Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on June 10, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

More and more fiscal conservatives are coming to realize the fiscal policies of George W. Bush are anything but conservative. A search of Google will provide many articles about the problems fiscal conservatives are having with President Bush. Some fiscal conservatives like the Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan and former Secretary of the Treasury , Paul O'Neill have always counseled fiscal conservatism and a balanced budget even if it meant ending tax cuts. Other more dogmatic Republicans have tried to find excuses for the enormous deficit by blaming it on the war in Iraq, the war on terrorism and economic slowdown at the end of the Clinton administration. The truth is none defense spending has increased by about 6% per year during the Bush administration and so we have the worst of both worlds - a huge increase in military and defense expenditures coupled with a large increases in other spending.

For the true fiscal conservative the current situation brings the realization that deficit is so large that it cannot be solved without major increases in federal revenue. Thus, for the fiscal conservatives to achieve a balance between expenditures and revenues they will be forced to accept tax increases no matter how many cuts are made to deal with the huge deficit. If you exclude the Social Security and Medicare surpluses and look simply at the federal expenditures compared with the federal revenue, the imbalance is $675 billion in FY 2005. Even when the Iraq war has come to an end, we are looking at as much as $600 billion imbalance between the federal expenditures and the federal revenues. Solving the fiscal morass that has been created over the last five years is going to be painful and especially for those who believe in fiscal conservatism.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 16, 2005

Even the congressional republicans are seeing the light and abandoning bush. Only you diehard wannabe-lievers are continuing to stick by him.

Hey zinkadoodle....Got any proof of this? If not STFU!
on Jun 16, 2005
If not STFU!

I thought swearing was prohibited on JU. Are you, mr moderator wannabee the only one allowed to swear?

OK I'll play your game. Go away and STFU, if you don't have any information to dispute my contentions.
on Jun 16, 2005
I've been maintaining that bush is not a conservative republican. He is more of a fascist neocon crook.

And I maintain anybody who uses the words "facists" and "neocon" in the same sentence is a liberal idiot.

1. His ties to corporate America and his pandering to them is a symptom of fascism.

Will you say the same about the democrats who have "ties" to corporate America and pander to them. I doubt it.

2. His use of religion to marginalize anyone who doesn't believe his policies is a symptom of fascism.


3. His disregard of any dissention, regardless of where it's coming from is symptomatic of fascism.


4. His puppet-like character, wherein the actual neocons, ie cheney and rumsfeld, use him to further their own selfish interests is symptomatic of fascism.

That is just so stupid I won't go any further.

5. The reliance on the Patriot Act, which is predominantly used against non-terrorists, but is now "legal", is yet another fascist symptom.

Examples? Statistics maybe?

5. And finally, squandering the nation's money to maintain his power, giving tax breaks to rich, spending for a war that was not necessary, and for which he assured americans that the oil proceeds would pay for both the war and Iraq recovery, abandoning the middle and lower classes to fend for themselves, thereby further weakening the economy and the american character, all point to a fascist mentality.

Another full paragraph of bs. I could elaborate more, but there's no point. However, nobody has abandoned the poor or middle class.
on Jun 16, 2005

#17 by zinkadoodle
Thursday, June 16, 2005

If not STFU!

I thought swearing was prohibited on JU. Are you, mr moderator wannabee the only one allowed to swear?

OK I'll play your game. Go away and STFU, if you don't have any information to dispute my contentions.

Just a clue for the clueless. What I posted is NOT even "remotely" considered swearing. It in no way violates the TOS. So grow up! And as you see....I'm not the only one that feels this way.
on Jun 16, 2005
thought swearing was prohibited

--Bwahahahahahaha.....You must be joking!
on Jun 16, 2005
Just go to Google and enter, "Fiscal Conservatives not supporting Bush policies" and you can take your pick. The truth is that any true conservative could never support the never ending deficits that Bush has created! You can not increase spending and cut taxes without creating a fiscal mess and that what Bush has done. He was warned by both Greenspan and O'Neal not to allow the budget to return to annual deficits.
on Jun 16, 2005
Just go to Google and enter, "Fiscal Conservatives not supporting Bush policies" and you can take your pick. The truth is that any true conservative could never support the never ending deficits that Bush has created! You can not increase spending and cut taxes without creating a fiscal mess and that what Bush has done. He was warned by both Greenspan and O'Neal not to allow the budget to return to annual deficits.

I can "google" a lot of things. That's not a very intelligent way of presenting an arguement.

Hey col. Go to google and type in "wacky leftists".

Col, I also noticed you haven't replied in the posts about good news from the economy.
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