Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on February 18, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Every time I receive some of the insulting and demeaning comments from bloggers on JoeUser it demonstrates the ignorance of the people posting those comments. This is especially true about the positions I have taken on spending, tax and economic policies being followed by Bush and his GOP supporters in Congress. The reason these bloggers show how stupid they are is because the positions I have taken are in total agreement with the advice Mr. Bush has received on these issues from Paul O'Neil, Alan Greenspan, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and David Walker, the Comptroller General of the U.S. My positions on the tax cuts are supported by studies the Brookings Institute prepared.

Thus when the blockers blast my positions they are blasting the knowledge and experience of the foremost experts in our country. All that does is demonstrate how foolish they are and the ineptness of their comments.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 18, 2006
You're missing the point, Tex - it's our fault that we don't get the message. Classic, arrogant, liberal, thoughtless tactic - they're the clever boots, we're the stupid unwashed, or as Ben loves to say, sheep. Let them pat themselves on the back for their brilliance all they want - I enjoy humor as much as the next guy.
on Feb 18, 2006
Draginol: I truly believe you are overthinking it. I don't think the Col does anything more than

a) See a problem
Blame Bush for it
c) Invent a logical path betwen a and b.

You can see it in his blogs all the time. He'll toss a fit about the deficit and then talk about how we aren't spending enough on another blog. He'll talk about raising taxes and corporate cronyism, and then he'll complain about losing jobs to other countries.

People do it all the time with Hitler. I think the Col did it, too. You take something you don't like, and then twist and stretch until you can make a path between what you are talking about and nazism. Kind of like philosophical 6 degrees of separation.

The Col just does it between whatever problem he finds, and Bush. The shame is, he's smarter than that, and the kind of effort he puts into it could be devoted to REALLY fixing it by pointing all that ire and the people who really make the laws and pass the budget of the US.

I dunno if the Col is acting alone, or if he is part of some group effort to scatter diatribes all over the Internet in some 'Lying for Truth' google-bomb scenario. I hope the latter, because it would seem really sad to think of one person being so futilely obsessed with a lame duck administration.
on Feb 18, 2006
The deficit going from $5.7 Trillion to $8.3 Trillion is the result of the Bush fiscal policy. Not only did about a trillion come from his tax cuts but when spending for defense and 9/11 took off, Bush just ignored it and allowed it to go on the charge card. He did not attempt to solve the imbalance

The % of GDP is not the issue. The interest that must be paid to service the debt will take the funding from the budget needed for defense, education, and all the issues that the baby boomers will bring. The interest we must pay was $230 Billion when Bush took office. It is $380 Billion today heading for $500 Billion per year by 2010. YES THAT IS BAD and is what both O'Neil and Greenspan told Bush should NOT be allowed to happen. What is worse, the Bush fiscal policy never ends this spiral. On top of all that, Bush is trying to make the tax cuts permanent that will add yet another 2 Trillion to the debt which will drive the interest requited to over $600 Billion per year.
on Feb 18, 2006
Ignore, Ignore Ignore
on Feb 18, 2006
Got your A game, today, LW.
on Feb 18, 2006
Ignore, Ignore Ignore

on Feb 18, 2006
gene? do you ever answer a question without the political rhetoric, or throw out a bunch of statistics?

on Feb 18, 2006
All you Bushies can make believe all you want that he is not destroying our country. That will not stop the damage that will impact all of you in the future. Unless you are multi-millionaires, Bush is not your friend. As he said on 20 October 2004, "Some call you the haves and have -mores I call you my base" How true Mr. Bush!
on Feb 19, 2006

The % of GDP is not the issue. The interest that must be paid to service the debt will take the funding from the budget needed for defense, education, and all the issues that the baby boomers will bring. The interest we must pay was $230 Billion when Bush took office. It is $380 Billion today heading for $500 Billion per year by 2010. YES THAT IS BAD and is what both O'Neil and Greenspan told Bush should NOT be allowed to happen. What is worse, the Bush fiscal policy never ends this spiral. On top of all that, Bush is trying to make the tax cuts permanent that will add yet another 2 Trillion to the debt which will drive the interest requited to over $600 Billion per year.

Again, you either don't know or don't care that raw dollars are meaningless in such discussions.

The % of the budget that is used to service the deficit is less today than it was 10 years ago.

I noticed you didn't even address anything I wrote.  Typical.

on Feb 19, 2006
When you deal in raw dollars, you can always claim "a new record", "largest ever", "never before in our history", blah blah, because the raw numbers always grow. Same game they play with "cuts" when all that usually (ever?) happens is a "cut" in the rate of growth. Just rhetorical diarrhea.
on Feb 19, 2006
When you are spending more on interest then on National defense something is VERY wrong. When you go from $230 Billion to $500 billion that is bad. WE propose to spend $70 Billion for prescription drugs and 7 times that amount for interest that buys us NOTHING. WE do not have money to rebuild New Orleans that would cost less then a fraction of ONE YEAR'S INTETREST! It pays for past years when we spent more then we were willing to tax. 40 % of the interest American tax payers pay goes out of the country and is not spent in America.
on Feb 19, 2006
Meh. This may be the most useless compilation of words posted as a blog on this site, col. Congratulations on being able to generate this much response by saying nothing. You now have my support for your Democratic candidacy for presidency in 2008.
on Feb 20, 2006

When you are spending more on interest then on National defense something is VERY wrong. When you go from $230 Billion to $500 billion that is bad. WE propose to spend $70 Billion for prescription drugs and 7 times that amount for interest that buys us NOTHING. WE do not have money to rebuild New Orleans that would cost less then a fraction of ONE YEAR'S INTETREST! It pays for past years when we spent more then we were willing to tax. 40 % of the interest American tax payers pay goes out of the country and is not spent in America.

Why is it my responsibility to pay for New Orleans fix up in the first place?  So that's not a valid argument to many people.

Secondly, I realize big numbers seem scary and frightening but again, as a % of the federal budget, the interest on the debt is about half of what it was 10 years ago.

I don't like deficit spending either, btw.  I just don't get hysterical about it like you do.  When you say things like "We could be spendng even more on New Orleans" I think I'd prefer the interest on the debt.

on Feb 20, 2006
Case in point are the first two comments to this Blog!
How right you are!

If you want people to listen...if you truly believe you hold the key to the truth, you'd be better served by including some personality and diversity to your posts and comments. You're not convincing anyone with your Robo3000 act.
I agree but you could also be as harsh with others, you know.Such as: You're missing the point, Tex - it's our fault that we don't get the message. Classic, arrogant, liberal, thoughtless tactic - they're the clever boots, we're the stupid unwashed, or as Ben loves to say, sheep. Let them pat themselves on the back for their brilliance all they want - I enjoy humor as much as the next guy.
on Feb 20, 2006
I think I'd prefer the interest on the debt.

And why wouldn't you since your ilk makes millions on govt. securities, which is okay but I resent foreign countries making billions on them.
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