Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on September 3, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

The disaster created by Katrina should be the focal point for President Bush to acknowledge the federal tax revenue is insufficient to meet the overwhelming needs in the United States. The devastation created by this storm will surpass any natural disaster in our history. It has destroyed over 90,000 mi.² and displaced more than 1.5 million Americans.

The resources that will be necessary to rebuild this region as well as the ongoing needs of the 1.5 million people who have no jobs, no homes or anything else, will require a major commitment of resources that do not exist within the Federal Budget. We can not just hand out money that does not exist!

Prior to this disaster, the United States was running an unacceptable deficit and the aftermath of Katrina should make it clear that now is the time to change they way we are managing the financial affairs of the United States. The magnitude of this disaster together with the existing deficit mandate that the federal government increase the revenue to meet those needs. George W. Bush needs to take a lesson from his father who raised taxes and from Ronald Reagan who raised taxes when the need was clear. There are NO cuts that can pay for this huge undertaking.

In the past, when we have had major disasters and wars, the country increased taxes to pay for those needs. We must restore this region and the port facilities which will require not only rebuilding homes but the entire infrastructure in this area of the United States. If George W. Bush will not admit his fiscal plan for this country is not working, it is time for the Congress of the United States to act. They need to make it clear to Bush that if he will not be part of the solution Congress will pass the needed legislation over his objection. NO MORE EXCUSES- We MUST provide the needed funding to pay for the restoration of this region and pay for our other needs without borrowing any more money!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 03, 2005
Hey, better yet, you could crack a gradeschool civics book, READ it, and address your complaint to Congress. You know, the people who legislate our taxes.

Hey, how about next article bitch about the menu at McDonald's and demand Bush change it. Oh, and have him come and mow my yard.
on Sep 03, 2005
Actually, we have posted over and over stuff that backs our contentions. The fact that you either refuse to believe it, or more likely, refuse to read it, is not any fault of the Col's or me or any other liberally thinking, or fiscally conservative thinking person here. What I'm really get sick of is your constant bullshit over proof, wherein you cannot provide anything except crap from newsmax or xxxxx.gov. Damn, it's so hard to tolerate stupid people........

Dabe, neither you or col have proved any of your conspiracy bs against Bush. I have started several posts asking for documents proof. Nobody has ever provided it. I see you can't keep your profanity controlled.

Col, I asked who you were to dictate what other people should pay in taxes. Are you giving up the majority of your income col?
on Sep 03, 2005
Treasury Secretary John Snow said he had discussed the disaster with Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

He said both men felt it would not have a significant long-term effect on the US economy, although growth would be slowed for a short period.

on Sep 04, 2005
No one comments of the fact that the Bush Tax cuts were to return the "Projected Surplus". Since there is no "Surplus", why have the tax cuts not been reversed? No one comments on the fact Bush was told by the two top money managers in this country, NOT TO RETURN TO ANNUAL BUDGET DEFICITS and TO TIE THE TAX CUTS TO THE SURPLUS!

Sec Snow can tell the 1.5 Million people that have no job, home or anything else that. The increase in the energy prices could have a MAJOIR and LONG term impact EVERY PERSON IN THIS COUNTRY and on our economy.

I have posted the sources of all my statements about the impact of the Bush policies. In addition, what more proof do you need then to see the increase in Energy Costs? The increase in the National Debt? The increase in the trade deficit? I posted the Vanguard economic revier that documented that the poverty Index has increased EVERY YEAR for the past FOUR YEARS. What more proof do you need then to look as the PISS POOR RESPONSE of Bush to Katrina? What more proof do you need as to the failure of the Iraq War? More Dead? More injuries? More Billions of your tax dollars going down that RAT HOLE? What more then the 3 milion people that came across our border last year to see we are not controlling the security of our country? PROOF? You wouild not know proof if it hit you in the head! Bush is a failure as President just as he was in almost EVERY other phase of his life. From his drug and booz use, his academic achievements, his business ventures and his service ( if you call it that) in the military. He has been a consistant FAILURE and his handling of Katrina is just another example of his inability to perform as President! Just like the bumper sticker I saw said: " On January 20, 2009 we will fix an ERROR.
on Sep 04, 2005
Sec Snow can tell the 1.5 Million people that have no job, home or anything else that. The increase in the energy prices could have a MAJOIR and LONG term impact EVERY PERSON IN THIS COUNTRY and on our economy.

Oh, so now you don't agree with him.

I have posted the sources of all my statements about the impact of the Bush policies. In addition, what more proof do you need then to see the increase in Energy Costs? The increase in the National Debt? The increase in the trade deficit? I posted the Vanguard economic revier that documented that the poverty Index has increased EVERY YEAR for the past FOUR YEARS. What more proof do you need then to look as the PISS POOR RESPONSE of Bush to Katrina? What more proof do you need as to the failure of the Iraq War? More Dead? More injuries? More Billions of your tax dollars going down that RAT HOLE? What more then the 3 milion people that came across our border last year to see we are not controlling the security of our country? PROOF? You wouild not know proof if it hit you in the head! Bush is a failure as President just as he was in almost EVERY other phase of his life. From his drug and booz use, his academic achievements, his business ventures and his service ( if you call it that) in the military. He has been a consistant FAILURE and his handling of Katrina is just another example of his inability to perform as President! Just like the bumper sticker I saw said: " On January 20, 2009 we will fix an ERROR.

Another useless hate filled rant. Did you use all the talking points from the DNC this morning?
on Sep 04, 2005
Snow is a Bush ass kisser. We had a Sec Of the Treas that knew what needed to be done. Bush did not listed to him and got rid of him.

You have not refuted ONE point I have made. Your comment, "Another useless filled rant" is itself USELESS!!!!!!!!! Bush and his policies have FAILED this country from Jan 20 2001 to Sept 4 2005!
on Sep 04, 2005
You have not refuted ONE point I have made. Your comment, "Another useless filled rant" is itself USELESS!!!!!!!!! Bush and his policies have FAILED this country from Jan 20 2001 to Sept 4 2005!

Col I have refuted your opinions for months. We have constantly showed the good things about the economy that you ignore and refuse to post in.
on Sep 04, 2005
Since there is no "Surplus", why have the tax cuts not been reversed?

Not only that, they are working to make them permanent, sans sunset dates. That's obcene.
on Sep 04, 2005
When discussing how marvelous the economy is doing for america, ask those for whom it's not, as that is really the indicator of a good economy. If the rich are getting richer that does not make for a good economy. Societal issues must be measured by those at the lower ends of the scale, those for whom an improvement would or would not benefit.

Today, in the Newsday Link , is a report that discusses there is really no recovery for lower paid workers.

ALBANY, N.Y. -- Wages for lower-paid workers stagnated in recent years even as New York's economy grew modestly, according to a report from a labor-backed group.

The Fiscal Policy institute reported that while output per worker in New York increased by 6 percent from 2001 to 2004, average wages increased by 1.8 percent. Gains from that increased productivity went into profits and to higher-wage earners, while real wages for lower-paying workers have stayed the same since 2001, according to the report.

And more:

The institute's findings dovetail into what other economic researchers have been reporting for years. Kent Gardner of the Center for Governmental Research, which was not involved in the report, said New York is bedeviled by the same economic phenomena affecting the whole country, namely the movement of labor to other areas of the globe.

"You have a lot more workers with the same amount of capital, so corporate profits are up and wages are down. It's a very, very scary story for the state of New York," Gardner said.

It's hard to tell average americans, those not at the top of the economic ladder, that the economy is good, when they are struggling from paycheck to paycheck. The fact that CEO's make more money and the disparity between them and their workers grows is indicative of one thing: greedy CEO's.
on Sep 04, 2005
The funniest part is if Bush did find some way to raise taxes, these same yutzes would be back here in tri-cornered hats screaming "No taxation without representation!!"

Am I the only one seeing this? Why not blame the Supreme Court for not raising taxes? People ignorantly call them "Bush's tax cuts", but Bush didn't make up the majority of the votes in the Congress.
on Sep 04, 2005
Bush proposed the tax cuts. Bush and his supporters in Congress passed them and they were passed because Congress accepted the Bush claim we had a surplus. Since there is NO SURPLUS, it is time to reverse the tax cuts that were passed on another Bush LIE! We gave away a Surplus that did not exist. We went to war aginst a threat that did not exist. We ignore a trade policy that gets worse every day. We ignore the 3 million people that illegally came into our country last year. We need to impeach Bush NOW!!!!!
on Sep 04, 2005
COL, here is a pretty good article at the WashingtonPost Link about the tax cut discussions in Congress. I think it's very telling about the arguments and who the pricks are who support the tax cuts, which would go to the wealthiest of our society. These guys are sick, and need to be impeached, and in my opinion, convicted. They are wrecking this country.

An excerpt:

Marshall Wittmann, a former Republican political strategist now with the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, said the GOP agenda looks like "political suicide."

"The entire fiscal landscape has been transformed in the last week," Wittmann said. "The entire Republican agenda of tax cuts, Social Security reform and big spending on pet Republican projects is over. Events do eventually have an impact on Capitol Hill."

these dolts are going down.........
on Sep 05, 2005
I hope that is the result. Look at my Blog today
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