Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Today the news documents what may be signs that America is in trouble. Cheney tells us that we need to expand Executive Power and defends the Bush actions of failing to obtain court orders to spy on Americans. Bush claims that his authority as Commander in Chief of our military gives him the power to ignore the law. The AP learned that Tom DeLay received 48 visits to Golf Clubs, 100 flights in corporate jets, 200 stays in world-class hotels and 500 meals at restaurants where dinner for two is about $200 - ALL this paid by corporations that want access and special treatment from our government.

Defenders of the system will claim that has been part of politics in the past which is true. However, the level of the corruption and arrogance for power has NEVER been as great as it appears today. When one group has control with almost absolute power, that power corrupts absolutely.

The Net Budget impact of these $40 Billion dollar spending cuts and the $90 Billion dollar tax cuts is to put this country $50 Billion further into debt. How does that protect benefits for the needy?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 21, 2005
He was NO DANGER to our country

Your opinion only! I happen to think he WAS a danger to the US and I'm not alone in that thinking.
on Dec 21, 2005
If Delay paid the same price as a first class ticket for the flights, he was legal.
hillary C took an Air Force jet to NY to campaign. Cost the government over $200,000 for her flight. (Bill was in DC)
And she had her campaign pay under 3,000 for her and an aide to take this little trip.
Where were you then Gene?
on Dec 22, 2005

How does a country without a military capable of offensive operations and no WMD pose a danger to the most powerful nation on earth? Sounds like you spend too much time in Disneyland.


Lets then look at all the campaign trips Bush and Cheney took and the VERY small part of that total cost was paid by their campaign. The DeLay issue is corporations paying for favors pure and simple. ALL that should END.
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