Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Today the Department of Defense reported that first-time in a decade United States Marine Corps failed to meet its recruiting goals in both January and February by a total of 275 recruits. In addition, The United States Army fell short of its recruiting goals by almost 2000 recruits in February

There was concerned expressed by the results in recruiting both active, reserve and National Guard soldiers given the increased demand for military recruits. Although some of the shortfall is because of the improving economy, other factors such as the Iraq war, parents who are discouraging their 18 year olds from enlisting are substantial reasons why the recruiting goals are not being met.

The Bush policies of extending the tours of active and reserve personnel, reported shortages of equipment for both the active and reserve components and the mounting casualties and injuries in Iraq are beginning to show in the recruiting effort.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 03, 2005
Even more sad, the Republicans could not come up with a better person!

Can't argue with that. Some time we only get the chance to vote for the better of two evils after the primaries. That's why I don't like a party system. I'm with good old Goerge Washington who thought the party system was going to tear this country aparty. It almost did once in the 1860s.
on Mar 03, 2005
your pointless ill-informed rants

What was pointless or ill-informd here Terp? Trolling plain and simple. Have another for continuing to post attack comments that have nothing to do with the topic on someone elses blog. Hell you pretty much get my trolling allowance for the day here and I never agreee with COL Gene about much of anything. Do you think you do conservatives credit with this sort of response? No more than the Dems do when they call conservatives Nazis. Have all my trollhouse cookies for making "my side" of the aisle look like gibbering, ill-mannered, thread hijacking refugees from a nonexistant "Republican" Underground..
on Mar 03, 2005

I agree. The party system is not working for what is best for our country just what is best for those who control the parties.
on Mar 03, 2005
I'm confused. Is this something we lefties should be happy about?

I dunno. A good friend of mine's brother was just killed in Iraq last week. I know such things are inevitable, but I want all the other men and women over there to have the support they need, so I don't see this is a good thing.

We've gotten too concerned with seeing things as good if they make George Bush look bad. I'm more guilty of it than many.
on Mar 03, 2005
We've gotten too concerned with seeing things as good if they make George Bush look bad. I'm more guilty of it than many.

Myrrander, while I disagree with almost everything you say, and when I first started blogging here, I was often tempted to just blacklist you and get it over with, it is statements like this that tell me that once in awhile you show why I haven't given into that temptation. ;~D

Maybe someday Col Gene will show the same abilities of original thought. I know he has brains (contrary to many enlisted, NCO and Jr. Officers opinions, you don't make that kind of rank being an idiot), and I'm sure there is more depth to him that what we see in JU, but I'm not holding my breath.

It doesn't seem to matter whether its dead troops, illusions of a failing economy, low recruiting, or even realities of an unconstitutional "No Child Left Behind"; Col Gene celebrates any perceived failure in the US, because it justifies his mindless hatred for "Dubya" and helps him sell books.

P.S. Col Gene, I know you've said over and over that you don't hate Bush, you just point out his "failed" politicies, but what part of:

If you take Bush 41 and his contacts away from Gerore W. you get a former drunk who took drugs, was a poor student, failed to meet his obligatiobs in the military and ran two companins into the ground. Sounds like a resume that goes in the trash can!

Even more sad, the Republicans could not come up with a better person!

are about policies over personal attacks.
on Mar 04, 2005
My comments about George W. are factual statements. He did drink, used drugs etc. outlining the truth is not a personal attack it is telling it like it is. Which of those statements about George W.'s background are not factual?

By your reasoning, one would have avoid anything that could be construed as not flattering to George W. Bush. Unlike some, who simply point out the shortcomings of our current policies, I have provided specific alternative suggestions. One thing I have learned as both military commander and a business executive is that when the methods you choose to achieve the objective are not effective, a good leader changes the tactics to succeed. All we are seeing is more of the same which has failed time after time. Supply side economics and free trade are but two specific examples.
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