“Taxes are low.” The deficit is high. We must bring our tax revenue equal to the spending we approve. “We are fighting Islamic terrorism instead of running from it (like democrats would do a better job since all they worry about is what the world thinks of us.” We are fighting in a civil war not terrorism in Iraq. We are not putting our military forces where the REAL fight is against the terrorists—Afghanistan. Bush and his policies have FAILED and most Americans want...
I have read letters in my local paper that indicate a few people are grateful for the leadership of President George W. Bush. When I read these letters I am convinced there must be a parallel Universe. The one I live in has shown President Bush as an arrogant and totally destructive leader who has caused more harm to more Americans than any other President in my life time. I look at the Iraq war and how Bush attacked a country that was not in any way responsible for 9/11 and in effect dive...
WHO CARES ABOUT BUSH? Any American that wants the Bush policies to be changed cares that his successor understands we have had enough of the Bush agenda. That is why McCain is not the person that should be elected in November 2008. He, for the most part, will continue most of the Bush Agenda from the campaign statements he has made. Any American that is concerned about our country will also CARE about Bush and what he does so long as he is President. For example, telling lies, ...
Bush said this morning g that America is in danger because the House did not pass the new FISA act. That is a LIE. The provision of the existing law still allows the intelligence community to go to the FISA Court and obtain warrants to allow the surveillance of telecom conversations. Bush made it appear as if the failure to pass the changes he wants, including immunity form legal action to communications companies, was a SECURITY breach. Bush, as usual, is not telling the truth ...
"Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Sunday, February 10, 2008 If you think these opinions are boring you need HELP! I don't think they are boring gene, just borderline psychotic and obsessive. " More Moronic Babblings “ Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Sunday, February 10, 2008 Within the last hour CNN Yawns....watching CNN is your first problem. No bias there at all.” It is not CNN it was the Video Clip of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs before Congress, the Quotation ...
“ Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Sunday, February 10, 2008 Within the last hour CNN Yawns....watching CNN is your first problem. No bias there at all.” It is not CNN it was the Video Clip of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs before Congress, the Quotation of the Army CoS and the statements of General Powell. If you think these opinions are boring you need HELP! That goes without saying. Who cares if was on CBS, CNN, Fox or what ever. It is the SOURCE that is significant AND ...
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Sunday, February 10, 2008 Am I the only one who sees the humor in those? It's like a little kid who screams for attention when people ignore him. I also notice in genes articles he never "cites" his sources. Let me provide a source. Today on Late Edition on CNN Gen Powell was interviewed and asked about the deployment levels in Iraq. As part of that clip, CNN played a video of the testimony of the Chairman of the Joint chiefs before Congress ...
I sight what the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Army Chief of staff said and some how I am blasting McCain. NO I am pointing out the inconsistency between what our top military leaders are saying and the position of Bush which McCain supports and says he will continue. “Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Saturday, February 09, 2008 Gene has switched from bashing Bush to bashing McCain. I wonder which payroll he is on....Obama or Hillarys. I see gene is still try to speak about what "Ame...
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs will report to Congress that we MUST reduce the Army combat tours from 15 to 12 months and provide longer periods between combat tours and his position is in agreement with the Army CoS. This puts our top military leaders at odds with a policy that we continue troop strength in Iraq at anything close to the 130,000 levels Bush and McCain support. In addition it does not appear our NATO allies are willing to increase their troop commitments in Afghanista...
“That's because this bill was meant to stimulate the economy not help the poor. The money was put in the hands of those they believed would best use it to stimulate the economy. Paying bills and putting the money away for a raining day will not stimulate the economy and is what most likely will happen if the money was given to the wrong people. Besides, money will go to more people than you said they would, maybe you should read my article and begin to retract your articles you fool! “ ...
GOP blocks Senate stimulus package The Senate has failed to break a Republican filibuster on an economic stimulus bill that would give $44 billion in rebate checks to the elderly, disabled veterans, the poor and unemployed. The tally was 58-41, two shy of ending debate.. ... The Associated Press and New York Times have more on the political wrangling. One of the no votes was Senator Reid to enable the bill to be voted again. The truth is that had McCain voted YES this package would h...
Bush, McCain and the GOP Ignored our Disabled Vets! This is true no matter who said it!
It took the Democrats in the Senate to help our disabled vets. Bush, McCain and MOST of the GOP Senators ignored the needs of our disabled Vets. When Bush and the GOP members of Congress tell us they are the party of national defense you know they are full of BS. How could any Commander in Chief or Member of Congress who exclude our disabled Vets be supportive of the military?
Now people on JoeUser claim extending unemployment benefits and including rebates to people who make less then $3,000 is PORK. WHAT BS! These are not only the two actions that would be MOST successful in providing a more effective stimulus to the economy but also help those who need help the Most. The illogic that appears on Joe User and is shown by the Conservatives in the Senate is amazing!
Now people on JoeUser claim extending unemployment benefits and including rebates to people who make less then $3,000 is PORK. WHAT BS! These are not only the two actions that would be MOST successful in providing a more effective stimulus to the economy but also help those who need help the Most. The illogic that appears on Joe User and is shown by the Conservatives in the Senate is amazing!