Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

What the former President needs to be upset about include the following results of his incompetent son’s presidency:

The Iraq War
The Federal deficit
The Trade deficit
Our unprotected borders
Our Energy policy
Lack of Health Care
Failure of the No Child Left behind program
The plight of the poor and middle income Americans

His son has either failed to help solve all the above or has made them worse since he became President. His track record as President is the same as his track record in business and during his life. It is time Bush 41 stop making excuses for his son!

on Feb 11, 2006
Why is he Bush 41? Is there a version number for Bushes or is there some other significance attached to the number?

In any event I'm a little confused why he shouldn't be expected to defend his son. After all, most good fathers dote on their children, regularly excusing flaws as eccentricities and failures as 'learning experiences'. Why must the elder Bush be any different?
on Feb 11, 2006
If George W. Bush is in the learning phase he does not seem to be getting very far. We all tend to down play the things our children do that we may not approve of but for the elder Bush to be upset with the publics evaluation of his son is ridicules. I can recall Barbara Bush's comments when the press asked her about George driving drunk. Her response was, "no big deal” Only because George did not kill someone while driving drunk. He lost is drivers license at least two times for driving drunk.
on Feb 11, 2006
Cactoblasta, George H.W. Bush, or Bush 41, was the 41st president of the United States. His dubya cockroach son is Bush 43, the 43rd president and current White Wash (House) infestation. Hope this helps.
on Feb 11, 2006
You left out a few...

Failure to make necessary reforms to homeland security
Hurricane Katrina
Complete loss of credibility and trust in world affairs
Complete loss of integrity in the executive branch
Political polarization of the nation
Record gas prices (resulting from allowing energy companies to become oligopolies)
on Feb 11, 2006

on Feb 11, 2006
Of course the quality and accuracy of this is what we have come to expect from you, Col. What Bush was angry about was people turning the funeral of King into a political soapbox.

Thanks again for another thoughtful, insightful blog filled with new ideas.
on Feb 12, 2006

No Bush 41 is upset that ANYONE would be critical of little George. He could care less about the King funeral. What Bush 41 needs to do is sit George 43 down and lecture him as to how he is destroying our country. Bush 41 needs to explain how the Voodoo economics being followed is mortgaging the future of this country. How important it is to protect our borders and to show him that his trade policy is a disaster. He needs to remind George W. that you can not solve the lack of money in Social Security for the boomers by diverting trillions from the Social Security Taxes. He needs to tell him adding Part D to Medicare is making the problem worse and that just cutting Medicaid and passing the burden to the states is NO ANSWER. He needs to tell his son that a major problem with our dependence on foreign oil is the LOW gas mileage of the SUV’s and trucks that he refuses to address. If the former president wanted to be helpful he would give his son a lecture and tell him it is wrong to ONLY look out for his base - The Haves and Have-mores! He is President of ALL the people not just his base.
on Feb 12, 2006
No Bush 41 is upset that ANYONE would be critical of little George. He could care less about the King funeral

Oh, so "now" you're a mind reader huh? And a "poor" one at that.

The Haves and Have-mores! He is President of ALL the people not just his base.

Keep typing. Maybe, someday, you'll randomly type something semi-intelligent. You must have a very large brain to hold such a vast amount of sheer ignorance. A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part. You bring to mind a quote from Josh Billing: "Doesn't know much, but leads the league in nostril hair."

I'm busy trying to imagine you with a personality. Maybe you'd be less boring once I got to know you, but I don't want to take that chance. Why don't you close your mouth before someone sticks an apple in it? Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if your brain cells weren't on the Endangered Species list; if you didn't have a face that could scare a hungry wolf off a meat truck. No, come to think of it, you would.

In conclusion, thank you. We were all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
on Feb 12, 2006
No. This is not the first time Bush 41 has expressed his displeasure when anyone criticizes the policies of his son. The funeral is just a convent excuse. If you did not have such a limited capacity you would be able to understand the factual information presented that documented the utter failure of George W, Bush and his policies which he has succeeded in getting passed by Congress and which the vast majority does not support.!
on Feb 12, 2006
No, Bush 41 just needs to sit Bush 43 down and read him a few select quatrains, right Gene? That'll fix things right up.
on Feb 12, 2006
I think it will take a lot more then that. Given the number of things GWB has screwed up he needs a complete reeducation!