Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Every time any of the GOP Presidential candidates talk they try and demonstrate they are more conservative then the other GOP candidates. Most conservatives are Republicans and only 23% of registered voters are Republicans. There are more Independent voters then either Republican or Democrat and most Independents do not support the conservative views. The Democrats have about 25% of the registered voters and I doubt that any of them support most of the conservative views.

That means that at best 25-30% of the registered voters support the so called Conservative agenda. WHY then do the Republicans field a candidate for President who has views that do not agree with the vast majority of American voters? The majority of Voters are centrist and it would seem that both parties would support candidates that were in tune with where the majority is not to the far right or the far left.

Although many of the Democrats are to the left, you do not hear the continual chant from the Democratic Presidential candidates that they are Liberals as you her from the GOP candidates they are Conservatives. I can see no reason for a Conservative Congress, President or Courts given the fact that the majority of Americans ARE NOT CONSERVATIVES!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 16, 2007
This is the most juvenile, uninformed, simplistic piece of garbage you've ever bothered to post, Gene, and that's saying something. How moronic. And no amount of explaining will help you understand why.
on Nov 16, 2007
bush was voted into office twice.

No Bush was voted into office one time - 2004!

there you go trying to change history again
on Nov 16, 2007
You live in a state of denial!!!!!

the lowest approval rates of any congress ever. and i believe this includes during the federation period. you know the 12 years before we got the constitution that we have now.
on Nov 16, 2007
This Blog has nothing to do with the Democrats it has to do with the GOP!

Of course it isn't gene, I'm sure you could never speak out against your beloved democrats.  I notice you can't answer any questions about your hypocrisy when it comes to democrats.

No Bush was voted into office one time - 2004!

LOL.  Bush was legally elected twice, there is no left-wing nonsense that you can say otherwise.  It's 2007 gene, get over the election and move on with your life.

on Nov 16, 2007
ALL but one ( Dr. Paul) of the GOP Presidential candidates support the Bush policies on such things as tax cuts, Social Security, Health, Iraq, Trade, Abortion and gay marriage.

And which candidate have I REPEATEDLY endorsed, Col?

Good grief!
on Nov 16, 2007
For the same reason Democrats pander to Black voters, even though only 13% of the population is Black.  23% of the partisan voting pool is a huge amount.  It is also a part that the Repubican nominee can usually count on.  Both major parties is made up of factions.  By speaking to whole factions, instead of individuals, the candidates can bring blocks of votes to their side.  As much money as they do spend on their campaigns, no candidate has enough money to woo each voter individually.
on Nov 16, 2007
why does the democrats field liberal candidates only.
on Nov 17, 2007
Reply By: danielostPosted: Friday, November 16, 2007bush was voted into office twice.No Bush was voted into office one time - 2004! there you go trying to change history again

Which candidate got more votes in the 2000 election?
on Nov 17, 2007
Reply By: danielostPosted: Friday, November 16, 2007why does the democrats field liberal candidates only.

I believe the Democrat candidates are closer to the center then the GOP candidates!
on Nov 17, 2007
I believe the Democrat candidates are closer to the center then the GOP candidates!

Hey, Gene... Gimme some of that shit you're smokin'... must be good stuff.
on Nov 17, 2007
Which candidate got more votes in the 2000 election?

bush got the electoral college votes which are the ones that count. gore got the popular vote which do not count.

on Nov 17, 2007
Which candidate got more votes in the 2000 election?

Once again Gene proves he is clueless about how our system works.
on Nov 17, 2007
Which candidate got more votes in the 2000 election?

Once again Gene proves he is clueless about how our system works.

you would have to say that about all of the democrats too because their blowing the same smoke
on Nov 17, 2007
danielostNovember 17, 2007 14:37:48Reply #26
Which candidate got more votes in the 2000 election?

bush got the electoral college votes which are the ones that count. gore got the popular vote which do not count.

Bush got the Electoral College Vote only because 3,500 votes for Gore in Palm Beach County were not counted due to the ballot confusion!
on Nov 17, 2007
because 3,500 votes for Gore

OK you have said this before. i want you to provide absolute proof that those 3500 votes were for gore. i don't want any reports stating that they talked to people who were confused thus those 3500 votes were confused and would have gone to gore.

i want the names of the people that those 3500 votes belong to. and i want to see their response. if you can not provide those names then stop using that number.

we both know you can not provide those names since it was a SECRET ballot. but your probable to stupid to know what a secret ballot means.

and by the way they changed the rules and recounted those votes 12 times. six months after the vote was over gore finally won.

in other words the only way gore wins is if he cheats.
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