The exit polls in NH of Republican Voters show that over 49% of GOP voters are not happy with the way Bush has run the country. Thus the desire for CHANGE is in all segments of the voting population - Republican, Democrat and Independent. Also the number of people voting clearly supports the desire for REAL CHANGE from the way Bush and the GOP have been running our country.
The 2008 election may be a very different presidential election that will show just how unhappy Americans are with their government. They want change and the polarization and stubbornness of Bush are totally counter to what is wanted. The GOP members of Congress had better take a look at what appears to be going on at the ballot Box. If they continue to support Bush as they have been by opposing legislation that would produce change, they may find the First Tuesday in November 2008 to be a very inhospitable day for them and their support for what is clearly a VERY unpopular President!