Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Bush administration claims the economy is growing. It is true statistics show that corporate profits are increasing and there has been some job and GDP growth. The fact remains that the areas in which the economy is growing are not affecting the average person.

Recent studies have shown during the past year, the average price of homes has increased 20% while wages for middle income workers have increased only a few percent. The result is middle income America are worse off today in terms of being able to purchase a house. The same thing is true for health care and the increase in energy prices. The impact on the majority of Americans from this so-called growing economy is that they are worse off even with the economic growth. The middle income are worse off because their wage growth has not kept pace with the increased cost of healthcare, housing and energy. The poor have had NO wage growth. The group of Americans that are better off are those that receive a great deal of their income from dividends. Corporations have increased their profit margins and are paying larger dividends. The problem is that has not helped the middle income or poor Americans meet their day-to-day living expenses.

Especially problematic are the increased energy costs. They are MUCH worse then a tax increase because they impact the poor, the middle income and the wealthy alike. Tax increase generally do not impact the poor . It is no wonder why the polls show that most Americans do not approve of the way Bush is running the economy. The reality of the economic growth is it is NOT helping the poor and middle income Americans who are worse off today than they were in January 2001.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 11, 2005

No, Dr Guy I am CORRECT

nO, once again you are wrong.  It is not big evil corporations bidding the price of houses higher, it is the people (read: Middle class) that are buying and selling them and bidding them up.  You are so wrong, you cant see the end of your nose for your glasses.


on Aug 11, 2005
No, Dr Guy I am CORRECT. The only income group that is doing well is the top bracket. The middle and low income Ameicans are much worse off given the way this economy is growing.

I can't speak for everyone else, but I can tell you that my husband and our little family fall into the high end of low income/low end of middle income brackets and we're doing better this year than we ever have before.

Sorry if I screwed up your theory.
on Aug 11, 2005
I live in New England, one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country overall. It costs a freaking fortune to own land up here. Yet, TWO of my coworkers, who are recent college grads just like me, making the same amount of money I am have purchased houses up here within a year of starting their jobs. Their monthly payments are on par with average rental rates (perhaps a bit higher). They're affording housing on what in this area is considered low income (50k... I do live in the #1 taxed state in the US), and they didn't buy crap houses in dingy areas.

Sorry Col, but your BUSHISTOBLAMEFOREVERYTHING theory just doesn't pan out. Real Estate values go in cycles, we're at a high point right now and people have been speculating for a while that the bubble is going to burst soon.

I could go out and secure a loan to buy a house tomorrow, go out and find a decent place within a month and still be able to afford utilities and food. Only reason I don't is because I don't plan on staying here in the long-run. I am most certainly not anywhere even close to "upper" middle class. I'm pretty much square in the middle, I'm that average income worker you talk about oh so much.
on Aug 11, 2005
Now that we're all ganging up on him, he'll probably abandon the thread.
on Aug 11, 2005
He abandons threads as soon as his point is disproven... or he'll come back and say "Well, the point I was making wasn't REALLY about home ownership... it was about how BMWs are unfairly priced out of range of low income households!"
on Aug 11, 2005
As usual col doesn't post his "studies" and relies on biased media polls to argue his "facts".
on Aug 11, 2005

I saw the new estimates of the annual deficit being lower The key word is LOWER. The deficit, not counting the Social Security and Medicare surplus is still over $500 Billion this year. The cumulative deficit TODAY is $8 Trillion and will be just short of $10 Trillion by the end of FY 2008 EVEN WITH THE LOWER EST. WE pay interest on the ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT BALANCE EVERY YEAR!

The year before Reagan began with his supply-side Reaganomics ( or voodoo economics Bush 41 said) the interest the United States paid on its national debt was $60 billion dollars. With the increase in the debt created by Reaganomics 1 and Reaganomics 2 ( the Bush contribution) the interest every year jumped from $ 60 billion to approximately $500 billion dollars by 2008. Until we balance the budget the amount we owe continues to grow. After we have balanced the budget, we MUST generate a annual surplus to begin paying down that in huge national debt to reduce the interest. In addition, over 40% of the interest is paid to foreign companies or individuals which means that money does not even benefit other Americans who would receive it and spend it stimulate to help stimulte the economy. As interest rates increase, the amount is pay in interest increases yet again. At the present time, over $1 trillion of the national debt held by the public is short-term. In the last 18 months, short-term rates have trippled and so has the interest or that one trillion dollars. The Bush plan to cut the deficit in half does not fix the problem because the deficit continues to grow at a slower rate and never addresses the cumulative balance which is currently $8 trillion dollars on which we must pay interest every single year. $500 billion in interest is more than the United States is currently spending on national defense including the Iraq war. $500 billion in one year would pay that prescription drug benefit which is about to begin under Medicare for more than eight years. For people who hate to pay taxes I hope you all enjoy the fact that $500 billion a year of your tax dollars are going to pay interest which buys us nothing and 40% of that is going to countries like China.
on Aug 11, 2005
Woo! Lets see if I followed this thread right...
Economy bad, wages not keeping pace... disproven
Housing too expensive for even middle-income people... disproven

So typical.
on Aug 11, 2005
Yes there are people that are better off as I have said. The truth is that if housing has increased 20% in one year and take home pay has not, MOST people trying to purchase a home are worse off. The $ .70 increase in gasoline is taking money from the average person that would have been used for other things. The increase in healthcare is creating the same problem as the increased cost of gasoline for anyone that needs to see the doctor. It will also drive up health insurance rates as the company's pay higher claims. even Bush acknowledged problems with the jump in energy and health care costs are causing in this country. At the signing of his giveaway to big oil companies ( energy bill) he acknowledged there is no quick or mid-term fix for high oil prices. He refused deal with the most important thing we could have done to reduce the demand for oil and therefore lower prices which is to require SUVs and other vehicles that are produced and sold in this country get higher miles per gallon. He stressed how important conservation was in other parts of the bill and refuses to deal with the biggest waste of oil which is the internal combustion engine.
on Aug 11, 2005
Whenever col is proved wrong he goes back to his tired arguement about the deficit.
on Aug 11, 2005
No Zoomda YOU HAVE POVEN NOTHING. Tell me that wages have increased as much as housing, oil and healthcare. If you say that you are full of BS! The national news hase been reporting the impact on increased housing, oil and health costs on middle and low income Americans. Even Bush acknowledged the negative impact of higher oil and health costs! ARE YOU SAYING THAT BUSH IS INCORRECT?
on Aug 11, 2005
I go back to the defecit because Bush has NO PLAN TO FIX THE PROBLEN. IT JUST GETS WORSE and we will ALL PAY! His plan is like slowing the spread of cancer. It will still KILL YOU but it will take a bit longer!
on Aug 11, 2005
It was just shown to you that it isn't getting worse.

Commerce Department reported Thursday that total retail sales rose by 1.8 percent, the best showing in three months, but almost all of that strength came from auto sales, which soared by 6.7 percent

Excluding autos, retail sales were up a smaller 0.3 percent in July, which was just half the gain that economists had been expecting. Still analysts are forecasting a rebound in overall demand in coming months with consumer spending expected to remain strong, reflecting solid gains in employment.

In another report, the Labor Department said the number of Americans filing claims for unemployment benefits declined last week by 6,000, the first drop in three weeks. The decrease left total claims at 308,000, a level that signals continued strength in the labor market.
on Aug 11, 2005
OK, lets look at two of the items you talked about as increasing costs to the average american, Oil and Healthcare

1. Oil prices are not determined domestically. We buy our oil from overseas and they get to set the price. Sorry, but there's not a whole heck of a lot we can actually do about this one.

2. Health care costs are skyrocketing due to the ever increasing number of lawsuits filed against doctors and hospitals, in addition to the abuse of the HMO system. As it stands for most people, they have an unlimited number of doc visits per year where they pay a very low copay per visit. This means people are going to the doctor when their nose itches or when their joints ache a bit. Your paycheck contribution and your employer contribution to your healthplan is based on an estimate of the average number of times a person will need medical attention in a year. I mean actually NEED. There are enough people out there who go at the drop of a hat, that exceed what they are actually paying for in a year in insurance contributions and all that expense gets passed on to the insurance companies who then have to hike rates the next year. Many companies are going to the Health Savings and Health Reimbursement Accounts so you essentially have a balance for a year and when you run out of that pool of money you then have to pay a larger % of a visit or procedure. This is to encourage people to only go when they NEED to, not whenever they get a runny nose.

So oil is outside the control of the US for the most part. Health care costs are actually due to poor consumer behavior and the companies themselves are moving to fix the problem, there's not much the government can do to reduce the costs since as it stands right now, health insurance companies on a per case basis are operating so close to cost that there's no room to lower things without driving them out of business.

Housing goes in natural cycles, driven up by CONSUMER DEMAND. After a point they fall back down again.

Since markets go in cycles, you can't have wages increase to meet the upswing unless you're willing to see them decreased in the downswing. No one wants to see their paycheck reduced simply because the economy is doing well.

I'm a middle income American and I'm doing just peachy. In fact all of my friends who are just now out of college are middle income Americans and we're all doing just fine. I don't know a single true middle income American that is doing poorly because of the economy right now. Those that are doing poorly are the ones that mismanaged their money and are in trouble due to their own behavior.

You really need to get a new mantra, the national debt one is just old and tired and you really look like a crazed fool when you fall back to it in EVERY argument when you fail to make your point. It shows a weak mind.
on Aug 11, 2005
You are the crazey person to believe $500 Billion in interest is rational. At the present time we borrow 1 of every 5 dollars we are spending.

The way we impact energy costs is to reduce demand ( mandated increase in auto milege. If Bush has done that 4 years ago, we would be seeing the results. The $14 Billion cost of the energy bill, much of which goes to oil companies who are making record profits, will be added to the National debt. Every added dollar we spend is added to the debt.

George Bush needs to admit that the basis of its economic and tax policies have not materialized. He may have believed in 2001 that we were going to realize $5.7 trillion surplus when he proposed a massive tax cuts. Problem is there were no surplus and the basis for his tax cuts which was to return the money to the overtaxed Americans was in error. It is time to level with people and admit that was mistaken and we need to do what is necessary now to balance the budget and begin paying down the debt. That will require spending cuts, better enforcement of existing tax laws and increases in tax rates. His solution, even if he is successful, is not a solution. Cut the annual deficit in half does it deal with the problem . No one focuses on the impact of speding a 1/2 trillion dollars a year on interest which buys us nothing. Is not pay one soldier , one prescription drug or help educate a single student. It pays for years when he refused to tax ourselves to the extent that we spent money. It is time for Bush to admit his economic and tax policies simply all are not working.
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