Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on February 18, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Every time I receive some of the insulting and demeaning comments from bloggers on JoeUser it demonstrates the ignorance of the people posting those comments. This is especially true about the positions I have taken on spending, tax and economic policies being followed by Bush and his GOP supporters in Congress. The reason these bloggers show how stupid they are is because the positions I have taken are in total agreement with the advice Mr. Bush has received on these issues from Paul O'Neil, Alan Greenspan, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and David Walker, the Comptroller General of the U.S. My positions on the tax cuts are supported by studies the Brookings Institute prepared.

Thus when the blockers blast my positions they are blasting the knowledge and experience of the foremost experts in our country. All that does is demonstrate how foolish they are and the ineptness of their comments.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 20, 2006
*imagine the sound of a phone ringing*

Kettle: Hello?

Pot: His, may I please speak to the kettle?

Kettle: this is the kettle....

Pot: Oh hi, this is the pot, how are you today?

Kettle: Fine, I guess.....what do you want?

Pot: Oh, I just wanted to tell you something.

Kettle: Tell me what?

Pot: My dear kettle, I just wanted to tell you that.....well, you're black. Yes, you. You're b-l-a-c-k. Black. BLACK!

In case you didn't get it Gene, I'll explain. You saying that the rest of us are ignorant is a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Are we clear now?
on Feb 20, 2006
There are two facts you all fail to acknowledge. First, ALL the interest that MUST be paid provides nothing for our country. That is the price for refusing to pay for what we spent in the past! Second, to be spending more on this unless interest then on National Defense is NUTS!

Between 1980 and 2000 the American taxpayers paid $6.5 Trillion in interest on the debt. That money would have SOLVED the Social Security problem and gone a long way to also solving the Medicare funding problem. Since Bush NEVER stops adding to this debt, the interest will go UP every year and be the BIGGEST increase in Federal spending after Bush leaves office. You can ONLY cut that spending by repaying the debt!
on Feb 20, 2006
Between 1980 and 2000 the American taxpayers paid $6.5 Trillion in interest on the debt. That money would have SOLVED the Social Security problem and gone a long way to also solving the Medicare funding problem. Since Bush NEVER stops adding to this debt, the interest will go UP every year and be the BIGGEST increase in Federal spending after Bush leaves office. You can ONLY cut that spending by repaying the debt!

LOL, for once you didn't blame something on Bush. You really are ignorant and stupid Col. Do you realize that you just admitted that the SS problem could have been solved before Bush was President? But that doesn't matter, BECAUSE IT'S BUSH'S FAULT RIGHT? Time and time again Draginol tries to make you understand how it works but you just don't care. Hypocrit.
on Feb 20, 2006

There are two facts you all fail to acknowledge. First, ALL the interest that MUST be paid provides nothing for our country. That is the price for refusing to pay for what we spent in the past! Second, to be spending more on this unless interest then on National Defense is NUTS!

Between 1980 and 2000 the American taxpayers paid $6.5 Trillion in interest on the debt. That money would have SOLVED the Social Security problem and gone a long way to also solving the Medicare funding problem. Since Bush NEVER stops adding to this debt, the interest will go UP every year and be the BIGGEST increase in Federal spending after Bush leaves office. You can ONLY cut that spending by repaying the debt!

"Does nothing for our country".   Are you saying that interest on the debt is paid to space aliens? It's being paid to someone.

Until you stop trying to dramatize your case by using the raw numbers without any sort of perspective it's hard to take you seriously.  We have a $10 TRILLION economy.

If the United States generates $1 of economic activity each year, the US government spends about 20 cents. Of that 20 cents, it gets 19 cents from taxation and borrows the last cent.

I DON'T LIKE borrowing that 1 percent either.  But your solution is to essentially ask me to pay the difference and I'm already paying dozens of times more in taxes than the typical person without getting anything additional back.

If the government showed it was willing to make some tough cuts so that we ALL had to tighten our belts, I could probably be persuaded.  But you would simply have me pay more in taxes so that various unnamed people could suckle more from the government. 

I think it's bad for our society for the government to hand out money to people that they didn't earn.  So I would prefer that the government pay it out in interest than to give it to other people who didn't earn it.

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