Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on January 11, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

We hear the argument that the Iraq War is a major effort in our war on terrorism. We are told better to fight in Iraq then New York. Supporters of this war say we have not been attacked since 9/11 as proof we are winning the war on terrorism. This argument is not only incorrect but dangerous. The very fact we are occupying a Moslem country has given our enemies a campaign to recruit more terrorists. Terrorist activities are at an all time high thought out the world. We have scene women become terrorists within the past year. We have scene other Moslem countries that have relations with us come under attack. WE are NOT safer because we invaded Iraq and many intelligence and military leaders have admitted that our very presence in Iraq is adding to the unrest.

Below are some links that attest to the fact that we are NOT safer from terrorists because we have invaded Iraq.





Comments (Page 5)
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on Jan 12, 2006
As I said it is an opinion, a statement, not factual. Remember the key words "I Think". He was not even 100% sure of his own answer. How can you consider that a sure statement. Not to mention that he doesn't think we should withdrawal immediately.

Everyone has the right to an opinion, that has been said time and time again. That does not make it a FACT. God, for a man who was tought to listen and learn you sure are one hard headed person.

What I said about the economy is that GDP and the stock market are UP. However average weekly wage is DOWN. The issues that impact average individuals are WORSE then five years ago. You ignore this data. Please look at the following:

Fine. But what people need to do is look for better jobs. People need to stop acting as if they can't find better jobs, they should also get a better education. The American people have gotten use to depending on the Govt to solve all their problems, what they need to do is try harder. I should know, I'm one of them who hasn't tried hard enough and that is the reason for me being here in Puerto Rico. But that will change in 5 months when I move back and prove to you that I can find a good job, get paid good and live a decent life simply because I am willing to fight for it.
on Jan 12, 2006
Looking and finding a better jobs is the problem. The data I posted is the overall data on job creation, weekly wages being paid etc. These are the things that impact the working Americans. They are ALL negative. At the same time GDP growth has taken place, the average worker is worse off then when Bush took office. HOW DOES THAT SHOW A GOOD ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE? GOOD FOR WHOM?

The statement of the President of Pakistan is an informed opinion from a head of state in a Moslem country in the middle of this conflict. He is an ally of Bush and still he said, "The U.S. lead invasion of Iraq was a mistake that has made the world a more dangerous place"
on Jan 12, 2006
" He is an ally of Bush and still he said, "The U.S. lead invasion of Iraq was a mistake that has made the world a more dangerous place" "

What do you expect in a post 9/11 world?
on Jan 12, 2006
Col Gene

It is very clear that there is nothing anyone on this site can say to convince you, make you understand or at least think twice before replying. It doesn't matter how much fact we throw at you, how many times we repeat these facts or how many times we contradict you, you will still follow thruogh what you believe in, repeating yourself like a broken record and even changing the topic of an article to prove a point.

You're just now getting this?
See, Col. Green sees the world through special glasses that, like the X-Ray Specs in the comic books, allow him to see through troublesome things like logical arguments and facts, no matter how oft-repeated or solid, to his true goal: bashing Bush. That's all that matters to him. He's the true One-Trick Pony.
If he were homeless, he'd be the guy sitting on the steps of some building, screaming his mindless theories and stuff, while jingling the change in the paper cup when you walk past.

Forget reasoning with him. He's nuts.

on Jan 12, 2006
There are some mindless people on this Blog site but I am not one of them.
on Jan 13, 2006
There are some mindless people on this Blog site but I am not one of them.

You are not mindless, human physiology, animal physiology for that matter, requires a mind (brain) to function. What you lack is the ability to use it. Your mind is like a one way street, everything comes out, nothing goes in. Most people here would call you a robot or automated, at least robots can be reprogrammed. I personally find it insulting to compare you to such wonderful technology as robotics.
on Jan 16, 2006

You are such an idiot. It is you and the other that support Bush that do not like it when I state the facts as to what has been taking place over the past five years. You must think things are not going well because every time I give you the facts it is Bush Bashing. That is your term. I state what has taken place and you give it a name.
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