Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on November 28, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

Today Rush Limbaugh went on a diatribe about how humane treatment of prisoners and our actions in Iraq have no impact on the way the radical Muslims look at the United States. He is correct. It is not the radical Muslim terrorists but how our actions will impact the majority of Muslims.

When stories of mistreatment of prisoners or the continued occupation of Iraq hit the news, radical Muslims use that to recruit more Muslims to join their cause. That is something that Rush Limbaugh and people like him ignore. There are 1.2 billion Muslims in this world and the very last thing the United States needs is to add more terrorists that are willing to conduct another 9/11 or worse. We have handed the radical Muslims a perfect recruiting tool by our invasion of Iraq and by the stories of prisoner mistreatment.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 28, 2005
Col. Tukhachevsky, the so-called abuse of Mohammedan prisoners only causes them to engage in more overt activities against the United States. The entire religion, and nearly all the so-called moderates covertly operate against the West every moment of their lives. That's why in the unfortunate event of Musulmen successfully pulling off a terrorist attack against us, I hope that the Arab street jumps for joy and cheers...and it is all caught on camera. It makes it harder for those of us here in the West to deny that Islam is a religion of peace that we (or anyone else for that matter) can co-exist with, or that there is a such thing as "moderate Islam." This shit has been going on since the early 7th Century, and it's about goddamn time we stop them for good.
on Nov 28, 2005
Odd, they didn't seem to have much trouble recruiting for the 8 years clinton was in office. I don't think the 19 on 9/11 were trainees...
on Nov 28, 2005
Odd, they didn't seem to have much trouble recruiting for the 8 years clinton was in office. I don't think the 19 on 9/11 were trainees...

Good point. Mohammedan anti-westernism didn't begin with the 2000 election or the occcupation of Iraq, Palestine, troops in Saudi Arabia, or any other purported grievance. It began back with Mohammed himself, and was seen in Spain, France, SE Europe, the shores of Tripoli, India, and countless other locales. While the previous issues may exacerbate the problem, the underlying problem is still islam. Any increase in the efficiency and capabilities of Moslem terrorist can more correctly be attributed to the rapid worldwide transportation and better technology, and our willingness to allow the enemy to live among us. Liberalism has crippled our ability to deal with the enemy.
on Nov 28, 2005
Well how would you like to be fighting 1.2 Billion Moslems? We seem to have are hands full with thousands.
on Nov 28, 2005
Well how would you like to be fighting 1.2 Billion Moslems? We seem to have are hands full with thousands.

We ARE fighting 1.2 billion Moslems. Far too many of us here in the West don't recognize that. We've been fighting the Moslems for 1400 years. The Moslems don't forget that. They never have, and they never will.

We don't have a choice, Colonel.
on Nov 28, 2005
Islam has ruined the people of the mideast. It has arrested their development and kept them locked forever, culturally and socially, in the 1200s at the latest. They're like the Amish on crack.
Except when it comes to using modern weaponry to kill people who disagree with them, of course. Then, for some odd reason, they'll very willingly use high-tech means to achieve that end.
The Islamic faith is literally the mirror image of Christianity; where we are taught to love and forgive our enemies, they hate and hate and hate some more; they hold stewing grudges for centuries-old slights and conflicts and rage at the injustice of their situation. Well, maybe if they'd shed this slimy, unpleasant skin they call their faith, they'd come into the 21st century with the rest of us and their situation would improve somewhat.
Also, it's hard to move forward when you have to literally shut everything down three times a day so your workers can pray.
Part of their probem is that so few of their "clerics" actually seem to have the spirituality of their charges at heart. Rather, their agendas often seem to be more political than anything else.

Their main problem, though, is that they worship a nonexistant god and are thusly led by false prophets.
on Nov 28, 2005
Not even close. Many Moslems may have some distrust or even dislike for the U S but the majority are not actively fighting us the way the people that attacked us on 9/11. We must make sure that the majority are not recruited by the radicals or we will need a draft and then some! Limbaugh only addresses the small number (in relation to 1.2 Billion) that are radical.
on Nov 28, 2005
Limbaugh only addresses the small number (in relation to 1.2 Billion) that are radical.

This statement I agree with, but.....where are the other billion or so? The ones who don't like the radicals and the image of the religion that they project?
Why aren't the military recruiting offices having to beat them off with sticks? Why isn't there a volunteer "Muslim Brigade" of soldiers ready to go and fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, to do battle with these mutants of the faith who degrade it so with their unreasoning violence and hate?

Could it be because they all (or at least many) secretly approve of it, like people who eat meat but could never bring themselves to butcher a cow, chicken or pig themselves, are grateful for slaughterhouse workers?
on Nov 28, 2005
Not even close. Many Moslems may have some distrust or even dislike for the U S but the majority are not actively fighting us the way the people that attacked us on 9/11. We must make sure that the majority are not recruited by the radicals or we will need a draft and then some! Limbaugh only addresses the small number (in relation to 1.2 Billion) that are radical.

Since you're still using terms like "radical moslem" I take it you still hold dear the myth of the "moderate moslem." The war exists in every facet of our lives--militarily, politically, culturally, demographically, and theologically, for this is exactly how war is being waged by them, against us. The "moderate moslem" is sadly more dangerous to our well being than cells of terrorists (provided they aren't employing NBC weapons). And the "new-left" or "cultural marxist" ideologies that infect our modern societies (and which you apparently subscribe to) eagerly collaborate with our enemies. We need a figurative Security Fence with the Moslems.
on Nov 29, 2005
I'm still not clear whether Good Point is a joke characterisation or real, and to what extent Rightwinger is being tongue in cheek, but trust me - there are moderate Muslims.

I live with them, I hang out with them and never once in 11 months of life in a Muslim country have I been threatened or felt threatened because of my race/nationality/beliefs/whatever. And I'm a white Catholic Aussie living in the same country where terrorists blow up clubs and shit, and the main 'breeding ground' as it were is little more than a hundred ks away.

Sure, Surabaya bus terminals at 2am are pretty intense, but that's more due to the gangs than Islam.

Could it be because they all (or at least many) secretly approve of it, like people who eat meat but could never bring themselves to butcher a cow, chicken or pig themselves, are grateful for slaughterhouse workers?

That's a big call. But everyone secretly approves of things that are totally abhorrent and cannot be voiced in public. That's why we believe so strongly in a thing called 'polite society'. You don't act on those beliefs and you crush those who do wherever possible.

As both Good Point and Rightwinger know, they sold bloody fairy floss (candy floss? haven't got a clue what the american word is, but it's pink and like a cloud) at the explosion site for dead Azahari, with big posters with giant xes over his head.

Banners with the pleasant slogan "satu lagi untuk dibunuh!" (one more to go!) are even now, three weeks on, practically everywhere - the one more is of course Dr Bin Top, the ridiculously named planner behind the first Bali bombing.

Perhaps it's not that moderate (after all, it's the kind of jubilation I read in the Australian newspapers on hearing the news) but it doesn't seem to tie in too closely with your fervent beliefs that Islam is utterly hostile to the west and seeks only to destroy it - 1.3 billion enemies indeed.

Call it cultural relativism if you like, but you're not right just because you hate a major religion and can tie certain dubious acts to certain members of said religion. To draw that out over 1.3 billion, many of whom are children or old men and women, some of whom are absolute saints who work tirelessly for the betterment of humanity, well, I'd call that a little shortsighted at best.

But you are of course entitled to your comfortable illusions. You are Americans after all.
on Nov 29, 2005
I'm still not clear whether Good Point is a joke characterisation or real, and to what extent Rightwinger is being tongue in cheek, but trust me - there are moderate Muslims.

I live with them, I hang out with them and never once in 11 months of life in a Muslim country have I been threatened or felt threatened because of my race/nationality/beliefs/whatever. And I'm a white Catholic Aussie living in the same country where terrorists blow up clubs and shit, and the main 'breeding ground' as it were is little more than a hundred ks away.

Sure, Surabaya bus terminals at 2am are pretty intense, but that's more due to the gangs than Islam.

1400 years of invasions into Christian territory, Hindu Territory, Buddhist territory, Jewish territory, forced dhimmitude, oppression of infidels, and you have the nerve to claim your 11 months of experience washes that all away? Not a word of apology, regret, or embarrassment for the actions of Mohammed or their brethren musulmen over the centuries, yet you say one word about their religion that they don't care for, and they have a shit fit. The Arab street riots in Europe over perceived wrongs. They demand the Danish government stop a newspaper from printing unflattering facts about their brothers. They threaten the lives politicians who speak out against them in Holland, demand that shops in England remove all likenesses of pigs from the wondowfronts, torch cars and buses in France when they believe two of their own were killed running from the cops. A "moderate" in Islam is more extreme than a radical in virtually any other religion. You've got to love the story out of moderate Indonesia where moderate moslems beheaded a couple Christian schoolgirls as they walkd down the road.

And for the record, I'm a naturalized American, originally a born under the British crown in an African colony.
on Nov 29, 2005
Good Point
I think it was the Pope that sent the Christian armies to liberate the Holy Land and KILL Moslems.
on Nov 29, 2005
I think it was the Pope that sent the Christian armies to liberate the Holy Land and KILL Moslems.

You've been well brainwashed by self-loathing attitudes of the academic elite in this country. If anyone ever tells you the purposes of the Crusades were just to kill Moslems, he has had his head stuck up his ass for a long time. The Crusades were about retaking land that was previously part of the Christian Byzantine Empire before fanatical Moslem hordes had invaded and taken it away. Take a look at the history of the Roman and Byzantine Empires.
on Nov 29, 2005
I think it was the Pope that sent the Christian armies to liberate the Holy Land and KILL Moslems.

You've been well brainwashed by self-loathing attitudes of the academic elite in this country. If anyone ever tells you the purposes of the Crusades were just to kill Moslems, he has had his head stuck up his ass for a long time. The Crusades were about retaking land that was previously part of the Christian Byzantine Empire before fanatical Moslem hordes had invaded and taken it away. Take a look at the history of the Roman and Byzantine Empires.

Hey yo-yo....as much as I hate to back up the col, you should go back and read! The key word you're looking for here is "liberate the Holy Land AND KILL Moslems"! You'll notice the first half of his sentence said the "same damn" thing you did.
on Nov 29, 2005
and to what extent Rightwinger is being tongue in cheek, but trust me - there are moderate Muslims.

Good to see ya, cacto. And my tongue is a little bit in my cheek, yes....it has to be anytime I post ColdefectiveGenes threads.
But, I stand by my firm, if un-PC, belief that they worship a false god. Do they think differently of me and those of my faith or another? No. Ask those who tried to stop the Taliban from destroying the 1500 year old statues of Buddha that used to be in Afghanistan. Ask the Christians in...was it Morocco? They were butchered and/or dismembered simply because they weren't Muslims. That happens all the time. Rioting, murdering Islamics killing anyone they don't agreewith, or vice-versa. and You have to admit that Islam has an exceptionally bloody history....even moreso than Christianity in some ways, and, with the Crusades....that's bad.
There are moderates and zealots of any faith or belief system, political, social or religious. It's simply the nature of things. My question is simply.....where are they? Where are these masses of moderate Muslims that live in Michigan, for example? The ones who draped American flags over their shoulders at services on and after 9-11. Where are they? In WW2, for example, Japanese Americans enlisted in droves after Pearl Harbor, even after being tossed into internment camps. This was to show that they didn't support their warmongering cousins back in Japan, and wanted to defend America against them.
Of course, for security reasons, their division was sent to Europe, but they earned more medals for their division alone than all other American divisions combined.
Where are the Muslims who want to defend America and Western Civilization against Islamic hatred and violence.....who want to show that "no, not all of us are like that"?
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