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Bush Truth
Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Possible Pandemic as Bush Cuts Funding for Disease Control
Published on February 12, 2006 By
COL Gene
Today there are several reports on the spread of Bird Flu in two areas of the world. The concern for a pandemic is growing and we have no significant amount of vaccine in the United States. Can anyone explain WHY Bush would be proposing to cut this funding given our lack of preparedness for a major epidemic in America?
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on Feb 12, 2006
Once... just once I'd like to see you write something that isn't an assault on Bush... maybe what you did this weekend... a movie you saw recently... something... anything...
Gideon MacLeish
on Feb 12, 2006
Once... just once I'd like to see you write something that isn't an assault on Bush... maybe what you did this weekend... a movie you saw recently... something... anything...
I'd like to see him write a full article rather than a sentence composed of misinformation that comes from Mikey Moore's feeding trough.
But then, as long as I'm wishing, I'd like a Jaguar.
on Feb 12, 2006
Our resident Chicken Little has outdone himself.
I can't wait for Gene to give us the quatrain predicting the bird flu.
on Feb 12, 2006
It sounds like English; it even looks like English, but I can't understand a word you're blabbering. You should offer your posting style to hospital operating theatres as a highly-effective alternative to unconsciousness-inducing medications.
If there's an idea in your head, it's in solitary confinement. Is that a conclusion or simply the place where you got tired of thinking? However, I'll consider letting you have the last word if you guarantee it will be your last. As Robert Wilensky said: "We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
Calling you dull is a gross underestimation of just how tedious you are. You have the personality of a damp sponge and the appeal of a moldy sweat sock. You are the kind of person who, when one first meets you, one doesn't like you. But when one gets to know you better, one hates you. Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if you weren't so dense that light bends around you; if your weren't so fat that when God said "Let there be Light", he told you to move your fat ass out of the way, or if you weren't so ugly that even the tide wouldn't take you out. Nah, of course you would.
In conclusion, thank you. We were all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view. Thank you LW.
on Feb 13, 2006
LOL, best article ever Col. You just have to have your cup of Bush Bashing everyday before you go to sleep.
All I found on this subject was that some people are upset, mostly those who are getting less money. But some actually said it's not a bad thing, here's an example:
At a press conference in Washington on Monday, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt said the budget is "fiscally responsible" and makes some "tough choices."
"The vast majority of reduction in CDC spending is for building projects that have been completed," Pierce said. Several outside groups, however, provided specific criticism for health-related funding that is subject to the proposed cuts.
The American Public Health Association noted that the proposed fiscal 2006 White House budget includes several public health highlights - including a boost in funding for community health centers and flu vaccine.
But ofcourse you only care about what those who complain say, as usual.
COL Gene
on Feb 13, 2006
Read this about the Bush 2007 budget:
Budget Proposals Trim Health Care Spending
by Julie Rovner
Senior citizen Leon Washington
Justin Sullivan
Senior Leon Washington looks at a prescription drug chart during a Medicare enrollment event in Pleasanton, Calif., in December 2005. The budget proposes $35.9 billion in spending reductions for Medicare over the next five years. Getty Images
President Bush's FY2007 budget would not only cut funding for a broad array of health programs, it could also fundamentally change the way the Medicare program for the elderly and disabled is funded.
Funding for so-called "discretionary" health programs would be largely frozen -- as for the $28 billion National Institutes of Health -- or reduced. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, would see a $367 million reduction, to $5.8 billion; funding for the Health Resources and Services Administration would drop $252 million, to $6.3 billion.
Continuing a theme from last year, the budget proposes to terminate several smaller health programs, including one that helps fund training for primary care doctors and other health professionals, and the Health Community Access Program that links community health centers and public hospitals.
On the "entitlement" funding front, the budget proposes an additional $12 billion over five years in spending reductions for the Medicaid health program for the poor, whose funding is shared between the federal government and the states. Most of those reductions would come through cracking down on some state financing techniques that federal officials say allow states to pay less then they should.
But the biggest changes would come to the $350 billion Medicare program. The budget proposes $35.9 billion in spending reductions over the next five years, largely by reducing payments to hospitals, nursing homes, and some other health care providers.
A potentially far-reaching shift would in effect cap the amount of federal tax revenue that flows to Medicare. Currently the program is funded from three separate sources -- payroll taxes, beneficiary premiums, and general tax revenues. If the latter were to grow beyond 45 percent of total Medicare spending, under the proposal, Congress would either have to act to limit spending to that amount, or an across-the-board reduction of 0.1 percent would be applied to all Medicare spending.
COL Gene
on Feb 13, 2006
Did you ever consider the reason there are SO many stories about the adverse results of Bush is because almost everything he does results is making a problem worse or creating a new problem. I do not make up these stories they are ALL over the NEWS!
on Feb 13, 2006
This is classic opposition have-it-both-ways disingenuousness. Bitch loudly about how we're overspending (in general, citing the overall deficit, how we're dumping on our kids, etc.), then bitch at least as loud when spending is cut (specifically, of course, citing only the cuts that hurt your political sacred cows).
It's very similar to Congressional earmarks - once you've been to the trough, it's really tough to walk by without taking a drink.
on Feb 13, 2006
Gene -
How can you expect government to not only be the answer to everything, but also to do it perfectly the first time every time, without paying through the nose for it?
on Feb 13, 2006
Did you ever consider the reason there are SO many stories about the adverse results of Bush is because almost everything he does results is making a problem worse or creating a new problem. I do not make up these stories they are ALL over the NEWS!
If you say so Col, there is no point in arguing because you always ignore everything throw at you. I have to admit you have gotten really good at using Google or Yahoo or what ever search engine you use. You have an uncanny ability to find an article that makes you go " wow, just what I thought, I knew it was true" and then you probably have a beer to celebrate your findings.
COL Gene
on Feb 13, 2006
I do not expect the government to be EVERYTHING. Things like Border security, Homeland and national defense; Energy, etc are essentials for our society. In addition, we have made promises - Social Security, Medicare etc that must be honored. However, what we are doing is adding pork which has never been greater then since the GOP took control. They make the Democrats look like a piker. WE must be willing to PAY for the services we have undertaken even if that means slightly higher taxes. Running a $600 Billion deficit and piling up the debt the way Bush and his conservatives have is WRONG! If the majority are willing to cut even more services fine. However, I do not believe the vast majority are willing to do what would be required to balance the budget with spending cuts alone. WE have allowed it to get to far out of balance and the tax cuts alone WILL NOT close the gap.
COL Gene
on Feb 13, 2006
I dare you to list and support any major issues facing America that Bush has resolved or made significantly better over the past 5 1/2 years.
For Example: Trade The Federal deficit Social Security Medicare Medicaid Border Security Health care Education War on terrorism Political atmosphere Energy Loss of manufacturing and tech jobs
on Feb 13, 2006
I dare you to list and support any major issues facing America that Bush has resolved or made significantly better over the past 5 1/2 years. For Example: Trade The Federal deficit Social Security Medicare Medicaid Border Security Health care Education War on terrorism Political atmosphere Energy Loss of manufacturing and tech jobs
What would be the point. When have you even answered a challenge or a question pointed at you? Why should I do it? And I know you and your little friends who look for these kinds of responses (you know who you are) are going to say "typical rightwing answer to aviod answering because he/she can't". Think what you like but I will not bother with it cause if you don't deem us worthy of answering our questions than I don't deem you worthy of a response to you dare. BTW I'm sure someone will eventually do it, I recomend they do it as a separate article so as to not further add more points to your article than it deserves.
BTW this dare has nothing to do with the article, it doesn't suprise me to see you looking for other subjects to prove you point, you can't even follow your own articles.
Did you even realize that not one of your replies speaks of the article? But what can we expect.
on Feb 13, 2006
here is how it works for gene,
Bush gives money he is fiscally irresponsible and should be impeached!! notice the use of many exclaimation points to add weight to my offering?
Bush does not give money and he is ingoring a POTENTIAL!!!!! PROBLEM!!!! and should be impeached!!!
on Feb 13, 2006
30,000 people die in the US every year from the flu and resulting complications. That's more than AIDS. How many people, worldwide, have died from this "pandemic"? Are you saying, Col, that the government should be giving us free healthcare for the regular flu, too, considering it is thousands of times more apt to kill someone in the US?
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