Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on February 23, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics
The final budget deception is that even the President’s projected deficit of $10 Trillion by 2008 is understated by trillions of dollars. The reason the actual deficit is understated is because the budget deficit is calculated using an accounting trick called the “Unified Budget”.

The unified budget combines the Federal Budget with Social Security and Medicare. At the present time, both Social Security and Medicare show an annual surplus. They both collect more in taxes then they pay out in benefits. This will come to an end as the baby boomer retirements increase.

In 2003, a comparison of the deficit using the Unified Budget calculation with the Federal Budget, without Social Security and Medicare, was completed using data from the Congressional Budget Office by the Center For Economic And Policy Research. It clearly showed the impact of combining Social Security and Medicare with the Federal Budget. In 2003, the deficit reported by the Bush administration, using the Unified Budget method, showed a deficit of $400 Billion. Looking only at the Federal Budget, the 2003 deficit was $600 billion.

The study concluded that the tax cuts left the budget seriously out of balance and calculated what it would require in spending cuts or tax increases to bring the 2003 budget into balance without Social Security and Medicare. To balance the 2003 Federal Budget alone would require spending cuts of 36.1% or tax increases of 56.6%.

The only reason to distort the true federal deficit by adding the surpluses from Social Security and Medicare is to make the deficit appear smaller. When Social Security and Medicare no longer are generating an annual surplus, the true size of the Federal Budget Deficit will become clear. This process is like taking the income and expenses of two brothers and combining them. One brother spends far more then he earns while the other earns more then he spends. Together they may look fine but the true financial condition of each brother is distorted.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 25, 2005
And you forgot to add in one more thing to your list COL (Clueless Old Liberal):

* we've gained one Clueless Old Liberal whiner who just won't quit complaining.

Out of curiousity, were you this whiny and one noted during Clinton's years?

Did you write anything pro Clinton or pro George H.W. Bush, or Reagan?

Besides Jimmy Carter, who are your heros and idols?
on Feb 25, 2005
Sen McCain The vet Bush blasted in 2000 was my man.

You Bush supporters totally ignore the results of the past four years. I did A lot better in the 1990's then since george took office!
on Feb 25, 2005
I did A lot better in the 1990's then since george took office!

Would that be because no one is buying your worthless book?

he shoots, he scores!
on Feb 25, 2005

Sen McCain The vet Bush blasted in 2000 was my man.

You Bush supporters totally ignore the results of the past four years. I did A lot better in the 1990's then since george took office!

Hey *smart guy* why don't you ask John McCain what he thinks of Bush now? I think you'll find he's singing a different tune now.
on Feb 25, 2005
He does not agree with many of the Bush policies. What he thinks and what he said to help Bush get reelected may be very different. If Bush had lied about me the way he lied about Sen McCain in Vietnam, I would not even talk to him. That was a shameful way to address the service of Sen McCain especially when you look at the Bush service during the Vietnam War! You Bush supporters NEVER address the facts presented but shift to something else. Bush distorts the size of the budget deficit by excluding $50 Billion of the cost in Iraq and hids another $200 Billion by adding the Social Security and Medicare surplus in his Unified Budget trick!
on Feb 25, 2005
And yet COL Gene's lies about being a Republican are acceptable?

Oh, wait, it depends on what the meaning of "is" is, right?

Republican in name only doesn't count. Your selection of McCain, who is a war hero, but is of slightly dubious character given some of the banking scandals in the past with which he was linked (and dodged a bullet on), is also a great indicator that you are not the moderate you claim to be.

McCain is a democrat in republican name. You are the same, and would behove yourself to admit it.

Finally, your constant one-note tune is tiresome. We know you don't like Bush. Why continue harping on just so you can be slapped back down into your place and have everyone continue to read these more accurate descriptions of your character? Do you really NOT want to sell books?
on Feb 25, 2005
And yet COL Gene's lies about being a Republican are acceptable?

Oh, wait, it depends on what the meaning of "is" is, right?

Republican in name only doesn't count. Your selection of McCain, who is a war hero, but is of slightly dubious character given some of the banking scandals in the past with which he was linked (and dodged a bullet on), is also a great indicator that you are not the moderate you claim to be.

McCain is a democrat in republican name. You are the same, and would behove yourself to admit it.

Finally, your constant one-note tune is tiresome. We know you don't like Bush. Why continue harping on just so you can be slapped back down into your place and have everyone continue to read these more accurate descriptions of your character? Do you really NOT want to sell books?

You mean your just now figuring out that the COL is a RINO? See COL, you can talk all the BS you want. I'm not the only one seeing behind the curtain.
on Feb 25, 2005
Im not a conservative but I am a Republican. As I have said, ALL bush supporters never face the truth. Bush said lets judge by results. I agree.

Has the trade deficit improved under the Bush policies?

Have we balanced the budget under Bush? Are we moving toward a balanced budget?

Has he brought this country together?

Are we more energy independent since Bush took office?

How does he plan to pay for the Medicare Prescription Drug coverage that begins next year?

HOW ABOUT REAL ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS? Not you are a Bush Basher or you are a liberal. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!

on Feb 25, 2005
You Bush supporters totally ignore the results of the past four years.

Obviously not. You need to realize people like yourself are in the small minority in this country. This country is in great shape, not everything is perfect, but I'm certianly not moving to Canada.
on Feb 25, 2005
Has he brought this country together?

Not when we have yo-yo's like you running loose.
on Feb 25, 2005
You still do not anwer the questions. I guess if I were trying to answer and not admit the policies are not working I would have a hard time.
on Feb 26, 2005
I also know it is not being streight with the taxpayers! If George Bush had to certrify the Federal Budget results each year the way corporate CEO's are required to do under a law he had supported, he would be in violation of that law. Problem is the President is not covered by that law. I wonder WHY?

This is not a revelation. It was the same for Clinton, Bush 1, Reagan, Carter. Guess they're all liars too?
on Feb 26, 2005
This is not a revelation. It was the same for Clinton, Bush 1, Reagan, Carter. Guess they're all liars too

Yes, they are...as are MANY presidents before them...I haven't yet found an exception!
on Feb 26, 2005
This is not a revelation. It was the same for Clinton, Bush 1, Reagan, Carter. Guess they're all liars too

Yes. You find me a president who never lied and I'll show you someone who was never elected.
on Feb 26, 2005
They used the Unified Budget and removed Social Security and Medicare revenue and expenses to isolate the federal budget Revenue and expenses. That shows the actual federal deficit

This article is spin. Compare actual numbers, remove the SS and Medicare, the deficit is still in line with 1990 thru 1993, 1983 thru 1986. The measure is as a % of GDP, not the made up gobeldy gook these guys wrote to put it in it's most unfavorable light (which uses year old numbers, not the most recent). The Budget could be balanced and deficit gone by '08 with a spending cap (inflation adjusted) and growth equal to the 2004 revenue increase.
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