Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 26, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

I have written many blogs about the impact of the policy we have been following on the American economy. Many of the Joe users refute as “my opinion” many of the things I reported. Below are a series of actual data retrieved from federal government agencies using the Google search engine:

Item Dec 2000 March 2005 Source

National Debt $5.7 Trillion $ 7.7 Trillion Bureau of Public Debt
Annual Budget * $ 235.2 Billion Surplus $ 470 Billion Deficit CBO
Trade Deficit Annual $ 370 Billion $ 700 Billion U S Commerce Dept.
Gasoline Regular $ 1.61/gal $ 2.28/gal U S Dept of Energy
# without Health Ins. 39.8 Million 44.9 Million U S Census Bureau
Unemployment rate 3.7% 5.2% Dept. of Labor
* Amount reported under the “Unified Budget” which combines the Federal deficit with the
Surplus in Social Security and Medicare. The impact of adding the surpluses is to LOWER
the federal deficit by about $200 Billion in 2005.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 27, 2005
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa -the current unemployment rate is 5.2% which is 1.5% higher then on December 2000 when it was 3.7%. Show me where ANY of the other data is not correct?

Yes drmiler- you and all the other mindless Bush supporters will be paying higher taxes because of the added interest caused by the policies of " YOUR BOY".
on Apr 27, 2005
on Apr 27, 2005
the current unemployment rate is 5.2% which is 1.5% higher then on December 2000 when it was 3.7%. Show me where ANY of the other data is not correct?

It's not so much your "data" was incorrect. It's just your usual focus one number at one time, while avoiding all the other information. This is why nobody takes you seriously.

Yes drmiler- you and all the other mindless Bush supporters will be paying higher taxes because of the added interest caused by the policies of " YOUR BOY".

We will only pay higher taxes if a liberal is elected. Which the chances of that are close to nothing.
on Apr 27, 2005
it is not a matter of whether you take me seriously it is whether you take a $2 trillion increase in the debt seriously. It's whether or not you take a $700 billion shift in the budget seriously. It's whether you see the trade deficit almost doubling as serious. It's whether you believe 5 million people losing their health care is a serious issue. This is how Bush have failed to address our needs. Every one of these has progressively gotten worse in each of the years since he was elected president. He has gotten his way with Congress on almost all of his initiatives and they simply have not made the life of most Americans better. 80 percent of the working American public is making less this year than they did last year. . At the same time we see the ultra wealthy wallowing in new money as a result of the Bush tax policy . there is no justification for performance like this. if you hired someone to do a job for you and they did as poorly as George Bush has served this country economically, politically and militarily you would fire them. The American people made a very serious mistake in 2000 and and even a more serious mistake in 2004. This administration and its policies are going to bear fruit for decades to come that will prove to be very bitter.
on Apr 28, 2005
Yes drmiler- you and all the other mindless Bush supporters will be paying higher taxes because of the added interest caused by the policies of " YOUR BOY".

And YOU seem to have missed what I said. so I'll try again.

GW is not getting these things done by himself! Republicans may be in the majority in both the house and senate, but they do NOT have the sheer numbers to get things done WITHOUT democratic help. You want to yell at the right? That's fine. Start yelling at BOTH sides!
on Apr 28, 2005
That is crap. The tax and spending policies were forced through the congress by the GOP. China being added to the WTO is a Bush abd GOP policy . The ineffective energy policy was 100% Bush/GOP policy. When democrats do make alternate suggestions and changes to pending legislation, the GOP prevents them from being considered!
on Apr 28, 2005

Given the current course of increasing the debt and the interest required on that debt, escalating costs to defend this country and the pending issues surrounding the retirement of the baby boomers will mandate higher taxes. It won't be a choice when we will not be able to borrow the money we need to meet our day-to-day obligations as a country. When we can no longer sell our bonds to fund one quarter of the expenditures of this country the s*it will hit the fan. When that happens, you will pay higher taxes like it or not .
on Apr 28, 2005

That is crap. The tax and spending policies were forced through the congress by the GOP. China being added to the WTO is a Bush abd GOP policy . The ineffective energy policy was 100% Bush/GOP policy. When democrats do make alternate suggestions and changes to pending legislation, the GOP prevents them from being considered!

Crap? REALLY? Then show dates and issues so these can be verfied on the us senate home page.
on Apr 28, 2005
Given the current course of increasing the debt and the interest required on that debt, escalating costs to defend this country and the pending issues surrounding the retirement of the baby boomers will mandate higher taxes. It won't be a choice when we will not be able to borrow the money we need to meet our day-to-day obligations as a country. When we can no longer sell our bonds to fund one quarter of the expenditures of this country the s*it will hit the fan. When that happens, you will pay higher taxes like it or not .

Then raise taxes on everyone, not one class because "they can afford it". Also, you blow the "debt" way out of proportion.
on Apr 28, 2005
The dates these things were passed by Congress is immaterial. the tax cuts are in effect, China is in the WTO, the energy bill passed the House last week in spite of the fact that there was an attempt to require higher gas mileage by a Democratic representative from Massachusetts. The president has allowed to each budget to be approved without a veto. The dates that they were passed make no difference. They are in effect and they are not working. I don't really give a rats ass if you believe it or not.
on Apr 28, 2005
The dates these things were passed by Congress is immaterial. the tax cuts are in effect, China is in the WTO, the energy bill passed the House last week in spite of the fact that there was an attempt to require higher gas mileage by a Democratic representative from Massachusetts. The president has allowed to each budget to be approved without a veto. The dates that they were passed make no difference. They are in effect and they are not working. I don't really give a rats ass if you believe it or not.

What's the matter? Don't want to be *proven* wrong yet again? The dates and issue numbers are the way to either prove or disprove what your saying. Have you turned coward on us *col*? Oh and personally I could care less if you give a rat's ass or not about wether or not you care. Your own actions and words show your real colors. *yellow*!
on Apr 28, 2005
China entering the WTO was a Clinton initiative:

"January 10, 2000

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- China should be allowed to join the World Trade Organization because "this agreement is a good deal for America," President Bill Clinton said in a statement Monday.

Naming a White House lobbying team to spearhead the effort, the president also called on Congress to schedule a vote on China's entry to the world trade body at "the earliest possible time." The United States and China reached agreement last November on terms for China to enter the WTO. " -Link

The Bush administration was harder on China than Clinton, stalling approval for the first few months. Anyway, it isn't like you are offering any reason that China shouldn't be in it. Just more anti-fer'iner hatemongering, like your neurotic fear of Mexicans.

"The president has allowed to each budget to be approved without a veto."

Again, half the story. You choose one person out of hundreds that formulate the budget to blame, and most of the others are responsible for most of the pork.

I've finally come to the conclusion that you are not a blogger, Col., you are just using JU as a free method of propaganda. I don't intend to bother with your blogs anymore, since discussion has absolutely no effect on you, and only serves to bump your propaganda over people who genuinely want to share and "be themselves".

It is like arguing with a Democratic TV advertisement. What's the point? It's all about blame, and geting that blame in front of as many people as you can, regardless of its validity. I'm not gonna help you out by bumping your propaganda.
on Apr 29, 2005
The col proved wrong again.
on Apr 30, 2005
& IslandDog I was not wrong
I have said that the free trade policy began during Clinton and was a failure. It is also true that discussions of allowing China in WTO began under Clinton. it is also true, as I stated, the final agreement was approved by George W. Bush to bring China into WTO. My issue is that, after 12 years of failure eight under Clinton and four under Bush, Bush continues to push a policy that hasn't worked in 12 years. One third of our trade deficit is with China and it got worse after Bush signed the bill approving that change. Now he wants to further expand this failed policy to Central America and destroy the sugar industry the way China destroyed the textile industry. When will Bush learn that this policy is NOT WORKING!
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