Yesterday George W. Bush, out of his own mouth, documented that he is a Buffoon!
For the very first time he admitted he took this country to war, the most important decision any president can make, based on faulty information. These are the Presidentâ own words, "It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As President I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq."BR>
That would have been an important admission had Bush stopped there. However what followed is hard to believe. His next statement was, "Saddam was a threat and the American people and the world is better off because he is no longer in power."BR>
If the information that said he was a danger was incorrect as the President admitted, how was Saddam a threat? What possible justification for going to war existed with a country that did not have the means to be a threat? There are many tyrants in this world that wish others harm. They are NOT a threat if they do not have the means of being a danger.
Even when Bush admits he was wrong, according to him he was right. How foolish Bush make himself look. This great country deserves a leader that can take responsibility for their mistakes not one that acts like GWB.