Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on May 10, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

The GOP is playing a dangerous game by threatening to change the rules of the Senate. The GOP claims the president deserves an up or down vote on his judicial nominations. If that is true, many more judicial nominations under Clinton never got an up or down vote because they were bottled up in committee. If the objective is an UP or DOWN vote, the tactics of the Republicans during the Clinton administration to prevent a vote through committee is just as much of a problem is holding up a vote in the Senate through filibuster. The end result is the same in both scenarios - no UP or DOWN vote.

Only nine of the Bush judges out of over 200 have not been approved by the Senate. If the Republicans force this change of the Senate rules, I hope to see the day when the Senate is controlled by the Democrats and they have to live with the change they are attempting to force upon the Senate. The old saying , "Be careful what you asked for " may come back to haunt the Republicans.

Comments (Page 6)
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on May 13, 2005
You said what I was getting at very well. The conservatives do not care about "Checks and Balances". it is all about them having it their way. History will not look back with favor on this change if it happens!

And democrats are not trying to have it their way?
on May 13, 2005
That is why we need a split in the power so that neither the conservatives or the liberals get it ALL THEIR WAY but that we move toward the center where the majority of Americans are politically.
on May 13, 2005
That is why we need a split in the power so that neither the conservatives or the liberals get it ALL THEIR WAY but that we move toward the center where the majority of Americans are politically.

Col your "split the power" rhetoric is just plain stupid. America voted in the government we have. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean anything.
on May 13, 2005
Yes, the American voters have made an error and we will pay for it by the inept policies of Bush. Most Americans do not support the way Bush is dealing with most of the important issues facing this country. Everyday are stories in the papers and on TV that clearly show the lack of support for the policies Bush is following!
on May 13, 2005
Yes, the American voters have made an error and we will pay for it by the inept policies of Bush. Most Americans do not support the way Bush is dealing with most of the important issues facing this country. Everyday are stories in the papers and on TV that clearly show the lack of support for the policies Bush is following!

---COL, if "most americans" don't support bush in how he has dealed with this countries biggest issues" , then:, WHY DID THEY VOTE HIM A SECOND TERM? [--is that clear enough for you right now], think about it, we've had the same problems since he has started, do you honestly think that the majority of americans are idiots/fools....
on May 13, 2005
Most Americans do not support the way Bush is dealing with most of the important issues facing this country. Everyday are stories in the papers and on TV that clearly show the lack of support for the policies Bush is following!

Wow! You mean MOST Americans have been on TV and in newspapers on a daily basis lately? Funny, I don't remember that.

You keep trying to say what "most Americans" think based on what a few say. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. But then, you are obviously incapable of understanding this simple fact.
on May 13, 2005
Things have been getting worse since the election. I have copied poll after poll, article after article that says the very same thing - the vast majority of Americans do not support the policies of George Bush. They don't support the deficit, his trade policy his border and immigration proposals, his Social Security solution or the Iraq war. Many people did not like the choices in 2004 election. I have said we had two poor choice choices in the election of 2004. Anybody that believes the majority of Americans are satisfied with what George Bush is doing is just kidding themselves!
on May 13, 2005
Things have been getting worse since the election. I have copied poll after poll, article after article that says the very same thing - the vast majority of Americans do not support the policies of George Bush. They don't support the deficit, his trade policy his border and immigration proposals, his Social Security solution

Get OFF the SS kick! Polls were posted earlier in this thread to totally disprove that statement!

35 by Lee1776
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. April 25-26, 2005. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3 (for all registered voters).

"Thinking about Social Security contributions, do you think people under age 55 should have the right to choose between keeping all of their contributions in the current system and investing a portion of their contributions?"

ALL: Yes-79% No-13% Unsure-8%
Under 55: Yes-84% No-11% Unsure-5%
55 & older: Yes-74% No-15% Unsure-11%

"Based on what you know about the Social Security personal investment proposal, would you want the choice to invest a portion of your Social Security contributions in stocks or mutual funds?"

4/25-26/05: Yes-53% No-37% Unsure-9%
2/8-9/05: Yes-48% No-40% Unsure-12%


CBS News Poll. April 13-16, 2005. N=1,149 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (for all adults).

"Do you think the Social Security system will have the money available to provide the benefits you expect for your retirement?"

4/13-16/05 Yes-36% No-51% Already getting bennifits-8% Unsure-5%

"Some people have suggested allowing individuals to invest portions of their Social Security taxes on their own, which might allow them to make more money for their retirement, but would involve greater risk. Do you think allowing individuals to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes on their own is a good idea or a bad idea?"

4/13-16/05: Good Idea-45% Bad Idea-49% Unsure-6%


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. April 1-2, 2005. Adults nationwide.

"Do you think political leaders in this country are moving too slowly, or moving at an appropriate pace in taking up legislation to change the Social Security system?" Options rotated. N=1,040, MoE ± 3.

4/1-2/05: Too Slowly-61% Approperate speed:-29% Too Fast-7% Unsure-3%


Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. March 17-21, 2005. N=1,505 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"How much, if anything, have you heard about a proposal which would allow younger workers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in private retirement accounts, which might include stocks or mutual funds? Have you heard a lot, a little or nothing at all?"

3/17-21/05: A Lot-46% A little-32% Nothing-22% Unsure-0%

"Generally, do you favor or oppose this proposal?"

3/17-21/05 Favor-44% Oppose-40% Unsure-16%


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. March 10-13, 2005. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (for all adults). Fieldwork by TNS.

"If changes are not made, do you think the Social Security system is heading for a crisis down the road, or not?"

3/10-13/05 Yes-71% No-23% Crisis Already-1% Unsure-5%

on May 14, 2005

You are either living on a different planet or you are just DUMB;

Changes since 2001:

Annual budget went from a small surplus to $675 Billion deficit this year.
Total national debt increased $2 Trillion upon which we must pay interest every year.
The trade deficit increased almost $300 billion per year to $700 Billion this year
Five million more Americans lost health insurance
Hundreds of thousnds of jobs have been lost to other countries because of our trade policies
We have lost 1,614 lives, injured 35,000 and committed $300 Billion to a war that was not necessary.

Bush either created the above or failed to correct the above problems. EVERY ONE of the above changes has harmed the American people.

on May 14, 2005


You are either living on a different planet or you are just DUMB;

Changes since 2001:

Annual budget went from a small surplus to $675 Billion deficit this year.
Total national debt increased $2 Trillion upon which we must pay interest every year.
The trade deficit increased almost $300 billion per year to $700 Billion this year
Five million more Americans lost health insurance
Hundreds of thousnds of jobs have been lost to other countries because of our trade policies
We have lost 1,614 lives, injured 35,000 and committed $300 Billion to a war that was not necessary.

Bush either created the above or failed to correct the above problems. EVERY ONE of the above changes has harmed the American people.

And "just" as obviously you can't read. Start looking at the dates why don't you. The dates on the posted polls are ALL 2005! So if I'm dumb then your just plain ignorant! And BTW the ONLY thing I was talking about was SS. So get a grip! And I'd like you to tell me just how it was GW fault that people lost health insurance?
on May 14, 2005

You are replying to a set of facts that document the change from when George Bush took off this until today. It has nothing to do with polls! These are results of the Bush policies on our country. How you come back with polls when I sight actual changes is beyond me.
on May 14, 2005
It has nothing to do with polls!

--Yet you chose to use polls...huh? Hey COL, Your contradiction is showing...
on May 14, 2005
drmiler was responding to a list of changes that I posted from 2001 to 2005. That HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH POLLS! I have used polls but that is not what drmiler was replying to. He copied the changes in his response and then changes the subject to polls that have nothing to do with his response!
on May 14, 2005
okay...? not what i was viewing, but oh well...
on May 24, 2005
Sorry to go back to an old debate, but I am just reading this now.

It just seems funny to me that the fillibuster was "never" used on judical nominees until GW took office. Now that they want to stop that BS everyones hollering about it. I've even heard it called unconstitutional.

This is not true. In 1968, Republicans blocked the nomination of Associate Justice Abe Fortas to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court with a filibuster.

On September 26, 1968 the NY Times ran an article noting that "On one occasion this afternoon the scene resembled some of the classic Southern filibusters against civil rights bills. Senator Ernest F. Hollings of South Carolina read through long passages of James F. Byrnes's memoirs in a thick Southern accent, while Senators and staff members chatted and read."

And you are right--the constiutionality of the filibuster on judiical nominations has been called into question over the "advise and consent" clause in the constitution. However, the constiution also calls for each House of Congress to establish its own rules...quite the conundrum.

Regardless, for now at least, this whole mess is over!
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