Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 17, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics
Only in government can someone who failed to do their job receive a promotion. What in the world is President Bush thinking about by nominating Wolfowitz to the World Bank? First ,this man is more responsible for the Iraq war policy than any other member of the Pentagon staff. Almost everything we were told about the war has proven to be wrong. It was Wolfowitz that told us our troops would be received as heroes. The cost would be between $60 and $80 billion and their oil revenue would pay the majority of that cost. It was to be a quick and clean operation. In fact George Bush assured the Pope, when he expressed concern about our invading Iraq, not to worry it would be quick and clean based on the advice of Paul Wolfowitz.

Looking at the diplomatic perspective, we are trying to improve our relationship in Europe because of the Iraq war and Bush appoints the man who is most associated with that unpopular war. I cannot think of a more inept person for Bush to suggest to head the World Bank then Paul Wolfowitz.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 18, 2005

Better read, "Imperial Hubris" by Anonymous (Michael Scheuer) before you show your total lack of knowledge. This CIA dept head has 22 years dealing with the Terrorist issue in the Muslim world.

So then like I said you'll dismiss any information that doesn't toe your line.
on Mar 18, 2005

However you did NOT comment on the discussion. You engaged in name calling and left it at that

oh. i thought you were the one who was proclaiming col gene incorrect by expressing surprise anyone might assess your mind as being smaller than his--thus implying his is smaller than yours. rather than calling names, i was supporting your contention by offering my opinion that size wasnt the problem. i was also most certainly commenting on the discussion, specifically your part in diminishing it by responding to col gene's statements --which, if nothing else, express his own opinions in his own words and sentences,nearly all of which are originated and authored by him--as you do everywhere: cutting and pasting not facts or anything close to them, but halfbaked propaganda from whatever partisan spinsite you happen to favor at that moment.

Oh bite my butt you clown. "IF" you had bothered to read both halfs of my post you would have realized (maybe not) that it came from the theatre of operations in question. Maybe both *you* AND COL should go read this instead: Link
on Mar 19, 2005

I have looked at a lot if information. The references (Imperial Hubris and the work of Professor Record are experts on the subjects at hand. I have also read material about other CIA and experts that support the data from Scheuer and Record. Have you read these references?
on Mar 19, 2005
I have looked at a lot if information. The references (Imperial Hubris and the work of Professor Record are experts on the subjects at hand. I have also read material about other CIA and experts that support the data from Scheuer and Record. Have you read these references?

So how old are these reverences? So once again we're back to *your* references are correct and everyone elses are wrong. Lets get real here shall we COL? Imperial Hubris is #1 an anti-war book. You won't get positive one out of it. #2 it was printed in 2004 but is based per the author solely on info from 2001. Most assuredly not current info.
I can not find a copy of the professors report to read but, if it's already published then it also is based on old info. As you and I both know public opinion can change at the drop of a hat. So if your going to use data to back up your position at least try to use current data. BTW ALL the links I gave are to *current info*.
on Mar 19, 2005
The issues at hand have not changed. These are but two people. However, both these individuals have spent the lives in this area. How can you say they do not know what they are talking about? I do not know how you come to the conclusion that everyone differs from the opinions of Scheuer and Record. Who is everyone-- If you mean Bush, he does not have a clue. I have included the info from Professor Record in my book. The Army War College has a web site. I guess you answer to , "Have you read these references is NO!
on Mar 19, 2005
The issues at hand have not changed. These are but two people. However, both these individuals have spent the lives in this area. How can you say they do not know what they are talking about? I do not know how you come to the conclusion that everyone differs from the opinions of Scheuer and Record. Who is everyone-- If you mean Bush, he does not have a clue. I have included the info from Professor Record in my book. The Army War College has a web site. I guess you answer to , "Have you read these references is NO!

WHERE did I say that they didn't know what they were talking about? Can you show me? NO, because it isn't there. And WHERE did I mention GW? Again can you show me? NO, cause it ain't there either. What I did say and you can't refute is their work is based *entirely* on OLD info! Take off your blinders old man, public opinion (iraqi) changes from day to day. Why can't you understand that? And while your at it why don't you tell the good people just how long it takes a book to go from manuscript to printed material. And I've told you before I would NOT read your book if YOU paid me to.
on Mar 19, 2005
That is your loss. You are a good example of the people who support policies that are taking this country down the wrong path. We have a strong president that has an agenda that will prove to be a disaster for the vast majority of Americans. By the time people wake up, correcting the effects of the Bush policies will be very painful!
on Mar 19, 2005
That is your loss. You are a good example of the people who support policies that are taking this country down the wrong path. We have a strong president that has an agenda that will prove to be a disaster for the vast majority of Americans. By the time people wake up, correcting the effects of the Bush policies will be very painful!

I wouldn't consider it a loss, much the opposite. You never did answer my question about the manuscript. Is that because you know I'm right and your ignoring it? And just WTF does this article or my replies have to do with Bush policies? We're discussing Iraqi opinions of us, NOT Bush's policies.
on Mar 19, 2005
The War college article was very current and was published about a year ago by the Army War College. You are also wrong about Imperial Hubris. It was published on 2004 and references within the text of the book talk about events as late as March 2004. Again you do not know anything about what you spew out in your blogs. Now that I have answered your questions what exactly is your background in either military affairs or economics? By your answers I cannot imagine you have a much of a background in either area. Although I'm sure you do not like much of what I write it was well researched. I have a significant amount of material that was synthesized into my book. Below list of the sources guiding usedI used in addition to my own knowledge and training:

Sources used in, Four More For George W. by Colonel Gene P. Abel copyright 2004

Against All Enemies by Richard A. Clarke

Alan Greenspan, Chairmen Federal Reserve

Boston Globe-Bush National Guard Service

Brookings Institute

Center For Economic And Policy Research

Charles Lewis

Congressional Budget Office - CBO

Dan Rather

Dept. of Labor, Division of Labor Force Statistics

Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Public Debt

Face The Nation Interview with VP Cheney 2001

Federal Reserve

General Accounting Office –GAO

General Barry McCaffrey

General Eric Shinseki, Former Army CoS

General Wesley Clark

Hoover Institute

Imperial Hubris by Anonymous (Michael Scheuer)

Lt. General John Riggs

Lt. George W. Bush’s National Guard records

Office of Management and Budget – OMB

Paul Craig Roberts

Paul O’Neil, Former Secretary of the Treasury 2001-2003

Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward

Popular Science -- Airborne Laser

Presidential Commission on Social Security

Professor Jeffrey Record -- United States Army War College visiting professor

Professor Paul Krugman, Princeton University

Professor Rogan Kersh

Senator Ted Kennedy comments on Medicare January 2005

Sierra Club

The Price of Loyalty by Ron Suskind

Toshi Tsurumi, Harvard Professor

United States Army War College

60 minutes

60 Minutes II

on Mar 20, 2005

What nothing to say
on Mar 20, 2005

The War college article was very current and was published about a year ago by the Army War College

Hey COL you don't seem to get it, do you? A year ago is NOT CURRENT info. Public opinions change daily! Get real!
on Mar 20, 2005
And if I'm not mistaken it takes almost a year to go from manuscript to actual printed book on shelf ready to sell. So NO MATTER what you say, stuff in Imperial Hubris is NOT current info. Face it....you built your "entire" case upon out-dated information. But of course you'll never admit to that will you?
on Mar 20, 2005

This is not public opinion this is the informed opinion of people who have a knowledge of the subject you can not begin to match. This has nothing to do with current events but what drives our enemies that dates bach over 1,000 years. It is people like you that know nothing and support policies that are not working and will result in larger problems in the future. You have NO knowledge about the issues at hand.
on Mar 20, 2005


This is not public opinion this is the informed opinion of people who have a knowledge of the subject you can not begin to match. This has nothing to do with current events but what drives our enemies that dates bach over 1,000 years. It is people like you that know nothing and support policies that are not working and will result in larger problems in the future. You have NO knowledge about the issues at hand

YOUR the one with no knowledge clown. This is most assuredly about public opinion. Iraqi public opinion. To say it's anything else is both foolhardy and stupid. And it most certainly IS about current events.
on Mar 21, 2005

The issue is not Iraq public opinion but the reaction of Muslims and what they will do as the result of our actions. We were not attacked on 9/11 by Iraq Muslims but Muslims from other countries. Our security problem stems from the way millions of these people feel about the way the U S and other non-muslim countries act. You are truly an ignorant uninformed idiot.
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