Any American that wants the Bush policies to be changed cares that his successor understands we have had enough of the Bush agenda. That is why McCain is not the person that should be elected in November 2008. He, for the most part, will continue most of the Bush Agenda from the campaign statements he has made.
Any American that is concerned about our country will also CARE about Bush and what he does so long as he is President. For example, telling lies, conducting military operations against Iran or attempting to obligate the next president with ongoing military commitments in Iraq. It is time that Bush is controlled by Congress from doing any more harm to this country.
Any American who care about our future and the damage Bush and his policies will do in the future is also a concerned about the 43rd President. You, your children and most likely your grandchildren will be paying for the Iraq war and the deficit GWB and the GOP has inflicted on this country. If all the harm Bush has done would end on January 20, 2009, it would be a lot easier to forget the worst president this country had ever had in office. His legacy will haunt the next president and this country for a long, long time!!!!!