You saying we can't afford it doesn't mean it's true. First, you have no idea how much, if any, of the federal deficit is caused by tax cuts.
You know what kind of tax proposal I would support? A consumption tax. The top 5% of the people pay half the taxes. Did you even know that? I bet you didn't or you would quit ranting about "tax cuts for the rich".
A consumption tax would be much more fair. 1% consumption tax on non-food purchases over $10.
What annoys me about our tax system is that half the adult population basically pays no federal income taxes.
The Brookings institute is a left-leaning thinktank. It means nothing. The Heritage Foundation (the right wing version of the Brookings Institute) has numerous articles talking about how much the economy will grow thanks to those tax cuts.
See, here's the thing - you don't like the deficit. I don't like the deficit. Your solution is to make me and others like me pay to bring it down. My solution is to freeze spending across the board.
People of my view are the ones in control of the congress and people like you are influential enough to keep congress from freezing spending.
So it's a deadlock and hence the tax cuts stay.
Col Gene - you have yet to provide a link to the CBO quote you claimed. You have very little credibility. The CBO, at most, estimates what it thinks deficits will be in coming years. It doesn't cast a "Blame" towards them.
I'm all for cutting welfare programs. Tell ya what, you raise social security retirement age to 75 years old, eliminate medicaid, make it so that only those who are 75 years or older can receive social security and I'll support your tax increase.