Today on Meet the Press Mitt Romney was on the griddle. Tim Russet did a great job of documenting the areas where Romney flip flopped. Romney responded “that a person can learn and then change” which is true for most people with the possible exception of President George W. Bush. The fact is that most of the changes in the positions of Mitt Romney about Abortion, Gun Control, Stem Cells, Taxes and Health Insurance correspond to when Romney was running for Governor of Liberal Massachusetts and now that he is courting the Conservatives.
Russet asked Romney if he thought he would have been elected Governor of Massachusetts with the positions he takes as a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination. Romney did not answer that question.
It looks like what Romney believes depends on what office he is running for. If it is in a more liberal state like Massachusetts his views are more centrist. If he is trying to win the support of the conservatives he shifted to a very different stance.
Yes Romney is a flip-flopper to fit the office he is seeking and what the people he is courting want to hear!