted and was built on hype and smoking mirrors is now coming tumbling down to uncover the ugly face of cronyism, corruption and plain old theft of that same "ownership" ..... and you still make excuses for him?

wake up people, wake up .... you are taking the rest of us down with you. your votes for the charming idiots are the chains that are pulling us down with you.
on Nov 12, 2007
I would have preferred the one the people voted for not the one appointed by the Supreme Cronies.

i am sorry but bush is the one that was elected. not gore. what ever else you said has no bearing and is probable a lie.
on Nov 12, 2007
As for the papal nuncio - what is your point? That Catholic bureaucrats oppose war? Or that Catholic bureaucrats prosecute wars better than sovereign nations and therefore have more expertise? You can't argue the former - Popes have prosecuted some of the most savage wars in human history. And you can't argue the latter, since they've often lost.

The interests of the Vatican don't necessarily dovetail with the interests of the United States, a secular nation. No disrespect to practicing Catholics, but the Vatican doesn't exactly have a stellar record when it comes to "consulting" in international relations.
on Nov 13, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, November 12, 2007What do you call adding $4 Trillion to the debt? the country hasn't been destroyed because of it

NOT Yet. However that added debt will cost an added $200 Billion in interest each year and will take the money that will be needed to help keep the promises we have made to pay Social Security and Medicare to the Boomers.

What do you call 3 Million Illegal’s crossing our border.the last I heard there were 15 million illegal’s in the country. So if bush only stood at the border and invited 3 million. who invited the other 11 million. yes i know now you will say bush did it all.

Given 9/11 to have a President fail to stop illegal’s from coming unchecked into our country is totally irresponsible!

Reply By: DaiwaPosted: Monday, November 12, 2007As for the papal nuncio - what is your point? That Catholic bureaucrats oppose war? Or that Catholic bureaucrats prosecute wars better than sovereign nations and therefore have more expertise? You can't argue the former - Popes have prosecuted some of the most savage wars in human history. And you can't argue the latter, since they've often lost.The interests of the Vatican don't necessarily dovetail with the interests of the United States, a secular nation. No disrespect to practicing Catholics, but the Vatican doesn't exactly have a stellar record when it comes to "consulting" in international relations.

It is just another example of warnings that Bush ignored that have proven to be true.
on Nov 13, 2007
i am sorry gene i am not a citizen of the roman empire.

i am a citizen of the american empire.

the american empire does not answer to the roman empire.
on Nov 13, 2007
Reply By: danielostPosted: Tuesday, November 13, 2007i am sorry gene i am not a citizen of the roman empire. i am a citizen of the american empire.the american empire does not answer to the roman empire.

The problem is the American Empire does not answer to the American People since Bush and the GOP took over! I was not suggestion we must obey Rome. What I said is that the warning from Rome is like the warnings from our own experts such as Powell, Baker Armitage and those warnings have been proven correct and all that Bush and Cheney told us about Iraq and how the war would develop is WRONG! Does it not seem disturbing to you that what our President & VP told us is ALL WRONG? WMD, The Cost, How we would be received and the Duration of the war.
on Nov 13, 2007
Does it not seem disturbing to you that what our President & VP told us is ALL WRONG? WMD, The Cost,

just because Saddam gave the weapons away doesn't mean he didn't have them. or have you forgotten the warning from the Iraq government. the warning was if we invaded they would use their fantasy weapons against us. it is probable a good thing that they didn't. as for his nuclear program. Saddam was reportedly 5 years from a nuke bomb. funny how after the war that Iran was all of a sudden 5 years from a nuke bomb. because before the war they were 20 years from a nuke bomb. now i wonder where did they get all of that research from.

What I said is that the warning from Rome is like the warnings from our own experts such as Powell, Baker Armitage and those warnings have been proven correct and all that Bush and Cheney told us about Iraq and how the war would develop is WRONG!

i guess you didn't hear bombings are down 70% in Baghdad. this according to the Iraqis.

The problem is the American Empire does not answer to the American People since Bush and the GOP took over!

no they answered to the American people in 04.
on Nov 13, 2007
Reply By: danielostPosted: Tuesday, November 13, 2007Does it not seem disturbing to you that what our President & VP told us is ALL WRONG? WMD, The Cost, just because Saddam gave the weapons away doesn't mean he didn't have them.

Where did you come up with that story? David Kay and his team, after exhaustive investigation in Iraq, concluded that Saddam never resumed WMD production after the 1991 War!
on Nov 13, 2007
What I said is that the warning from Rome is like the warnings from our own experts such as Powell, Baker Armitage and those warnings have been proven correct and all that Bush and Cheney told us about Iraq and how the war would develop is WRONG!i guess you didn't hear bombings are down 70% in Baghdad. this according to the Iraqis.

That has nothing to do with the warnings that we would get bogged down in Iraq, that we would be considered invaders or that it would destabilize Iraq.

The test of less fighting will not come until AFTER we withdraw our troops and see what happens to the fighting in Iraq.

If you are saying the Surge has worked, then our job is done and we should remove our troops from Iraq!
on Nov 13, 2007
Do you really doubt that? The whole world knew that since 2000. It is so obvious, only self-deceiving people dont recognize it.

So you are openly stating that the average American is stupid? I kinda wonder why are we so desparate for the next elections when the same idiots that voted Bush, not once but twice, will be the ones to pick the next President. BTW, these are the same idiots who voted for those in Cogress and the Senate a few months ago and their numbers are the lowest in history I believe.

This is the true problem of this country, not the mororns we vote in, but the morons that vote for them.
on Nov 13, 2007
that we would be considered invaders

of course we were invaders
on Nov 13, 2007
concluded that Saddam never resumed WMD production after the 1991 War!

then where did those weapons come from that he used against the kurds after the 1991 war.

and what weapons did the iraq government threaten us with.

and what were those weapons that one of the iraqi generals said saddam gave to syria.
on Nov 13, 2007
If you are saying the Surge has worked, then our job is done and we should remove our troops from Iraq!

wrong word not worked working.
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