Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Democratic debate was very different from the GOP debate yesterday. For one thing the Democrats provided far more responsive answers to the questions then the Republicans. Second the thrust of almost every issue for the Democrats was focused on average Americans rather then on Big Business and the wealthy.

On the issue of education the thrust was to improve PUBLIC education and make the quality of that in the cities and rural areas equal to the affluent suburban areas. It was not to expand charter schools and choice which will not come close to dealing with the overall needs. If we do not provide a better public education we can NOT provide the quality of education by simply adding some choice that can not deal with the sheer volume. The responses asserted that it would take more active support by parents and sought an end to Federal mandates that add to the financial burden of local school districts like “No Child Left Behind.”

On entitlements there was an acknowledgement that the far more urgent problem was Medicare. This topic was ignored in the GOP debate. The need to find a solution to Social Security was acknowledged and there was a feeling we must keep the promises made to the retired and those about to retire. It was felt that lifting the income cap was the best way to fund Social Security. More effective cost control especially for drugs, HMO’s and reduction of the dollars to administer Medicare were supported as ways to help the immediate funding problem faced by Medicare.

The importance to have a Marshall Type plan to move up toward energy independence to implement renewable environmentally friendly energy sources and more efficient use of energy such as higher mileage standards was supported by all the candidates. This is in contrast to the GOP dialog that the “Market Place” will solve the energy problem.

There was Strong support to balance the federal budget by ending the Iraq war, cutting funding for star wars and new nuclear weapons and a reduction of Pork. There was an acknowledgement that VA costs, approved increase in the ground military levels and replacement of military equipment would be a large future burden on the budget. There was support to fund any NEW programs with cuts in other programs or new revenue.

There was strong support for universal health care starting with children.

The was support for additional middle income tax cuts to be paid for by returning to the tax rates in effect during the 1990’s on the wealthy and an end to the special tax breaks for big business.

On Farm Subsidies there was support to end the give away to large corporations and wealthy farmers and concentrate farm subsidies on the small family farmer.

There was universal support for FAIR trade not the so called free trade that allows countries like China to dump dangerous products in America, violate patent rights and manipulates currency exchange rates. There was recognition we must do more to protect manufacturing jobs in the U.S. and open foreign markets to our goods. This would Grow the economy which all the candidates stressed was essential for a strong economy.

In a not shell the thrust of the ideas discussed today by the Democrats focused on low and middle income working families and not the wealthy and big business! It stressed compromise not the one sided “do it my way” approach of the past 7 years. Obama and Edwards stood out but every one of the Democrats stressed the need to have policies that focus on the needs of the low and middle income Americans and not the interests of large corporations and the wealthy. The policy discussions were far more centrist then the conservative approach of the GOP candidates and the approval meter for Moderate as well as Liberals was very positive for most of the discussion!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 14, 2007
Providing the financial resources to provide essential functions of our government and to insure the promises are kept to the retired absolutely HELP THE AVERAGE PERSON. That is what is at stake. We are not generating enough tax revenue to pay for those things!

Essential functions of the government is NOT socialized healthcare, and the massive amount of other entitlement programs we have in this country.  The problem is spending on these social services and other useless things.

on Dec 14, 2007
People below the poverty level do not own homes. You are full of BS!

Again, why let FACTS get in the way?

I own a home, Col, and I make substantially less than the median income...with a family TWICE the average size. I don't exist, however! I must also point out I own this particular home outright, except for a tax lien which is being paid in installments. It's a fixer upper, grant you, but there ARE ways.

I suppose next you'll tell me Habitat for Humanity doesn't exist? Last I checked, to qualify for Habitat's services, you had to be poor! If they're only helping the wealthy and the upper middle classes, I guess I'm going to have to stop donating to them.
on Dec 14, 2007
For the record, though, I'm not arguing with you. You've proven yourself to be pretty deluded. I will not, however, let your bogus statements remain unchallenged.
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
Providing the financial resources to provide essential functions of our government and to insure the promises are kept to the retired absolutely HELP THE AVERAGE PERSON. That is what is at stake. We are not generating enough tax revenue to pay for those things!
Essential functions of the government is NOT socialized healthcare, and the massive amount of other entitlement programs we have in this country. The problem is spending on these social services and other useless things.

Tell that to the people that can not live without those services. We have promised retirement and healthcare and we must keep those promises!
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
People below the poverty level do not own homes. You are full of BS!
Again, why let FACTS get in the way?I own a home, Col, and I make substantially less than the median income...with a family TWICE the average size. I don't exist, however! I must also point out I own this particular home outright, except for a tax lien which is being paid in installments. It's a fixer upper, grant you, but there ARE ways.

Those at or below the poverty level (the bottom13%) make under $21,000 per year. People with an income at that level do not buy homes!

The issue is that the democrats support policies that help the low and middle income families and the GOP help the rich!
on Dec 14, 2007
Duh. Democrats pander to low & middle income voters, while devising clever ways of stealing them blind behind their backs and making them increasingly more dependent on government largesse. That's real news for ya.
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: DaiwaPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007Duh. Democrats pander to low & middle income voters, while devising clever ways of stealing them blind behind their backs and making them increasingly more dependent on government largesse. That's real news for ya.

That is pure BS! We will see in November 2008 if the majority want what the Democrats are doing or what the Republicans are doing! MY Bet is on the Dems!
on Dec 14, 2007
MY Bet is on the Dems!

Big surprise there gene.  Why would you bet against the party you are a hack for?

But seriously for a minute...

You don't believe democrats pander to poor and lower class just for votes?

on Dec 14, 2007
You're like a crack addict, Gene - once hooked on the government tit, the tit can't ever be big enough.
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